Caption Time #243

Caption Time #243


25 responses to “Caption Time #243”

  1. Russ Avatar

    How Marky Mark got his role in Boogie Nights.

  2. Bear Avatar

    OH SHIT!
    How did you get that pic from my wife…

  3. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    Two male members of the Manson family having repeatedly insisted their picture NOT be taken… “SHARON! We said NO cameras! I’m telling Charles!”

  4. julesOdeNile Avatar

    “Tym t’getcha hair Did boo!”

  5. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Two of these four girls are Greek.
    Can you tell which?

  6. Spud Avatar

    The moustachio’d ones?

    but fair dinkum, the things girls make blokes go through just to get a bit.

  7. Rick James Avatar

    Pimpin’ ain’t eazy!

  8. StevieC Avatar

    Proof that there is no limit to what a guy will do if he thinks it will help to get him laid.

  9. Lung the Younger Avatar

    An IRA training video circa 1979 from their Espionage Division:
    Thee Ort of Dusgays and Onfultreeshun – 101.
    (The Art of Disguise and Infiltration – 101)

  10. StevieC Avatar

    Earl and Randy long before they discovered kharma.

  11. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #389970 will appear here]


  12. Memphisbandman Avatar

    Dad? er, Mom?

    aw, ferget it!

  13. junkman Avatar

    i didn’t know gary oldman and susan dey where a couple back then?

  14. Meagan Avatar

    “… And then we’ll do each others make-up, put on some of our mom’s clothes and dance around singing to ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’. Best slumber party evar!!!” 😛

  15. Nicolette Avatar

    Kind of reminds me of an episode of “That 70’s Show” where Kelso lets Jackie dress him up as a girl…… hoping to get laid of course!

  16. rust Avatar

    WELL! this explains the two Dalmations that we saw earlier…

  17. pablo Avatar

    The cat video was cool. It reminded me of all of the polaticians out there. They can be made to sound like they know what they are talking about for some treats, some scratches or in Clinton’s case, some snapper. (that was a Bill Clinton reference, well maybe Hilary too)

  18. junkman Avatar

    perhaps the zilla girls can help me with this. when the “do” is done here..does it just make women so horny they need to be stedged hard and put away wet? or is it just deluded pussy whipped mother fucker’s hoping for something they weren’t getting anyway? don’t lie cause i’m not doing it anyway. :wtf:

  19. Drusky Avatar

    Ben and Billy read in a National Geographic somewhere inbetween the naked tribal women and the Ford ads that wild monkeys preen each other before sex and thought ‘Hmmmmm….’

  20. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Which twin has the Tony? and which pair have the penises? 😕 :wtf: :limp: 🙄

  21. dnjc Avatar

    This is not what the Eagles were singing about in life in the fast lane :puke: 😆

  22. Maddog Avatar

    Ahh the 70’s,,,. The things you would do for a “hummer” talking about depress uhhh where was I, I remember, memories!

  23. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [Comment ID #389918 will appear here]


  24. JMR Avatar

    “Bill and Chip didn’t remember it being this hard to get chicks in college.”

  25. Secret Agent Man Avatar
    Secret Agent Man

    :wtf: I swear I went to high school with those two guys. I swear the guy on the right is named Bob and the other is Kevin(?). “class of ’82”