Image via Kirk Stump, “These signs are from a recently closed pharmacy in Des Moines, IA. Just thought you would find them amusing.”
Image via Kirk Stump, “These signs are from a recently closed pharmacy in Des Moines, IA. Just thought you would find them amusing.”
49 responses to “Dick Pharmacy”
:limp: Is this where all the limp ones go to get their Cialis, Viagra, and Enzyte? I’ll be sure to pass along the information. OOPS! The guy who sent the picture said the place was closed. Sorry fellas! :limp: :wtf:
Why is my comment awaiting moderation? When did we start getting monitored around here? Is some guy going to be coming over with an ankle bracelet later today? :wtf:
I guess no one needed a pharmacy for their dick.
BTW: first
[Comment ID #241805 will appear here]
Same thing for me…. and you stole my “First”
whoo hoo! first comment!
now, uh…
“Aren’t they all?”
[Comment ID #241808 will appear here]
Hey, there weren’t any showing until I put my comment in :wtf:
Dick Pharmacy where if we can’t get get it up, it’s free!
[Comment ID #241805 will appear here]
I’ll be over later with some handcuffs – the kind with the fur wrappers. They’re called “cuff muffs” and I know you’ll enjoy them. Might need the pharmacy by the time we’re through. :wang: 😈
(Haha) When I posted, Nicolette’s wasn’t there. That’s why I said “first” which I never do unless I have something else to say.
I thought maybe the “moderation” was because of my d-word.
The owners named it that on purpose,they had to of.
Damn, I could have used a Dick Pharmacy when I got that dose of gonorrhea as result of a wild weekend in Juarez.
Aaaah, the memories, Maria. AAAAAH, THE PAIN WHEN I PEE! 😈
What a perfect logo for a dick pharmacy: a mortar and penis! :wang:
Was that next to the Vagina Market and A-Holes R Us?
Uh…… Dave? Something strange is afoot at the Circle K! Why are we being moderated?? We have always been able to be our dirrrrty, foul mouthed selves before. Are you going soft on us, and if so, can you get to the Dick Pharmacy to fix it?? 😛
So, after you take your sick dick to the dick doctor, you take your dick to the dick pharmacy to pick up your dick drugs? :wtf:
[Comment ID #241805 will appear here]
Hmmm, could it be that our comments are too moderate? Time to turn the naughty dial up to 11.
I find it rather ironic that the pic came from a guy named Stump. If the pharmacy is now closed, would it be considered dickless?
is that a pestle in your pants mor tar you just happy to see me?
[Comment ID #241882 will appear here]
😈 The comments I made were plenty naughty! I thought that was why they were being moderated! :dead:
Maybe the guy who owned the pharmacy died. That’d make him a limp dick… :limp:
Nicolette, maybe it’s saying YOU should be taken in moderation… 😀
Is this where the boss’s of the world go to get their Prozac? 😕
All this talk makes me what a Hot Mexican Hooker!
[Comment ID #241927 will appear here]
Sorry Drusky, if he is dead he would be a stiff Dick
[Comment ID #241817 will appear here]
Wanna come by my place later? 😈
My uncle’s a pharmacist.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep from laughing when I see him now. 😛
[Comment ID #242086 will appear here]
Laughing is okay so long as you don’t point.
[Comment ID #241915 will appear here]
Careful! One of my comments was being moderated a couple weeks ago and I
got a visit from Homeland Insecurity. 😕 😳 ❗ :wtf:
[Comment ID #242017 will appear here]
If you can work me in :wang:
This from the Des Moines Register (paraphrased)
Mr. DICK sold his pharmacy in 1969 to Mr. WANGerin. Closing was not due to a lack of business but rather reimbursements had not been enough to run a profitable business.
Evidently these two dickheads didn’t know dick about running a dick pharmacy.
[Comment ID #242125 will appear here]
I can squeeze you in between a paddling at 8 pm and a whipping at 10 pm. 😈
[Comment ID #241927 will appear here]
[Comment ID #242001 will appear here]
Again, form imitates life. At first it’s stiff and later ends up limp and smelly…
I work with a couple of real dicks, I wish they could be sent to a pharmacy and be cured.
[Comment ID #242210 will appear here]
You know, you guys are kind of turning me off…
[Comment ID #242247 will appear here]
I’ll be glad to try to turn you back on, babe. :kiss: :wang: :thong:
If you go here to get pills for your dick, brace yourself. They hurt like hell going in!
[Comment ID #242247 will appear here]
😀 😆 😀 😆 😀
[Comment ID #242253 will appear here]
If anyone could it’d be you Flash but you’d have to 86 that avatar babe…
[Comment ID #242339 will appear here]
Sorry, Annie. Now I kinda feel bad. Strangely a little proud of myself, but still bad…
A dispenisary?
[Comment ID #242635 will appear here]
You’re a complex guy Drusky …
Try again Flash …
How’s a girl supposed to “function” around here with all these disturbing images floating around in her head?
[Comment ID #242147 will appear here]
Work me in, squeeze me in, it’s sounding better and better :wang: :wang:
I don’t know why everybody thinks this is funny. You’re all a bunch of preverts.
Mr. Richard Pharmacy.
[Comment ID #242657 will appear here]
Ah, but what a difference an eye doth make, eh?
[Comment ID #241867 will appear here]
Maybe someone let the Sultan out of his mom’s basement?
:wang: I could use a Dick Pharmacy
First? Who cares who comes first as long as we all do!!
[Comment ID #241817 will appear here]
Me Too! Me Too!
[Comment ID #241832 will appear here]
I told you! You get what you pay for!
I used to work at the Dick Pharmacy :limp: . It consisted of a dimly lit hallway, one way in one way out, with windows along one side. In each window was a room…a setup…a stage each with it’s own complementing and yielding girl. I don’t thing we have to go into detail… 😛 Next to each window hung a box of wetnaps. The last window was mine…the last resort so–to-speak. sigh Good times…
What can I say?…No more broke dicks :wang: …I’m out of a job… 🙁 😈
[Comment ID #244060 will appear here]
Somewhere over at StevieC’s house, a monitor just exploded… 😀
[Comment ID #244096 will appear here]
The monitor wasn’t the only thing that exploded!