Facebook apps I want to see

  1. Auto Ignore: Getting too many app requests? Not only will this app ignore all requests from your annoying so-called friends, it will simultaneously remove the app from their profile. Fun!
  2. Great FunWall of China: Like FunWall, but with more restrictions. A lot more. It’s really not all that fun, come to think of it. Don’t bother installing it.
  3. iHate: Face it. Your friends have shit taste in music and feel compelled to share it with you. Rating system allows you to mark marginally-talented fucking pathetic bands like Nickelback and Styx as the bottom feeders they truly are.
  4. What Kind of Complete Asshole Are You?: Are you a complete asshole, or merely a fucktard? See how your friends have rated you, rate them, and post it for the entire world to see! Map feature allows you to post your friend’s profile pic over their home address on Google Maps, regardless of their privacy settings!
  5. SuperPerv: Allows Facebook Beacon to publicly display the private purchases your friends make on eBay, Wicked Weasel, GoodVibes or Real Doll.
  6. Nice Guys Finish Lunch: See what your friends had for lunch! Like you care!
  7. SuperSuckr: Sick of joining Facebook apps the first day, only to find out your friends are 10,000,000,000 points ahead of you? Use SuperSuckr to subtract their points and add them to your profile. Illegal in every civilized nation.
  8. Someone is Stalking You!: Three people are stalking you! Find out what they like and wear it in your pictures to drive them insane.
  9. RockBook: Some of us are allergic to cats and hate walking dogs. That’s why we have pet rocks—the silent, loyal companion who never dies and never ruins the furniture. Use RockBook to find other rocks with similar interests. You can even stroke, polish or throw other rocks!
  10. What Facebook apps would you like to see?
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Show 32 Comments


  1. Hehe. My pet rock, Alfred, would like the last one. 😉

  2. :java: I haven’t seen a “steaming cup of STFU” in the free gifts section, but would like to.

  3. Wow, I just realized the Links and Videos haven’t been showing up. Oops. I’ve been posting them. :wtf:

  4. Spud

    Sure you have, I told these changes never work properly, alway with the bugs.

    As for today’s riposte, you are one sick mofo Dave, how do you come up with this stuff all the time, either you’ve got too much time in your hands or a terrific job, or both…

    For me – STFUBooK works – thx Nicolette 😈

  5. Spud

    I just thought of a new thing to add to the next redesign Dave, Spell & Grammar check.

    Don’t mention it.


  6. [quote comment=”222714″]

    Sure you have, I told these changes never work properly, alway with the bugs.

    As for today’s riposte, you are one sick mofo Dave, how do you come up with this stuff all the time, either you’ve got too much time in your hands or a terrific job, or both…

    For me – STFUBooK works – thx Nicolette 😈


    No prob Spud. :kiss:

  7. Drusky

    How about ‘iconseeu’ where you can have the computer digitally erase the clothing off of the person’s picture? It could actually be a double edged sword depending on the picture…
    :wang: or :puke: or :dead:. Roll the dice…

  8. [quote comment=”222715″]

    I just thought of a new thing to add to the next redesign Dave, Spell & Grammar check.

    Don’t mention it.


    What did I misspell now? :wtf:

  9. Natalie

    I don’t have any suggestions, but here are some real Facebook apps that are pretty bad:

    Application: Meal Outlaw
    Description: Meal Outlaw lets you track your meals and see what other people are eating, too.

    Application: Fatty Food
    Description: Turn your friends into big fat fatties! Send Unhealthy Foods to your friends and Buy Healthy Foods for yourself. Try to make all of your friends fatter than you!

    Application: Holiday Vomit
    Description: Holidays are the time for excesses in food, and merriment. Invariably, for many, this leads to throwing up on themselves or others. Get into the Holiday spirit and blow chunks on a few friends! Score points too!!

  10. Re: #3 – For some reason “Meat Puppets” & “Throbbing Gristle” come to mind. :wtf:

    I guess it’s time to build a smoker!

  11. Nicolette

    A poll where the answers actually show up so as I know what I am stuffing the ballot box with!!! 😀

  12. [quote comment=”222724″]

    A poll where the answers actually show up so as I know what I am stuffing the ballot box with!!! 😀

    Missing something in my style sheet, but too busy to fix. Please be patient. 😳

  13. ElRoacho

    Rabbits? what about rabbitts?
    Great pets and good chow when they mis-behave

  14. Whip It: An animated dominatrix will whip your friends when they’ve been bad or ignoring you. 😈

    De-Facebook: Choose your weapon of choice – a permanent marker or can of spray paint – and go about Facebook defacing it. Draw mustaches and penises on your friends pictures!

