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Show 16 Comments


  1. Esther

    I live in Arizona, Dave. It’s going to be difficult.:sad:

  2. Mr. Gloating Republican

    It’ll be especially hard for me to do that unless I can get away from myself.

  3. Gloating is not very attractive. I never gloat.:grin:

  4. Spud

    4 more years
    4 more years
    4 more years
    4 more years
    4 more years
    4 more years
    4 more years
    4 more years

  5. The task will presumably made easier, as the administration will probably start stamping democrats’ foreheads with a red D (reminiscent of the good ol’ days of The Scarlet Letter), to make it easier to distinguish the dissidents.:eek:

  6. Can we just open hunting season on them instead? :java:

  7. p.s. – And how do I avoid the ones I’m related to?

  8. malcolm

    dave: just move to canada. i’m sure there’s someone there who would let you move in for four years 😕

  9. trouble with Canadia is that the Repubickans are known as the Progressive-Conservatives.

    Shades of Brian Malarckey!

  10. not in love

    All people who are not Republicans please report to East or West coast or upper tier of Midwestern States for succeeding from the Union. Negotiations with European nations and Canada are underway. Remember, keep your tax dollars to yourself!

  11. Cherish

    As 51% of the country chants “War More Years!!!” 🙄

    On the one hand, I am glad to be in the minority. On the other hand, I am disappointed to be surrounded by so many who can be bribed easily with a 50 dollar a month tax cut(which they are using to buy Gas, thus lining Dick and Bush’s family’s pockets) and the word “God”, which has no place in the government to begin with, and the phrase “Orange Alert” into voting for a baffoon.

  12. Anna

    people … people … the world will not end while Bush is in office … don’t be silly … although 😕

  13. Lace Valentine

    As we phase into electronic voting, real voting won’t matter anymore. The Republicans won’t need to spend anymore time or money courting the Evangelical vote. Votes will come from thin matrix air!

    The secret government will allow the Democrats to win from time to time, only with stipulations and to keep the illusion of a two party political system. Yes, they play good cop/bad cop with the American people. And we as a nation think we’re taking sides!

    Meanwhile, they’ll keep the economy in a low grade recession to remove power from the middle class as they continue to outsource jobs. CEO’s and the well-to-do think and live globally, while the middle class can’t afford to. The American wealthy will only benefit even more as they outsource and weaken our economy. They have no reason to be loyal to just one nation.

    Corporations also want to create new consumers that basically need to get everything we already have–and so they are looking to China and India, to cater and nurture a middle class there and work toward the time that everyone has two American cars in every home garage.

  14. Choison

    Neener neener neener!:razz:

  15. Merth

    I can’t stand all those religous types. They scare me with their crazy talk, “Do not kill. Do not steal” rubbish! Who are they to impose religion on all of us?

    Why is the word God on our money? Didn’t the framers realize what they were doing was unconstitutional?


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