How I plan 2 destroy the world


U ar in a lot of troubel with me!!! I have had it for the last time and this is the last straw. My Mom put me in timeout agen! No way.!! So I made use of the time 2 make my Master Plan of Escape and also a Super Wepon of Destructshun. It is a gun that will erase ev eryone’s mouth at ONCE!!! All at the same time 2! YOu are all scrood. Prepare to die,

Billy, Age 7

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Show 63 Comments


  1. mikeB

    Billy too the “smaller bus” to school. He later grew up to be a US Senator.

  2. yankee04

    George Bush prepares to invade Billy and find weapons of mass destruction.

  3. StevieC

    What are we doing tonight Billy? *Narf!*

  4. Bigwavdave

    Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Pinky?

    I might be Brain, but I’m not sure there are any 24 hour bondage/lingerie shops in this neighborhood.

  5. Bigwavdave

    Billy is from Cleveland, right?

  6. beyonduplication

    [Comment ID #191830 will be quoted here]

    What do you mean? I thought this was something HE wrote as a child.

  7. Ken

    Billy should aim his new weapon at politicians

  8. :kiss: MOM: Billy, what are you doing?
    :geek: BILLY: Nothin’.
    :kiss: What are you holding behind you Billy?
    :geek: Nothing.
    :kiss: Billy, let me see your hands.
    :geek: …I ain’t got nothin’.
    :kiss: Put your hands out now, William!
    :geek: …
    :kiss: *evil eye*
    :geek: *puts out hands slowly*
    :kiss: What are you doing with your dad’s mouth erasing laser gun?
    :geek: NOTHING.
    :kiss: Don’t you use that tone of voice with me, young man! Put that thing away where it belongs and get you little butt into that corner mister! I don’t wanna hear a peep out of you until your father gets home!
    :geek: But mo…
    :kiss: Not one word or I’ll use that laser on you!
    :geek: Hmph.
    :kiss: Face the wall!!
    :geek: (under his breath) You will be my first victim! (evil grin)
    …wait…I can’t feel me grin… :wtf: …OMG!! Noooo, she did it again!!!!

  9. StevieC

    [Comment ID #191850 will be quoted here]

    A guy with no mouth would definitely be a handicap for you, wouldn’t it? 😈

  10. I try to be as optimistic as possible about things in life. I would be very much upset and possibly frustrated but then I’d just have to think to myself…
    Hey, 💡 he can’t scream for help… 😈

  11. chainstay

    I think That was a Star Trek episode.

  12. yankee04

    This couldn’t be George Bush? Billy went to NASA, I thought he told me NASA!! LIAR!

  13. thewhiteknight

    [Comment ID #191853 will be quoted here]

    ya…but then you cant hear his screams of pleasure either..and what if his mom just happens to reverse its effects just as your….uh…ya

  14. Hopefully the guy Steve was talking about was not a 7yr old boy on time-out, just a guy in general…
    Beliiiieve me. If mom’s gonna be in the picture at any point while I’m…uh…ya…I won’t be there! ❓ :puke:

  15. StevieC

    [Comment ID #191858 will be quoted here]

    A ‘guy’ with no mouth wouldn’t be able to relieve all of your ‘tension’.

    A ‘boy’ with no mouth? Where can I buy one of those zappers?

  16. [Comment ID #191861 will be quoted here]

    You’re right, but I’m not too worried about that cuz I’d still have my ‘ZillaGuyz to fall back on. 😈
    (one of the many perks of being a ‘ZillaGirl: ‘ZillaGuyz 😛 on demand!)

  17. AnnieB

    Hey guys, get this. I was just at a site that rates blogs and Davezilla is rated G, all ages admitted! They can’t possibly include the comments when doing that!

    Hope little Billy doesn’t wander in … he might be scarred for life! 😈

    Shout out to Beyond … missed ya gurl! :kiss:

  18. Flash Gordon

    A boy with no mouth, a horse with no name. What next,
    Zillagirls with no :boob: :boob: ‘s? :limp: 🙄 :wtf: :dead:

  19. [Comment ID #191873 will be quoted here]

    ZillaGuyz with :boob: :boob: s!
    :limp: 🙄 :wtf: :dead:

  20. Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #191877 will be quoted here]

    Touche’! :wang: :wang: :wtf:

  21. Drusky

    [Comment ID #191867 will be quoted here]

    Why demand when we’re volunteering all on our own?

    Oooh, oooh, pick me!