    Pass the Poupon: Do you have any Grey Poupon? Yes I do! 😛

  15. junkman

    [quote comment=”222723″]

    Re: #3 – For some reason “Meat Puppets” & “Throbbing Gristle” come to mind. :wtf:

    I guess it’s time to build a smoker!


    meat puppets and throbbing gristle always come to mind. i had genesis p orridge for breakfast this morning. it’s always time to build a smoker probably need the 2007-2008 version they debugged the earlier models.

    as for the facebook…..could someone please invent electrocutube……whenever someone sends a video they found funny but you don’t you can return it to them with a high voltage zap to the temple.

  16. [quote comment=”222725″]
    Missing something in my style sheet, but too busy to fix. Please be patient. :oops:[/quote]

    Missing style? Say it ain’t so!

  17. Flash Gordon

    Hey, AnnieB, why don’t you jump in and trash me with your usual
    trenchant wit? :kiss: 🙁 :wang:

  18. Spud

    [quote comment=”222720″]

    [quote comment=”222715″]

    I just thought of a new thing to add to the next redesign Dave, Spell & Grammar check.

    Don’t mention it.


    What did I misspell now? :wtf:[/quote]

    I believe I had my own misspelled mess in mind, however now that you brought it up, if you have made mistakes, do we win a kewpie clown doll for pointing them out?

    [quote]iHate: Face it. Your friends have shit taste in music and feel compelled to share it with you. Rating system allows you to mark marginally-talented fucking pathetic bands like Nickelback and Styx as the bottom feeders they truly are.[/quote]
    Very bloody funny 😈 😆 😀

  19. [quote comment=”222736″]

    Good lord Dave…. .having a rough day? 😕

    So many meetings… so little time…

  20. Lake Effect

    Yaaaaaay!! The Link OTD and Video OTD are back!!! Looks like some catchin’ up to do.
    No sleep tonite!!
    Still having just a little bit of trouble finding the Poll, tho. Even the old ones went bye-bye.

  21. Lake Effect

    Wait…I found it…It’s tabbed at the top of the page, but looks like it might be under construction.

  22. Since I can’t see the poll answers…
    Two cannibals are eating a clown in the jungle. One turns to the other and says, “Does this taste funny to you?”

  23. Fleetwood

    Don’t waste our time Dave…Or the best of us are off to something more interesting….I use to love the site…however it is currently a very large yawn.

  24. Drusky

    [quote comment=”222742″]

    Don’t waste our time Dave…Or the best of us are off to something more interesting….I use to love the site…however it is currently a very large yawn.

    It was nice knowing you, Fleetwood. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out… :wtf:

  25. Fleetwood regurgitated this bullshit: [quote comment=”222742″]

    Don’t waste our time Dave…Or the best of us are off to something more interesting….I use to love the site…however it is currently a very large yawn.


    You think you’re part of “the best of us”? What a joke. All you’ve ever done is stink up the place with your ludicrous, boring comments. If you only knew how many times I came close to telling you off. Man, I wished I had … maybe you would have taken a hike sooner.

    Dave if you’ve managed to get rid of this boorish dickhead I think all the rest of us will be very happy campers. I know I damn sure will be. And yeah, when I read #4, I knew just who I’d send it to. ( Except he’d never be ON my friend list.)

    Fuck Off Fleetwood.

  26. Drusky

    Annie, watching you crucify another well deserving dink kinda turns me on… 😆 😀 😆 :kiss:

  27. Whilst typing with one hand Drusky mananged to peck this out:

    [quote comment=”222746″]

    Annie, watching you crucify another well deserving dink kinda turns me on… 😆 😀 😆 :kiss:


    I know love. They’re flaring tonight, huh? 😛 :kiss:

  28. Drusky

    [quote comment=”222748″]

    Whilst typing with one hand Drusky mananged to peck this out:

    [quote comment=”222746″]

    Annie, watching you crucify another well deserving dink kinda turns me on… 😆 😀 😆 :kiss:


    I know love. They’re flaring tonight, huh? 😛 :kiss:

    Yep. The nostrils are, too… 😀

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