Lions. This Year. Nevermind.

Lions. This Year. Nevermind.

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Show 35 Comments


  1. that license plate and that bumpersticker together are pure magic(and pure truth)…sorry all Lions fans, the year that Detroit wins the Superbowl again…will be the same year we see a professional wrestler become President of the United States… ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  2. Spud

    Maybe the Lion’s are this years hard luck team that makes good……… finally…….. maybe ……… oh, nevermind.


  3. And Dave…just wondering…is this just an April Fools joke…maybe Photoshopped…it can’t a real person in Detroit…can it…uh……..nevermind

  4. [Comment ID #39418 will be quoted here]

    Couldn’t have said it better than that…I kneel to your awesome power…Oh mighty Esther…

  5. Ace

    At least Mr. Black Chevrolet Truck is realistic.

    You know, I have a get out of Hell Free card, some guy was handing them out like candy. It doesn’t have the monopoly guy on it or anything fancy like that but it gets the job done. I keep it handy for when the time comes, it’s pinned up on my corkboard. I think anyone who comments here should have one, I know I’ll need it after yesterday’s post. Does that mean I get to wreak havoc on the world? Mwah ha ha ha ha ha! Babies with candy watch out ’cause here I come!

  6. Marcus

    Why would someone waster their money on a liscence plate like that? He’s gotta be a real moron. He should get one that says the Steelers. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Why would I need a Get Out Of Hell Free card? I can come and go as I please. Good idea though I am sure Papa would enjoy the joke. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

  7. Marcus

    waster = waste

  8. Becky

    Who are the lions?……..COWBOYS! woot woot

  9. [Comment ID #39415 will be quoted here]
    Unfortunately, as I am moving this weekend, I had no time to come up with a good April Fools Day prank. That is real. Saw it in the parking lot yesterday. Sorry about the photo quality. My Treo doesn’t have focus or aperture control.

  10. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #39413 will be quoted here]

    ….wins the superbowl AGAIN? Huh, am I missin sumptin? Did I sleepwalk through a year? Or did Detroit Lions used to be Green Bay Packers before they moved?

    At least Detroit has the Tigers this year…..nevermind.

  11. [Comment ID #39461 will be quoted here]
    They won in 1952 against the Browns and no, I am not old enough to remember that.

  12. Spud

    Awesome looking digs dave.


    and um, Green Bay is no longer in Green Bay?

    why don’t I get notes about these things…

  13. Driver


    Sorry Dave , I live in AZ. , Cardinals— enough said.

    Buy the way get out of hell free cards dont work here , you still have to pay for the rental truck .

  14. frisko5

    No Kidding! Nothing like seeing an ocean of losers from your mans 2500.00 season ticket seats. To add insult to injury, crap beer for 8 bucks.

  15. mitch

    The Lions are pitiful. But hope does spring eternal…ahh shit, who am I kidding?I’m drunk again.

  16. Pappy

    Lions hahaha.. I say the Bengals are going to win next year. ๐Ÿ˜› Damn the Steelers!

    And nice house Dave. It’s cute.

  17. |san|ty

    I wonder how many years the poor person has had that plate, we have had the plain blue ones now for like 20 years or something. At least he apparently got meds for his delusional problems at some point, and added the bumper sticker. ๐Ÿ˜†

  18. [Comment ID #39428 will be quoted here]

    As you should, Master Solace. Now be a good peasant, and go get me some Coronas and a chicken chimi, enchilada style. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  19. [Comment ID #39561 will be quoted here]

    Wait a minute…I’m supposed to be the Master here…not fair, but my own fault…….where do you want your order delivered to, my liege…

  20. [Comment ID #39459 will be quoted here]

    Uh…Dave…no sorry…the quality isn’t bad…I just didn’t think that there would be an actual Michigan resident that would’ve put that together on the back of their truck(intentional or not) and live to still be driving the car

    And you are moving…no more undergarments on the welcome mat anymore, huh. And we didn’t even give a picture of the drunken neighbor(being drunk not required)… :sad:… ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  21. [Comment ID #39461 will be quoted here]

    See Dave knew that the Lions are former Superbowl champs…they are like the Chicago Cubs & the World Series…they are both cursed…and few people know the last time they won the championship…only difference is that the Chicago Cubs are cursed and the Detroit Lions just suck…

    Poor Detroit….their football team sucks…their baseball team sucks…at least they still have the Pistons rocking in the NBA lately(and the past few years)…and who can forget hockey…the Detroit Red Wings are my favorite hockey team(even though my favorite player doesn’t play with them anymore), and everyone knows that when it comes to hockey, the Red Wings are the team to beat…they are like the Jordan-era Chicago Bulls…

  22. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #39462 will be quoted here]

    Well… not exactly, Dave. The Loins (my spelling is fine) have never won a Super Bowl. They have never appeared in a Super Bowl. They have been “World Champions” as recently as 1957 and, although I don’t recall that very well — I was born in 1956 — I can honestly say the Loins were the champs during my lifetime.

    I hope my great-grandchildren are able to say the same thing.

  23. [Comment ID #39565 will be quoted here]

    Some consider the whole “World Champions” title to be the same as the Superbowl…it just wasn’t as widely seen…

    So same game…different title…that’s all…so beat me with a sharp stick if you want…

  24. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #39566 will be quoted here]

    By that logic, the Loins have won more Super Bowls than the New England Patriots. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

    The Super Bowl is the benchmark against we measure the abject failure that is the Detroit Lions. Please don’t take that away from this life-long Lions fan. It’s all I have left.

  25. [Comment ID #39570 will be quoted here]

    Okay…you got me…I won’t take it away from you…

    Lions Fans and their sensitivity…but hey at least you aren’t a Colts fan like me…we couldn’t even GET to the Superbowl if we wanted to…we had the best team out there last year…and we choke to the championship stealing…uh…Steelers…

    And don’t get me started on the Steelers…I think they deserved it…but they didn’t need to cheat the Seahawks out of it…I saw two reversed plays that were bogus, if not for being overturned, Seattle would have had enough points to have a Lombardi Trophy…

    There…I think I’ve vented enough on that subject…

  26. My Dear Hubby and I keep Get Out of Hell Free cards on hand.
    They are great, really… we put our email addy on the back, and people don’t lose them.
    Also, you can give one to someone with that “certain look” while you say, “hey, you will be needing this”… great way to gently SLAM someone! ๐Ÿ˜€
    It’s a great mood lifter for someone having a really, really crappy day, too.

  27. Meagan

    Devil: “Whoever made those cards shall burn in Hell!” ๐Ÿ‘ฟ
    Or “Sorry, the only cards we accept in Hell are Visa and Master Card.” ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  28. Paige

    uuuuhhhhh. I have nothing. Liked the get out of hell free cards. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

  29. Anna

    Didn’t know you were talking about football … thought it had something tot do with a kinky safari .

  30. Spud

    I’m a bit slow on the uptake, this was an April fools joke.


  31. anglici

    [Comment ID #39413 will be quoted here]

    I didn’t think Jessie Ventura was running this yr? :wtf:

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