Jelly of the Damned

Jelly of the Damned

These type of ads from the 1950s really disturb the living hell outta me. Her peg-like teeth are ready to devour her mother’s soft, fleshy hands. Much tastier than the jelly, which seems to be made from freshly crushed dog livers. This child is to be feared and burned at the stake. Her head must be removed to prevent her from returning to the living, her mouth stuffed with garlic and a cross.

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  1. You’re just jealous because your mother never gave you enriched bread.

  2. junkman

    mommy…when i have my first period….is that what it will look like…….if i use a slice of bread instead of a feminine hygnene product would this then be a breakfast option for boys who like me?

  3. Patrick

    I think she’s eyeballing the knife- “If you turn your back, if you lose your focus, for even a second I will snatch that shiny silver blade of death and plunge it into your jugular, repeatedly, with much intensity and enthusiasm”.

  4. [quote comment=”626508″]I think she’s eyeballing the knife- “If you turn your back, if you lose your focus, for even a second I will snatch that shiny silver blade of death and plunge it into your jugular, repeatedly, with much intensity and enthusiasm”.[/quote]

    i totally agree with you. “this is what you get mommy, for serving me dog liver jelly.”

  5. Spud

    Some very disturbing concepts came from the 50’s…

    Enriched Bread! Now in CELLOPHANE!

    Smiling evil looking child, daughter of Korky the Clown!

  6. junkman

    looks like it will be washed down with that glass of blood.

  7. Fruf

    If I take the Cellophane wrapper off and put it over mommy’s head then I could mmake as much mommy jam as I wanted

  8. “Mommy, don’t you know zombie kids like brains, not dog liver jelly?!” 👿

    I got enriched white bread when I was little and now I’m evil too. 😈

  9. What the advert isn’t showing is the filterless cigarette that should be stuck between Mommy’s fingers and the fact that she’s giving the kid bread and jam because she’s too blasted on martinis to cook dinner. This is because daddy called to say he’d be working late, probably from a motel room where he’s going to do all the things to his secretary that he wouldn’t dare to do to his frigid spouse within the sanctity of their highschool sweetheart marriage….

    … weren’t the fifties just swell.

  10. DaPopster

    The 50’s weren’t THAT bad, at least you knew where people stood and who the bad guys were, a much simpler time.

  11. [quote comment=”626520″]The 50’s weren’t THAT bad, at least you knew where people stood and who the bad guys were, a much simpler time.[/quote]

    I can’t say that I have happy memories of the 50’s. Actually, I have no memory of them whatsoever since I wasn’t even born yet.

  12. That spread came from the Deli of the Jammed.

  13. Sherri

    She’s not a child from the 50’s, she’s Cindy from the Brady Bunch! Now there’s a group of scary kids!! 👿

  14. Drusky

    Mommy, can I have another of those special sandwiches you make with the speed laced jelly?

  15. Tina Beans

    “First I played with mommy, Now I wanna play with you!”

  16. cbatdux

    Anyone notice the subtle image of the nude woman in the top of the cellphane?

  17. cbatdux

    You KNOW you looked…..

  18. ReV.JellYBaby

    Mummy caught Daddy with that slut at work again, but like she promised her little angel……..

    He will be joining them for breakfast……..

    On toast.

    😉 FreaKy Farewell GanG


    P.S Didn’t they have butter in the 1950’s?

  19. …that’s the same look my sister gives me… 😮

  20. Timm

    Pork & Beans of the damned:

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