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Show 34 Comments


  1. And for those wondering…those many hours come to almost 231,000 years…definitely a Mac problem

  2. Simon7

    Your mac doesn’t want you to install that P.O.S. that is Internet Explorer. It’s doing its job – protecting you from doing the digital equivalent of a condom-less gangbang in a cheap Thai brothel.

  3. [Comment ID #41672 will be quoted here]

    LMAO…that was a great one…never heard of that analogy for Internet Explorer…Big Red across the room again…

  4. Mrs. Hugh Jackman

    In honor of Name Yourself Day I have chosen the above. Hey I can dream, can’t I? 😀

  5. Mrs. Hugh Jackman

    Wow…my avatar didn’t show up. Hmmmm…I wonder if anyone can guess who I am? Dave – no cheating. 😛

  6. Christ, Dave, don’t do that to me! For a second there, I thought the MIcrosoft Zetans had invaded my iMac. :limp:

  7. Spud

    Heh, 231,000 years…

    I’ll get back to you, give me a call when it’s finished loading mate.


  8. [Comment ID #41677 will be quoted here]

    I don’t think I could wait that long…it would take about 231sec(about 4 minutes…for the mathematically impaired :evil:) for me to smash the nice Mac with Fred, my sledgehammer…Fred was burned in the handle BEFORE I bouhgt it…at a yard sale…

  9. Spud

    I can charge by the hour, look, I’ll even send you weekly bills, how’s that?


  10. em

    Weird thing happens when I try to access your blog via the RSS feed – your posts are all replaced by php errors – I have to click on your header link to make it display properly. Dunno if there’s anything you can do about it, but thought you’d want to know!

  11. Alex

    When you get a download message like that you have arrived in hell, period. I think it was for my monochrome clone AT computer I bought in 1988. It had a whopping 30 meg hard drive with a 5.25 floppy.

  12. Da Popster

    Stuffit is right, had me going there for a sec, good one !! :mrgreen:

  13. Today I’m changing my name to: I hiamoe au ma luna o kou ‘uha.

  14. Becky

    Weird……I had a mac……most stable machine I’ve ever had……..sigh

  15. Becky

    My favorite computer message….

  16. Becky

    Shit it didn’t work…..sorry guys :dead:

  17. Anita Mann-Badley

    I waited that long for a Mac in the drive thru the other day — the fries were cold.

  18. [Comment ID #41668 will be quoted here]

    Sorry, but it’s actually a Comcast problem. I just moved and had to use their lame installer app which does nothing.

  19. [Comment ID #41779 will be quoted here]

    Ah Comcast…the other root of all evil…thanks for the clarification Dave

  20. scamper95

    Could you save it and blow it up. they say we be here when it’s finshed.

  21. I’ve always said that Mac’s are overrated and a waste of time and money. Give me an Atari 600 or a TRS-80 Color Computer any day…


  22. [Comment ID #41828 will be quoted here]

    Atari 600…I think I might have one of those that still works in my collection…and just to show you extensive collection…has any of you heard of the Intelevision and the Celecovision(I think that’s how you spell it)?

  23. Marcus

    [Comment ID #41841 will be quoted here]

    My first home computer game was “Pong.” My first home computer was a Commadore VIC 20 (No Harddrive, Practically no Ram, No Floppy Disk Drive and it took me a long time to enter in the code by hand). I used an Apple II at school and Digital at my Dad’s office. I also got training on a Punch Card System. Billy Boy and Stevie took GUI from Xerox, cause Xerox be stupid. Xenix my ass and get those Daemons away from me. 😈

  24. JFLY

    [Comment ID #41777 will be quoted here]

    LMAO Anita

    My latest ISP headache?

    Them: Want to upgrade to a faster speed?
    Me: Sure.
    Them: It’ll take 3 days.
    Me: Sure.
    Them: Just $2 more a month.
    Me: Sure.

    A month later (today they made the upgrade) no service. Why? My/their (a.k.a. AT&T) phonelines can’t handle it.

    Them: Oops! Sorry, we’ll switch you back.
    Me: Gee, thanks.

    What idiots…

  25. Meagan

    Reminds me of how slow my home computer has been working lately. Damn Windows 98! 👿

  26. Meagan

    Also you may now call me Princess Consuelo Bananahammock. 😛

  27. Cynical Villain

    you might as well go buy the damn thing. I did the math that is about 84308617.4 days or about or about 230000 years…give or take a few minutes. I think I rather stick to netscape.

  28. terlmann

    Ahh, the sweet smell of non-savvy pc users..
    [Comment ID #41681 will be quoted here]
    For You- http://www.rssreader.com .
    however I use firefox mostly, so I donno… 😈
    [Comment ID #41953 will be quoted here]
    And for you- A Combo Smasher!!!
    #1 http://www.majorgeeks.com -look for Diskeeper Lite. :kiss:
    #2 Take $30 and BUY Norton SystemWorks “standard ed.” 🙄
    Use them!!! 🙂

  29. |nsan|ty

    You could always let it run…. then leave it as some stipulation in your will, stating that the person who waits the longest, inherits all your worldly possessions. 😀

  30. Timmmy

    Ever hear of Webtv? It’s what I am stuck using. I think you can call it an unpaved section of the information superhighway. I’m guessing the technology to be late 80s. Oh! The Shame, The Shame……

    Timmmy hangs head down in (over-dramatic) self pity.

  31. jeff

    [Comment ID #41841 will be quoted here]

    it’s Leslie – jeff’s wife…
    I’ve heard of both.. in fact, one of my favorites as a kid (don’t remember the name) was Colecovision – had penguins in it and lots of jumping… lol ~sucks to be getting old… ❓

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