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Show 19 Comments


  1. Esther

    Good God, that’s disturbing.:wtf:

    Of course, now, I’m not sure whether to be repulsed or hungry.

  2. Steppenwolf

    He’s going to eat himself?
    Must be a limber cow. :wtf:

  3. I guess the all-you-can eat lobster was’nt enough.

  4. Is this poster for one of those militant vegetarian ad campaigns? Oh wait I remember, it is a new type of liposuction that will donate all the unclaimed fat to process into Spam. Rather economical I would say.

  5. My inner carnivore is totally turned on.

  6. Cows would live a lot longer if they weren’t made out of steaks and leather.

  7. Ahh, but you see, COWS do live longer! It’s the STEER that goes to the meat-grinder/shoe-factory/bovril-cube!
    Aint nothin’ like suckin’ on a fat ol’ cow’s tits. YUMMY!

  8. simoon

    When I order my steak “still moo-ing” this is exactly what I’m talking about. Yummy!

  9. frisko

    It is a warning about bloodless cow mutilations from aliens.

  10. TinaMarie

    Damn! If I could do that with my ass (which is rather expansive, if I may say so myself) I could save a lot of money on plastic surgery.

    I also might produce some tasty barbeque.

    And then I could invite everyone in the neighborhood over to my house and say “Hey! Come on over and eat me!”

    This has potential. Big potential.

  11. Spud

    I am disturbed by this.

    Very disturbed.

    Blue steak? why not just do as the picture indicates?

    ewwww ewwwww ewwwww

    I want my steak – dead dead dead

    also extremely well done if you please.


  12. jen

    That would be a killer (ar, ar!) tshirt! I’d love one! Even the cow knows he’s tasty!

    Screw those damn vegan hippies!

  13. Lace Valentine

    Weird, the knife isn’t bloody, and no one is wielding it. A self-cutting blade in mid-air. A cow that begs for steak with the expression of a dog, the tongue out in doggie fashion as hunger, not a cow expression, but a puppy-cow expression. A cannibalism of the self. Though dying, the cow lives long enough to anticipate eating its own slaughter, but if it digested the steak, where exactly would the feces come out?

  14. digestion is a non sequitor. it doesn’t matter. he dyes while eating himself. it’s all about the taste, lacy.

  15. passerby

    Guess none of you has ever been at “the restaurant at “The Restaurant at the end of the Universe” run by Mr. Douglas Adams!
    You should look it up.

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