    AnnieB, the only thing about you that’s rated ‘G’ is your G-string… 😛

    but that’s one of your endearing qualities..(most of the time… :twisted:)

  22. [Comment ID #191850 will be quoted here]
    Excellent use of iconography, Astryd.
    [Comment ID #191871 will be quoted here]
    This site? Rated G? who is responsible for this outrage! I want their heads.

  23. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #191891 will be quoted here]

    Naughty, naughty. You said hurt (2x) and zombie (1x). THAT’S what they based your rating on! It’s a dating site so I can’t imagine anyone actually putting much credence in its ratings. At least I hope not. :wtf:

  24. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #191889 will be quoted here]

    I’m going to think about that one for awhile. What’s this “most of the time”?

  25. AnnieB

    Hey Dave … we need more icons! X rated! So us Zillagirls can properly express ourselves!!!!

    Pppppplllllleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee! 😈

  26. Drusky

    [Comment ID #191895 will be quoted here]
    ‘Most of the time’ means when I’m not on the receiving end (but it’s still all good…) 😆

  27. Margarita Pero

    what is this?? :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp:

  28. Margarita Pero

    what is this?? :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp:

  29. AnnieB

    I didn’t realize you wanted to be received in the end. 😈

  30. “It is a gun that will erase ev eryone’s mouth at ONCE!!!”

    Well, I guess all I can say to that is, “MMMmmmMMM mmnn MMM Hmm mmmmH!”

  31. Driver

    Just let mankind do what he’s doing it will happen soon enough.

    Anyway I hate getting home late all the good stuff is already said, and I love animaniacs and thier friends Narf!

    Astryd I can DO my ABC’s with my toung so would you realy want do take away my mouth?

    [Comment ID #191870 will be quoted here]
    Oh misstress Darla
    Victory-Victor-Driver whatever I’m your’s…and Betty and Bertha,s mmmmmmmmmmmm

    beyonduplication where ya been gal we’v missed that hat and the hottie under it…oh yah and your comments.

    AnnieB what color is your hair, I need a reference point to go with the G-string and fishnet stockings with garter belts.

    Rated G my ass.

  32. Spud

    It’s a truly cunning stunt you’re proposing Billy.

    Can you say cunning stunt seven times really fast to your mummy?

  33. StevieC

    [Comment ID #191891 will be quoted here]

    Okay, let’s see what we can do about this fucking ‘G’ rating.

  34. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #191925 will be quoted here]

    I’m a little concerned that you need reference points but since I’m in a very generous mood this morning … blonde, baby, blonde. Natural.


  35. gabbiegirl

    When did this become the AnnieB chat? It used to be a cool place till it was taken over. :puke:

  36. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #191948 will be quoted here]

    G? Can’t be true.

    I was at St. Pete’s Hospital, using internet in lobby using their access and this site was not allowed due to “bad taste” rating….

  37. StevieC

    [Comment ID #191960 will be quoted here]

    My work here is done. Now, it’s on to the ‘zilla girls 😈

  38. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #191960 will be quoted here]

    That’s more like it!!! :boob: :boob: :thong: :wang: 😛

  39. Drusky

    [Comment ID #191960 will be quoted here]

    More like ‘no taste’… 😈

  40. Drusky

    [Comment ID #191903 will be quoted here]

    They say the end justifies the means…
    Show me your end and I’ll see what it means… 😛

  41. Driver

    The following is a perfect example of what is NOT rated G

    Black fishnets attatched to a red and black silk garter belt framing a beautiful natural blonde muff.
    Now thats a point of reference that makes me HUNGERY 😛

    I’m such a bad boy…Darla you should make me behave
    Darla…ooohh Darla

  42. crash

    can we use that on the president 👿
    who do you think gave that weapon to little billy mom? 😈

  43. crash

    the video of the day welllllllllllll 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 i just can’t stop laughing. Me I would have just kicked his ass!! but that was original or maybe extra crispy 😈

    😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 more tounges for the ZILLAGIRLZ!!!!

  44. :wtf: G-strings, G Ratings, G-spots………well, I will tell you this………..

    G Rating……that is bullshit…..the lowest it should’ve got PG-13……just so we can corrupt more souls……….why stop at the mind, that’s what I always say………

    G-Strings………..Astryd, I’ll give you the email address, you send me some proof……….and I’ll help you reach that “Special Region”…..

    G-Spots………..see above “Special Region” 😈

    As for the take over the world note……I thought maybe this could’ve been an early note from our favorite “off-shoot” ex-president, “Wild Willy” Bill Clinton…….but you’d think that maybe he would want to erase anyone’s mouth……….that is his favorite body part………

  45. [Comment ID #191958 will be quoted here]

    I see everyone else ignored you but I’M back!

    Don’t diss! Watch if you like, we enjoy an audience but if you don’t have the intestinal fortitude to openly participate and join this cyber orgy of ours don’t you try to spoil our fun! FunSucker 👿 !

  46. Driver-How ’bout we get together for a spelling match? 😈
    BTW: I can make a knot out of a cherry stem in 6 seconds and unwrap Starbursts with only my mouth… 😛 :wang:
    AND…I swallow… 😈

    Master Solace-I can reach it all on my own but I do so enjoy other’s quest to find it… 😈

  47. [Comment ID #192111 will be quoted here]

    I’ll whip that G-rating right off this site!

    Now, as for punishment, you bad, bad boy, take off your pants and bend over. I’ll carve a new rating on your ass with my whip.

  48. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #192666 will be quoted here]

    Well put darlin’. I was going to respond to her comment but I couldn’t seem to get my head that far up my ass.

    She really shouldn’t let her mind wander like that – it’s far too small to be let out on its own.

    I really, really wish you would get your PC up and running again so you could be here on weekends!

    I meant to tell you I laughed my ass off at your comeback to Flash! I would have said Zillaguys with no :wang:’s but that was even better !!! 😈

  49. Drusky-“Why demand when we’re volunteering all on our own?”
    I’m ready when you are!! 😈

    Meagan-“Take off your pants and bend over!”
    Chills run through my body and I can cut diamonds with my nipples! I Love it When you Talk Dirty Baby! 😀 😈

    AnnieB-I figured she’d been ignored cuz she wasn’t worth the effort but I couldn’t let her say shit about someone who brings me so much pleasure! 😈

    ” 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 more tongues for the ZILLAGIRLZ!!!!”
    OOOOOOooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh! :wang: 😛

    “My work here is done”
    SteveC, Darla did not give you permission to leave!
    Get your tuch over here so Darla can punish it! And when you’re done there, I’ll give you another licking! 😈

  50. **for those who can’t make it out themselves ‘tuch’ was supposed to be ‘tush’**

  51. Drusky

    [Comment ID #192678 will be quoted here]
    If you can suckstart a Harley, you’re the complete package… 😛

  52. Driver

    Astryd- I cant tie anything with my tounge or unwrap candy with only my mouth but I accept…win or lose I win heh heh heh:wang:.

    P.S. I think the term FunSucker is one of those words with more than one application, for example I’d bet you are a FUNSUCKER [giving or recieving].


    [Comment ID #191958 will be quoted here]

    gabbiegirl-no one has taken over,
    If I’m not mistaken the only one who can take over here is the great and powerfull Davezilla himself.

  53. [Comment ID #192801 will be quoted here]

    Yeah, you like it when I talk dirty, don’t ya bitch? Now get that sweet ass over here!

    [Comment ID #192859 will be quoted here]

    Pants or no pants, you get your ass over here, too! 😈

  54. StevieC

    [Comment ID #193153 will be quoted here]

    Looks like Meagan is starting an ass collection. 😈

  55. Driver

    [Comment ID #193153 will be quoted here]

    Ladys first Astryd or if Mistress Darla is as good with her left as she is with her right and has two whips we could bend over together, but I hope neither of you expect me to keep my hands to myself! 😛

  56. [Comment ID #192678 will be quoted here]

    I……..I………….don’t know what to say….

    You – :thong: + show of :boob: :boob: = 😈 with a :wang:

    Tell me when and where……..

  57. Hey Mr. Zilla, in honor of our Zilla Mistress, I think we need a Cat-o-Ninetales whip as an icon……..just a thought…….and maybe a screw as well…………..just think of the messages in the future………

    😈 😈 😈

  58. Drusky-Would that package be giftwrapped or with a single strategically placed bow? 😳

    Driver-Let’s start with the word: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. 😛

    Master Solace-Right here, Right now… 😈

    Meagan- 😳 (wrong cheeks but they’re still red)

  59. [Comment ID #193236 will be quoted here]

    Well, I already have an extensive :wang: collection, so I figured I’d expand my collection.

    [Comment ID #193241 will be quoted here]

    Double the whips, double the fun!

    [Comment ID #193471 will be quoted here]


    [Comment ID #193517 will be quoted here]

    I have some lotion that can help soothe the redness. I’m sure one of the guys here would gladly help to rub it in.


  60. Drusky

    [Comment ID #193599 will be quoted here]
    I’ll massage it in, alright, BUT it might be better to spank it in… 😛

  61. Driver

    Astryd-I’ll have to practice that one for a while…umm will Mistress Darla punish me each time I misspell it 🙄

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