Caption Time #244

Caption Time #244

Image via Jacky Chen


32 responses to “Caption Time #244”

  1. devilsfan Avatar

    Oliva Munn is her idol

  2. Lung the Younger Avatar

    If parents only knew what really goes on at those teen abstinence rallies.

  3. rust Avatar

    I would believe it, if that was mayonnaise and not mustard. 👿

  4. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Now Astryd and the rest of the Z-gals would have had that one on the first try. I do like her style though… :boobs: :boobs:

  5. Meagan Avatar

    Pfft. Amateur. Everyone knows mustard isn’t a good lubricant. 😈

  6. ruby fenton Avatar
    ruby fenton

    😛 :limp: :wang: :boobs: :undies: :thong: 😆 :kiss: i just dont know about this photo 🙄

  7. AnnieB Avatar

    While she definitely has the admirable Zillagirl enthusiasm, I think I’d prefer going for something Hard, Sweet and Sticky… 😛

  8. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    Here we see a photo of the lesser known and rarely spotted, “Mustard-guzzling gutter slut”.

  9. Drusky Avatar

    If she’d been on her knees, she’d have already found it… 😈

  10. Elmo the Suicide Bomber Avatar
    Elmo the Suicide Bomber

    I always knew Aliens knew how to use the right bait for the job… Women and hotdogs, rednecks and their sisters, rich people with $100 bills.

  11. Mandy Avatar

    are we sure that’s a hot dog? it could also be:
    1. a yeasty tampon
    2. severed :limp:
    3. her eye being yanked form the socket


  12. pablo Avatar

    Don’t worry, everybody is a winner in this competiton. Everyone who enters gets a fre breast & pelvic exam (non-professional) and the winner gets a lifetime supply of birth control, a case of tequilla and an invitaton to the judges house.

  13. StevieC Avatar

    Hot dog vs Hog dog

  14. Chris Avatar

    [Comment ID #391264 will appear here]

    indeed – see what devilsfan means

  15. Infernos Avatar

    Don’t put that in your mouth ! You don’t know where its been !

  16. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #391353 will appear here]

    Or, Dog Hog, for that matter…Speaking of Dog Hogs…Where Astryd?

  17. Russ Avatar

    Pablo, How’s it feel to have Mandy on top of you? It kind of looks like she’s sitting on your finger. 😈

  18. J Avatar

    Hey theres nothing like rubbing a mustard covered hot dog across your face while riding on the back of a motorcycle-woo hoo!!Now thats rad

  19. Master Solace Avatar

    If she could’ve used hers hands for guidance, she wouldn’t have got it all over her face…unless she’s a practicing porn star, then smearing it like that is the point of the contest……either way, I think I would be more than happy helping her out……

    Oh oh……almost forgot, a caption……

    “Missed it by that much… ~John Holmes”

    “Maybe it would’ve been easier going downtown.”

    “Blonde figures she could ace her porno audition if she remembered her sunglasses this time.”

    “Man disappointed that after all he’s taught her, she still couldn’t get the little weiner in her mouth on the first try without her hands.”

  20. Mandy Fish Avatar

    “When God gets bored, He enjoys skank fishing.”

  21. Drusky Avatar

    It’s always interesting to see what it takes to bring you out of the woodwork, Master S… 😛

  22. tinamarie Avatar

    Oh that Olivia Munn thing:
    OMG. Mustard shot? And did you notice that Ms. Munn spits, not swallows?
    Bad girl. :limp:

  23. tinamarie Avatar

    [Comment ID #391901 will appear here]

    LOL. Seriously though, can you imagine her suddenly disappearing into the sky if she managed to bite the hot dog. And does God catch and release, or does He eat skank? And if He eats skank, does He like His skank fried, grilled, or RAW like most guys I know?

  24. Spud Avatar

    Perhaps he just likes it with the right aperitif!

  25. rust Avatar

    wait wait wait… is that mustard in the crack between her boobs? :wtf:

  26. Master Solace Avatar

    [Comment ID #391905 will appear here]

    Oh, I’ve always been around to at least take an overhead view of Zillaland, but most of time I don’t have the energy to post. I’ve been really sick for awhile now, and just about everything drains me. But I’ve always been around my friend……I just couldn’t pass up some good cocktail jokes…….

  27. julesOdeNile Avatar

    Dude with the heavy frown, this wouldn’t happen if you fed your woman before you leave the house, you know…

  28. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    [Comment ID #391343 will appear here]

    Yeasty tampon? I WAS in the middle of lunch when I read that but now I have to take a break. :puke:

  29. patrick Avatar

    “When Rednecks Come Out to Play”, next Oprah. Swear to God, this is what rednecks do after they drop the kids off at school. That is after they finish Community Service. She’s a 36 C now, but she’ll be a 38 Extra Long in two years.

  30. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #392146 will appear here]

    OK…FINE…Ya made me go back and look again…I suppose I should thank you?

  31. Master Solace Avatar

    [Comment ID #392359 will appear here]

    Which takes my caption about downtown to the projects….. :wtf:

  32. Mandy Fish Avatar

    [Comment ID #392052 will appear here]

    “Does God Eat Skank?” can be the new What Would Jesus Do. We’ll make bracelets and prosper.