GAG, Inc.

G.A.G. Inc.

I know when I think sprinklers, I think GAG.

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Show 18 Comments


  1. Lace Valentine

    Nothing like having vomit on your just cut lawn. 😎

  2. Mandy

    Am I the only one that was thinking about choking on pee? Gag? Sprinkler? Please say it’s not just my pervy mind 😳

  3. Actually, Mandy, it’s both our perverted minds, because I was thinking of GAG, as in ‘:wang:’.:kiss:

  4. I couldn’t help but take the photo… I saw the word gag over an erupting shaft… that just screamed Davezilla to me. 😛

  5. Patrick

    My mind must not be in the gutter this early on a Sunday, I just thought the whole thing was a joke!?!

  6. Bella

    umm…gag? tryin to get wat u guys r tlking about, but….

  7. Christall

    GAG Sprinkler —Just makes me wonder what that stands for.

  8. Pappy

    Nah I just think the owner of the company choked on his girlfriend’s edible thong.

  9. Spud

    I just think it’s funny as all get out that someone actually puts a sign like that on a truck.

    Like the warning most new parents get when thinking of name for their children “be aware what the initials stand for people”

    or can be interpreted as at least.

    having said all of the above, I have to confess that when I first saw the pic, I thought of the Mandy and the girls…


  10. Damn, TJ, I thought that was shampoo! No wonder my hair stood on end after I used it! :wtf:

  11. Mandy

    What’s that supposed to mean, Spud? :limp:

  12. Spud

    um, nothing nasty dear Mandy, nothing nasty.

    perhaps I should change feet.


  13. Mandy

    Why do I suddenly feel like the blowjob queen of the intarweb? :wang:

  14. I wonder if that’s one of those law services that mows more than the front lawn? In fact, it sounds like a lawn service name from a porno or something.

  15. Natalie, yes 614 is central Ohio. I took the picture on I-71 South in downtown Columbus.

    The side of the trailer offered not details into what G.A.G. stands for…

  16. Stephanie

    :roll:Their sprinkler icon looks rather phallic. It makes me think of “gag reflex”. :wang:

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