Captiontime #232

Captiontime #232


28 responses to “Captiontime #232”

  1. Jack Avatar

    Thats the worst case of crabs I have ever seen!

  2. Spud Avatar

    Mummy! mummy, this costume’s to heavy! ……… mummy!

  3. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Laura Gonzalez, winner of the 2008 Little Miss Three-Mile-Island Pageant.

  4. Steve James Avatar
    Steve James

    Winner of the London Tube Station Fancy Dress challenge: King Crustacean (King’s Cross Station)

  5. julesOdeNile Avatar

    don’t leave crabs untreated too long!

  6. Meagan Avatar

    Yet another mean thing to tell a third grader: If you have sex and get crabs, you’ll turn into one. :wtf:

  7. Brad K. Avatar

    Miss Pointer, If the shell is the crab’s house, then why are you mad I went potty?!

  8. patrick Avatar

    “Do’oh, Spongebob, I think Crusty has been putting too much crab in his Crabby Patties”.

    “Yeah, yeah I know it just swallowed a kid. Shut up and help me get that big bastard into this pot. And then go get all the lemons you can find. We are gonna feast tonight”.

  9. StevieC Avatar

    At her age, she’s still just a crab but by the time she hits high school, she’ll be a full blown bitch.

  10. StevieC Avatar

    That crab is wearing the scariest hallowe’en mask that I’ve seen in a long time!

  11. hoatzin Avatar

    Perhaps not comfortable, but suitable attire for any child visiting the Neverland Ranch

  12. junkman Avatar


  13. Monday Avatar

    “Jenny wasn’t in a very giving mood and was being quite shellfish that day”

  14. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    After repeatedly getting caught using boats and makeshift rafts, the Cubanez family decides to test out a slightly different method to sneak into the U.S…

  15. Drusky Avatar

    For years, little Jenny’s shrink tried to get her to come out of her shell…

  16. StevieC Avatar

    sniff yep, they all smell like that.

  17. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #301166 will appear here]

    LOL! Good one, I almost spewed.. 😛

  18. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    I told you to stay out of the dumpster at Red Lobster, Selena! 😕 :wtf: 😳

  19. janeeto Avatar

    Next week, on “Deadliest Catch”: The crew of the Northwestern pull their traps out of the Bering Strait and they all come back empty…except one! Sig Hansen: “Size DOES matter!

  20. Elle Avatar

    The pediatrician described Elena’s condition as a forerunner of severe PMS.

  21. echo Avatar

    I’m surprised no one went “OM NOM NOM NOM” yet

  22. pablo Avatar

    Little Emily wasn’t too worried aboput how crabby she had become. Her concern started when her parents offered to draw her a bath. She knew it was trouble when the tub was full of melted butter.

  23. S Avatar

    Why You Should Where A Condom

  24. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    [Comment ID #302975 will appear here]

    Hear, their, everywear! 😛

  25. Nessa Avatar

    Despite her daughters cries to stop trick or treating for the night, the mother pushes her on, her secret agenda becoming known. MORE CHOCOLATE, I MUST HAVE MORE CHOCOLATE. :wtf:

  26. Faith Avatar

    Can someone please hook me up with the Menedez boys?

  27. tony Avatar

    Well guys, either way you’re screwed!!!

  28. Penguin Pete Avatar

    gag, said Mr. Crab, “The next time I eat human, I’ll shell it first!”