Captiontime #224

Captiontime #224


52 responses to “Captiontime #224”

  1. Penguin Pete Avatar

    Smell a thumb. Guess which hole they stuck it in. Win a prize!

  2. ZenReaper Avatar

    Bachelor party gone wrong? Or right?

  3. Nicolette Avatar

    Is this some kind of new spectator sport, and if it is, where do I get tickets? Do you have to join a league? :wtf: :boobs: :boobs:

  4. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect



  5. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Did somebody just get bushwhacked? 😳

    [Comment ID #238666 will appear here]

  6. StevieC Avatar


  7. Bigwavdave Avatar

    They didn’t have co-ed dorms when I was in college. Born too soon! :wtf:

  8. Meagan Avatar

    Two thumbs up for stamina, two thumbs down for style. 😈

  9. Bjorn Freeh Avatar

    Life is full of interruptions. Thank goodness Cialis works for up to 36 hours.*

    *If you get an erection lasting over 4 hours, don’t call your doctor — call his nursing staff.

  10. Trukindog Avatar

    Tonight on the new reality show Intervension , Bob N Jonny realize the error of their ways and stoped doing it…missionary style. [ this is were an ASS icon would fit nicely ]

    No pressure Dave 😀

  11. Trukindog Avatar

    That would be stopped

  12. Pablo Avatar

    Pay-per-view has really gone downhill

  13. maciej Avatar


    crap, someone call my lawyer

  14. Spud Avatar

    Can you see the red face? 😳

  15. Drusky Avatar

    NASA astronauts celebrate yet another successful re-entry. :wang:

  16. megan Avatar

    guy 1 “do i get to go next?” :wang: :wang:

  17. Bear Avatar

    [Comment ID #238697 will appear here]


  18. AnnieB Avatar

    Apparently this missionary does have his followers …

  19. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #238697 will appear here]

    StevieC I hate to burst your er, balloon but I count 6Guys… 😛

  20. Trukindog Avatar

    6 guys…I hope that rubber is made by Goodyear!

  21. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    Live from New York, it’s SATURDAY F’n NIGHT! The entire crew was subsequently fired except for the girl on the bottom. She received a big raise. :wang:

  22. Lung the Younger Avatar

    It’s an Up-With-People wedding night!

  23. hoatzin Avatar

    Congratulations! For another year, the CBS Evening News anchor job is yours, Ms. Couric!

  24. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #239201 will appear here]

    LOL !!! We see now why they’d Rather have Ms. Couric! 😛

  25. DaPopster Avatar

    Reality TV searches for a new, exciting format and reaches a new low. :limp:

  26. junkman Avatar

    [Comment ID #238666 will appear here] don’t want to make this relationship any more complicated but i think that’s me an my ex “barbara” son. bro?


  27. Cobe Avatar

    Ok, who’s next.

  28. Dragonhose Avatar

    Strap a board to my ass, I’m going in!

  29. Dragonhose Avatar

    Who the hell poured that Bud on my ass?

  30. Dragonhose Avatar

    We all kicked in to get Billy laid , so at least we get to watch!

  31. Drusky Avatar

    AnnieB tries her touch at organizing a ‘TappHerWhere?’ party… 😈

  32. Astryd Avatar

    What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

  33. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #239554 will appear here]

    Mmmm…Ice cream…Let’s talk :wang:

    Well, I think so, but where will we find a latex underware shop at this hour?

  34. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #239554 will appear here]

    Depends on where it was melting

  35. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #239669 will appear here]

    That’s “What would you do TO a Klondike Bar?” 😀

  36. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #239669 will appear here]

    I spotted a typo…did you mean to type “The Depends are where it was melting”?

  37. Marcus Avatar

    Frat party?!? Why wasn’t I invited? :wang: :wang: :wang: 😆

  38. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #239770 will appear here]

    Well, that would definitely explain the lake effect.

  39. Supercharged_goddess Avatar

    [Comment ID #238657 will appear here]

    If I join the league to watch, is it extra to participate? :wang:

  40. Quaz Avatar

    [Comment ID #238767 will appear here]

    No if you have an erection for more than four hours order take out.

  41. Ace Avatar

    Members of a local 4-H club widen their horizons when their TV broke. “You know, this is better than a That ’70s show rerun, Who’da thunk?!” said Hoit McGee, “I’m doing it next week. I’m a little nervous but I know my friends will be there for me making sure I pull through alright.” :geek:

  42. javajunki Avatar

    “we said everyones invited to the RE-ception not the CON-ception “

  43. Cynical Villain Avatar
    Cynical Villain

    Somewhere I see some office pool betting going on.

    Alright place your bets…will Chuck make the spread of 5 minutes with our resident porn star Lotsa Cox. Bets are at 4 to 1…damnit Ray stop trying to give a shotout over there. You know that there will be some side bets goin on too let’s see if he can pull it off. no pun intended

    The crowd goes wild as Chuck makes an impressive start…I can’t even finish it but its crazy. But it does end in a 2nd round knockout and poor Chuck falls flat in the end. 👿

  44. Astryd Avatar

    [Comment ID #239669 will appear here]

    I’m layin on my stomach and it’s meltin on the small of my back. I tried to balance it on a buttcheeck but it kept rolling off. 😈

  45. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #240352 will appear here]

    If your butt cheek isn’t willing to hold your Klondike bar, then it will need to be punished. I’ll be gentle this time and will let you stop counting at 12.

    When you’re done, I’ll lick off the remnants of the offending bar and kiss your rosy cheeks better. Afterwards, we’ll repeat the process until are able to successfully balance your Klondike until it has finished melting. Proper posture would ensure that it melts away from the small of your back and drips gently between the cheeks.

  46. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #240411 will appear here]

    So, now it’s “WHO would you do for a Klondike Bar?” 😀

  47. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #240435 will appear here]

    I think we’ve already answered that question 😈 :wang:

  48. Coley7367 Avatar

    [Comment ID #240435 will appear here]

    or if I’m reading the last line properly perhaps it should be “Who would you do WITH a Klondike Bar” 😛

  49. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [Comment ID #238767 will appear here]

    you, my friend, are wise beyond your years

  50. Dragonhose Avatar

    [Comment ID #239554 will appear here]

    For you I would drag my nuts across a football field of broken glass baby!

  51. Astryd Avatar

    Dragonhose: … :wtf: I’m truly flattered. 😳 Thank you. You may now rise… 😈
    BTW, I believe I’ve discovered the origin of your name 😉

    Steve: Thank you, sir… 😳 and only as long as you’re willing to lick it off. 😀

    Coley: It’s better than flavored lube. 😈

  52. Dragonhose Avatar

    [Comment ID #243564 will appear here]

    Not braggin, but there is more than one reason for the name.