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Image via Mandy

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Show 32 Comments


  1. courtenay

    This would be the exact reason why I stopped going to family reunions…

  2. Bigwavdave

    Friday night at the frat house :limp:
    Must be up North somewhere – not much tan skin :wtf:
    I’d much rather see a Zillagirl sandwich :wang: :wang:

  3. patrick

    Yep, gotta be a hazing ritual. I’m thinking they are pledging Tappa Kegga Bru! And that soccer ball is fixing to get molested.

  4. “Where is your hand?”
    “Between two pillows.”

    “Those aren’t two pillows!!!!”

  5. Chris S

    Ehm… thanks Dave. Now I am having homocidal tendencies. I’ll never be able to enjoy the “sexy nurse” fantasy ever again either.

    It shouldn’t surprise me that there are gay frats out there. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

    Other than moments like this that is. :wtf:

  6. I see some of the Zillaboys have gotten lonely while waiting for me to whip them into submission. Don’t worry boys, Mistress Darla is here now. 😈

  7. Zilla the Younger

    Scenes from the Directors cut of GUYS GONE WILD

  8. Meh, I would fast forward through that scene. Thank goodness for DVD’s.

  9. StevieC

    🙁 There’s just something wrong with guy on guy on guy action.

    Mandy, we know you’re capable of so much better than this.

  10. MRDOUG

    Dave is scaring me today, it is Ninja Kindergarten day, (hey what day is not?) NOT homo erotic day.

  11. Mandy

    [Comment ID #203569 will be quoted here]

    but i like seeing lots of boys piled up. makes me feel all funny inside. 😈

  12. Drusky

    This is actually Mandy’s used pile… ridden hard and stacked to dry… 😈

  13. [Comment ID #203571 will be quoted here]

    Me too, but mine is more of a projectile vomiting thing.

    My real guess is that when you were through with them you just threw them in a heap

  14. [Comment ID #203572 will be quoted here]

    same thought, you type faster

  15. StevieC

    [Comment ID #203571 will be quoted here]

    As you can see, it has a similar effect on us too. :puke:

    Couldn’t you have tossed them to the curb when you were done or are you recycling them?

  16. scamper95

    And tomarrows post well be a stack of naked zillagirls for the men :wang: :wang: :wang:

  17. Chris S

    [Comment ID #203577 will be quoted here]

    It’s only fair.

    And whats the story behind Ninja Kindergarten Day? Thats not the new Jackie Chan movie is it?

  18. Flash Gordon

    These guys(??) were caught speeding in Australia.
    AnnieB, I surely hope these kinds of high-jinks
    don’t appeal to you, hon. :puke: :puke: 😈 🙄 :wtf:

  19. :twisted:Ladies revenge for all that damn GHB drugging of us! 😈

  20. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #203580 will be quoted here]

    Not in the slightest Flash, not even when I was 15. I’ve always found older men to be more interesting, in every way.

    And … a Zillaguy might pass out but NEVER on top of another guy. :limp:

  21. chainstay

    Publicity still for Brokeback Mountain U!

  22. I like the nurse on top. His heart is in the right place.

    Unfortunately, this is the remains of last night’s after-hours office party / welcome bash for the new girl. And the doors opened 15 minutes ago. And beer isn’t allowed during working hours. And the dress code .. well, that isn’t working for the Tres Amigos, either.

    And the boss just walked in. And she is displeased at the ‘decoration’ for the meeting room for the new client presentation. With the main presenters in the center and on the bottom.

    No, this isn’t the start of a ‘good’ day. In fact, one might be excused for noting that one or more of these guys are about to take it .. in the shorts. 😳

  23. Drusky

    A candid picture of college aged Tom Cruse in the middle of a salami and beefcake sandwich with extra mayo and ‘hold’ the pickle…

    B.T.W. Brad K., The nurse’s heart is the ONLY thing ‘in the right place’… :puke: :limp: :dead:

  24. Driver

    The one on the bottom appears to be completely naked and ASLEEP…I wonder if they will tell him in the
    morning why his bunghole is soooooo sore :wtf:

  25. TimM

    Dag-Nab-It! I told Jon and Rob to erase this dang picture before it gets put on the dang internet!

    What am I doing? I don’t want to post this, I better hit the delete…. OOPS!

  26. nanner


  27. Spud

    This is what happens when you pack the following in an RV:-

    6 – College students
    4 – Cases/slabs of beer
    2 – Quarts of tequila
    2 – Quarts of Bourbon
    0 – Girls

    🙄 :wtf: 😀

  28. From AdAge magazine: Start up agency uses novel means to explain social networking to baffled client.

  29. [Comment ID #203668 will be quoted here]

    He’s not sleeping, that’s his mid coital expression of deliciously painful pleasure… *shudder*

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