Caption Time #256

Caption Time #256


30 responses to “Caption Time #256”

  1. rust Avatar

    Damn those pot holes! Can someone throw me a lifesaver?

  2. kheas Avatar

    That would be about the only excuse my boss would take for being late for work.
    “sir, the ground swallowed my car”

    “When you said go to hell, I took you seriously and tried to drive there”

    “Dammit, I parked in a flood zone…again!”

    “Does my insurance cover this?”

  3. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    I’ve heard about ‘a flooded engine’ but I’ve never actually seen one.

  4. tinamarie Avatar

    OMG. The chick who gets off on Jurassic Park sex play? “Other situations could include you being the dilophasaurus and spitting in my face and then going for my jugular. Or you could be the ill and moaning triceratops, and I would be Ellie Sadler, digging through your stool to find the source of the ailment.”

    Oh yeah. I get off on the digging through my stool part. Dear God, this woman is truly warped.

  5. Spud Avatar

    “When Good Roads Go Bad”


    As for the link, all I can offer is this… 😯

  6. StevieC Avatar

    mmmm, wet hole. I’d drive that.

  7. Mandy Avatar

    detroit’s roads just get worse and worse. hey dave? where’s our icons????

  8. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”476548″]detroit’s roads just get worse and worse. hey dave? where’s our icons????[/quote]

    Yeah, Dave. We’re definitely going to need the :wang: icon back in order to properly comment on Mandy’s avatars.

  9. Patrick Avatar

    Mandy, we love you just the way you are. Don’t ever change, PLEASE! 😆

  10. AnnieB Avatar

    Huh, didn’t see that one coming…

  11. Bigwavdave Avatar

    We need the video of the T-Rex Sex!!

  12. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet should never hitchhike together.

  13. julesOdeNile Avatar

    i know some communities really try to enforce the swim wear rules so people don’t get carried away (insert Mandy’s avatar here) I’ve seen where some wear full body gear when going for a swim. that said, i have to say taking a dip in your van is taking an issue just way too far, man. 😮

  14. cbatdux Avatar

    Voyager to the center of the earth

  15. Nicolette Avatar

    I wonder if his radio was playing “Ice, Ice Baby!”.

    Stuck between a hole and a cold place.

    Brings new meaning to the phrase, “Dude! Where’s my car?”

    Car wash….FAIL!

  16. chainstay Avatar

    It is actually a giant car shaped cookie in a puddle of chocolate milk.
    Maybe a close-up of a diorama.

  17. Drusky Avatar

    ‘Disney’s Cars! On Ice’ closed after the first show due to technical difficulties…

    [quote comment=”476691″]Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet should never hitchhike together.[/quote]

    They should never carpool together, either… ❗

  18. Bec Avatar

    Don’t ya just hate when you don’t see the pothole before you hit it?

  19. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”477037″]’Disney’s Cars! On Ice’ closed after the first show due to technical difficulties…

    [quote comment=”476691″]Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet should never hitchhike together.[/quote]

    They should never carpool together, either… :!:[/quote]

    Yep, this is definitely the car pool lane.

  20. Fruf Avatar

    Honey I drowned the car

  21. Patrick Avatar

    “Car pool lane”. Folks we have a winner!

  22. Mikeme Avatar

    Welcome to Michigan…. the CHUCKHOLE state!

  23. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    Dipped in shit just took on a new meaning ………

  24. cornbot Avatar

    A visual aid for those who cannot grasp what’s happening to the Detroit automakers… I don’t know that this photo is, but it sure looks like a typical Detroit residential neighborhood with its no actual houses and remnants of sidewalks and yards disappearing under the overgrowth of nature taking back its own.

    In any case, I wanna know if the driver got out of the car before it sank so deep.

  25. Drusky Avatar

    Another car maker’s new model makes a big splash…

    Really though, you can see the reflection of the fool taking the picture which means he/she’s standing on the same cracked, broken ice as the car. Doesn’t Darwin apply here somehow? 😕

  26. My name - required Avatar
    My name – required

    Ain’t no hole too small

  27. Meagan Avatar

    Holy sinkhole, Batman!

    I’d think of something funnier to write, but I’m too tired. I could sure use a road trip right now. 😉

  28. ducatisti Avatar

    Voyager to the center of the earth

    Yep, spewed my drink.

    This means a winner in my book!

  29. Timm Avatar

    Van driver said, “I’m alright, but someone should dive in and find the Toyota I was following!!!”

  30. Mark Avatar

    Yeah, this new utility vehicle can drive anywhere, the road, under water and
    in a hole full of elephant droppings.