More People We Can Safely Dislike, #25

  • Jodi Arias supporters
  • Twilight fans. Fuck all of you. Vampires don’t sparkle.
  • People who change their profile photo to reflect the latest meme, social cause or trend with no clue why other than their friends are all doing it, too.
  • [DISCLAIMER: This one is probably only a Michigan thing] Drivers who get into the Michigan turn lane diagonally, thus taking up both lanes and refuse to pull out into traffic, even after a vicious, sustained honk.
  • Uma Thurman

  • While, not a person, Punxsutawney Phil, who needs to be made into a rug. That useless, pus-bag has never predicted spring correctly. Ever. And don’t correct me in the comments. He sucks. If I could make a movie, it would be called Kill Phil and Uma Thurman would take out Phil and all his kin in a deliberate and most brutal fashion.
  • People who leave their outdoor Christmas decorations up through the spring and summer—and continue to light them up nightly.

FOMO. Get more

FAFO if your FOMO needs to YOLO, ASAP


3 responses to “More People We Can Safely Dislike, #25”

  1. Nicolette Avatar

    I clean houses now & even though Easter has passed, these people have all their Christmas decore still up inside their house! WTF?

  2. Lung the Younger Avatar

    The government should really deploy strike drones for any houshold that still has its decorations up past february.

  3. Davezilla Avatar

    Excellent suggestion, Lung! OPERATION BLOODY VIRGIN MARY

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