Just a wedding. Nothing to see…

Just a wedding. Nothing to see...

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36 responses to “Just a wedding. Nothing to see…”

  1. Mandy Avatar

    After seeing those floppy :boob: :boob: I will need more bleach for my eyes than Dave will need for his white clothes 😈

  2. Wisco kid Avatar
    Wisco kid

    GAZONGAS!!!!! :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: ah what the hell :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang:

  3. Drusky Avatar

    Don’t you just hate it when the bride’s parents show up late to the wedding…

    Besides, I thought that the Happy Couple’s limo was supposed to be the only thing with huge, dented cans hanging from it… 😈

  4. Lung the Younger Avatar

    ItÒ€ℒs quite a Dickensian photo really. From the smile on his face heÒ€ℒs obviously thinking about the stripper at his stag party (Ghost of Love Life Past), looking at his bride (Ghost of Love Life Present) and with the Ghost of Love Life Future hanging around in the background.

  5. Minnie Avatar

    [Comment ID #68214 will be quoted here]

    LMAO! Good one, Drusky.

  6. Meagan Avatar

    Holy crap, that dude has huge man boobs! :wtf:

  7. Spud Avatar

    Hah, great shot, plus Lung’s comments I thought were very appropriate *applause*

    Drusky gets an honourable mention.


  8. bhamm Avatar

    Bride: “Oh, that’s just Aunt Sophia. She gets a little confused sometimes.”

    Rev.: “Do you take this woman?”
    Groom: “I don’t know… that sexy mama caught my eye.”

    Groom: “Don’t mind her, she’s just jealous that I’m marrying you and not her. I mean, she and I only had a one-night stand. This is love.”

    Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire has been permenently cancelled due to yet another ‘Wardrobe Malfunction’.

  9. junkman Avatar

    well, what with it being meteor day i couldn’t help but notice there are a couple of huge ones hurdling straight towards earth in the background at this wedding.

  10. junkman Avatar

    also, the groom looks like steven harper the prime minister of canada. no wonder he leans to the right.

  11. Patrick Avatar

    Kathy Bates, utilizing the “Method”, prepares for her hot tub scene with Jack Nicholson.
    Re: video- My first birdie was a robin from about 150 yards. I skulled a three wood and one-hopped it right into the bird as he, unfortunately too late, realized the last chapter in his book of life was being written by a Titleist and half-hopped into the air.

  12. Bob Avatar

    Nothing to see? Man did you miss that woman in the back????? She has a really cool ankle bracelet. WOW I wish I had one too.

  13. Merth Avatar


    The horror! the horror…

  14. Zinta Avatar

    Aww.. come on she’s not that bad.. I’d do her… but then.. I have my hand as my only companion. When your 44 and overweight.. it’s not like we have a lot to choose from.

  15. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    I can’t make out the writing… does that say “Goodyear” or “MetLife”? :wtf:

  16. Lace Valentine Avatar
    Lace Valentine

    Hmmm, reminds me of a Goya painting for some reason.

  17. Infernos Avatar

    Happy Place, Happy Place, Happy Place

  18. Coleman Avatar

    Bjorn it says Budwieser

  19. girl Avatar

    oh man. that could very well have been us. that’s incredibly frightening. why is it that women that look like that are always the first to grin and bare it?

  20. mikeme Avatar

    This is what memories are made of! :boob: :boob:

  21. Chicky Avatar

    [Comment ID #68259 will be quoted here]


  22. dougieace Avatar

    got whale milk?

  23. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Y’all give the poor gal a break. She buys her bras at Chattanooga Tent and

    There’s not enough Viagra in the world! πŸ™„ :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :dead:

  24. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    Maybe we should just all count our blessings… at least she’s not wearing a thong.

  25. Nikki Avatar

    Those aren’t breasts, they’re wings. Have you had your Red Bull today?

  26. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #68220 will be quoted here]
    Just imagine… He’s thinking about the stripper and then looks towards the water and , OH MY GOD, There she IS!… And she’s still wearing the same panties from last night, too!


  27. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #68251 will be quoted here]
    That’s NOT an ankle bracelet…

    [Comment ID #68291 will be quoted here]
    That thing around her ankle IS her thong! She just couldn’t see it when she looked down due to her :boob: :boob:’s rainshadow… 😈

  28. Anita Mann-Badley Avatar
    Anita Mann-Badley

    Ok, Brittney, we get it — pregnant women are beautiful. But did you have to bring Kevin to the wedding?

  29. Paige Avatar

    Just think dude-in twenty years, thats probably what your bride will look like :wtf:

  30. Esther Avatar

    [Comment ID #68282 will be quoted here]

    Don’t you mean ‘mammaries’? :wtf:

  31. cronewynd Avatar

    It is unfortunate that our society still upholds youth and firm bodies as the ideal, as more and more of us are getting older, slightly out of shape, and things sag. Sorry guys…
    I think it’s great that she still gets out there and gets a bit of sun.

    This is a lesson for photographers… take a look at the WHOLE scene you are getting when you take a photo!! πŸ™‚

  32. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #68401 will be quoted here]

    That’s all I’m sayin’. Check the scenery before shooting the roll. :wtf:

  33. Meagan Avatar

    I’ll admit that I myself am quite a voluptuous woman and comfortable in my own skin, but there’s no fucking way I’d walk on the beach topless or naked. Even if I do need to work on my tan.

  34. Spud Avatar

    Word up.

  35. NuggetMaven Avatar

    Saggy nekkid titties trumps the tie-wearin’-tai chi (or was it a full body seizure?) doin’-derelict at my wedding in 2005! Outdoor weddings at public venues are so unpredictable!!

    OH MY EYES! MY EYES!!! [Split second looking at the pic again to make sure it wasn’t ME–hey, that wasn’t in Jamaica, now was it? :wtf: ]

  36. Mandy Avatar

    Could be worse. He could have posted this one :puke: