Get your rocks off

Cumming tonite

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  1. la_winky

    Hmm.. an excellent specimen. Ironic that I’m on the road auditing mining operations. Yikes!

  2. it’s always good to be coming tonite!!! :gay:

    is that really the name of it?

  3. Patrick

    Re: video of the day- Hey, who’s the powder white fag with the prick on his head? Dave, can I borrow some Comet? I need to scower my corneas after that. Thanks a lot!

  4. fruf

    re your video of the day…I am being innundated by severe fagitis…must look at Zilla girls to counreract
    best damn mineral I’ve seen maybe we should put it into our “”one a day’s”

  5. junkman


  6. junkman

    we are all behind you ❗ :wang:

  7. I’d like to send a crate of that mineral to Peter Pan and Tink for a wedding gift!

  8. DaPopster

    What’s wrong wirh Cumming Tonite ……. or anytime for that matter ?? :wtf:

  9. piscesdream

    OMG its a furrie! …. :wtf:

  10. piscesdream

    I went to the UW, that does look like one of their spec boxes.

  11. bpsgirl

    And petrified too! Wow! 😛

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