Come again?

Come again?

Image via Andrew

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35 responses to “Come again?”

  1. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    Bjorn Freeh… Man of adventure, always living on the edge.

  2. b-dizzy Avatar

    “Honey, why do you always insist on taking the train everywhere?” :wang: ๐Ÿ˜ณ

  3. laceylegacey Avatar

    I’m surprised there is not a line of men beside that sign.

  4. laceylegacey Avatar

    Someone should get their pistol and put that ” German” guy out of his misery.

  5. Master Solace Avatar
    Master Solace

    [Comment ID #25364 will be quoted here]

    i don’t have to, that’s what i got you for

  6. Master Solace Avatar
    Master Solace

    [Comment ID #25365 will be quoted here]

    and our misery…although, I think the way he took care of the pimped-out car in the last clip was pretty innovative

  7. JFLY Avatar

    I always suspected “Thomas the Tank Engine” was gay!

    And something just occurred to me tonight: Dave is a “Freak Watcher”…and here we all are again…lured in by his humor and put on display like…like…FREAKS!

  8. Steppenwolf Avatar

    The FART (Ferrovie Autolinee Regionali Ticinesi รขโ‚ฌโ€œ Regional Bus and Rail Company of Canton Ticino) provides the urban and suburban bus network of Locarno, Switzerland. Of course they are gas powered.
    Wonder what genious came up with this name? :mrgreen:

  9. Marcus Avatar

    Oh, let’s see. hmmm.. Do I stand close to the platform edge or far away. How do I feel today?

    German :troll: guy. Also, he is a little too slim.

  10. Spud Avatar

    It looks vaguely photo shopped.

    plus that Andrew guy is kinda out there in left field.


  11. gollywog Avatar

    PITTSBURGH – A woman who claimed she was trying to cheat on a drug test was behind a bizarre incident in which a frightened convenience store clerk thought she had microwaved a severed penis, police said.


    The clerk at the store outside Pittsburgh actually microwaved a prosthetic device used to cheat on drug tests, police said Friday.

    The incident unfolded late Thursday afternoon when a man and a woman entered the store and the man asked the clerk, “Can you microwave something for me? It’s a life-or-death situation,” according to an account the woman later gave police.

    The man asked for paper towels, wrapped an object in them, and had the clerk microwave the item for 20 seconds, said McKeesport police Chief Joseph Pero.

    When it was finished, the clerk handed the item back to the man and saw what she thought was a severed penis, Pero said.

    After news reports Friday, a woman called police to say she was with the man in the store and gave her account of what happened, Pero said.

    The woman told police she was applying for a job and was required to take a drug test. She said the man had filled the device with his urine, which she planned to submit for the test, Pero said.

    According to the woman, the couple stopped to warm the device in the microwave so the urine would “pass the body temperature test,” Pero said รขโ‚ฌโ€ that is, be warm enough to not arouse the suspicion of those administering the test.

    Pero said police weren’t sure why the woman was storing the urine in a device mimicking male genitalia.

    The woman wasn’t applying for a job at the convenience store, but Pero said he didn’t know anything else about the job.

    The chief said the woman planned to come to the police station for an interview. Police Friday night said they had no new information and said the chief would have to answer any further questions on Monday.

    Pero wouldn’t release the names of the man or woman. Charges, including harassment and disorderly conduct, were possible, he said.

    The clerk at the Giant Eagle Get Go! is “still visibly shaking,” Pero said.

    Giant Eagle, which owns the convenience store, said the microwave will be discarded.

  12. mitch Avatar

    The ultimate question becomes…if one does FART in Switzerland and there is no one around to smell it does it still stink. These are the kind of questions we answer here at “Metaphysical Inc.”. Please contact us today at 1-888-No Brainers!!! We’ll even answer that damn question about the woodchuck.

  13. photojunkie Avatar

    Are they trying to divert or attract peopl?

  14. Fran Avatar

    That VW in da house video was….quite frankly, a little disturbing. I’m glad I didn’t watch it before bedtime. ๐Ÿ˜•

  15. Duker Avatar

    I have to have that sign for my local strip club!! It’s perfect!

    I wonder if Fargo guy will feed the next pimped out ride into a giant wood chipper?

  16. Duker Avatar

    A girl standing below that sign would be pulling a bigger train than the locomotive :wtf:

  17. laceylegacey Avatar

    [Comment ID #25369 will be quoted here]

    You are right on that one

  18. rust Avatar

    I must have been standing too close to the platform edge last night…

  19. Duker Avatar

    [Comment ID #25414 will be quoted here]
    Don’t do it, Marcus! Keep passing the open windows!

  20. Patrick Avatar

    They say that like it’s a bad thing!
    I’m still trying to figure out what the disadvantages are. Sounds like a win-win to me!

  21. Craig Avatar

    Is it 1st come, 1st served, or is there some kind of sign up sheet?

  22. JFLY Avatar

    Why does everyone assume that a woman wouldn’t jump at the offer to be sucked off? :thong: ๐Ÿ˜•

  23. JFLY Avatar

    Sorry, but soemone has to stick up for us females… ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  24. MandyLocke Avatar

    [Comment ID #25433 will be quoted here]

    Here here! :thong: :thong: (where’s the pussy icon when you need it?)

  25. Steppenwolf Avatar

    Don’t want the women to feel left out so step up to the platform edge. ๐Ÿ˜›

  26. Thor Avatar

    Mandy, I think I love you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. Patrick Avatar

    Ladies, hurry, hurry, hurry! Mustache rides ten cents apiece. And by the way, I”m supplying the dimes!! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  28. Duker Avatar

    [Comment ID #25433 will be quoted here]Your question inspired me with the confidence to go out and offer to suck off the first woman I saw! When I get out of the hospital, you’ll be hearing from my lawyer.

    Don’t feel too bad, if a girl went around making the same offer to guys, she too would end up in the hospital……………….TO GET HER STOMACH PUMPED!!!!

    There is no justice in this cruel,cruel world! ๐Ÿ™

  29. DaPopster Avatar

    Wow, can get sucked off coming AND going …….. ๐Ÿ˜› :wang:

  30. DaPopster Avatar

    Wow, can get sucked off coming AND going …….. ๐Ÿ˜› :wang:

  31. Paige Avatar

    Im confused! If you dont stand next to the edge of the platform, do you just get a hand job????Enquiring minds want to know!!! :wang:

  32. logan Avatar

    sick minded schizer headed freaks ๐Ÿ‘ฟ
    well i dont have mutch room to talk my girlfriend sucked me off the platform this morning for a wake up call

  33. Kim Avatar

    don’t any of you have lives? i guess i must not either if i’m reading your innane posts…

  34. Kinyou Avatar

    Sexually deprived male: Sucked off!? If I get to close to the platform edge. Free head!? SWEET! *steps towards the edge as a train comes by.*

    News the next morning: “This just in – A man who hasn’t been laid for a really long time, just got sucked off at the train station. He is now dead from the intensity of the strong sucking force.”