Caption time #20

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45 responses to “Caption time #20”

  1. Mandy Avatar

    :wtf: eggs, huh?

  2. Commando Stacy, Official Davezilla Bad Kitty Avatar

    Is it wrong and somewhat um … Pavlovian that I just started salivating? :wtf:


  3. kNo' Avatar

    Form a queue, ladies

  4. Spud Avatar

    Geezez, what’s happening to this site???


  5. smizzy Avatar

    And now, the finalists in the really convincing stuffing-your-pant-with-socks competition….

  6. Avatar

    Helllllooooo # 4! :wang:

  7. jen Avatar

    Oh and, they’re polish, liek we had to guess. HA!:twisted:

  8. ReV.JeLLyBaBY Avatar

    And thats the reason I can NEVER wear cycle shorts.


  9. Anna Avatar

    Really Dave … not classy!
    (What I really want to say is: does anyone know the telephone number of any of those guys?)

  10. wantwit Avatar

    testicular cancer.

  11. Rev.JeLLyBaBy Avatar

    10 boiled eggs and 5 sausages later….

    The Polish team were ready for action.


  12. mikeB Avatar

    Either it’s very cold in Poland or Polish men aren’t making their wives too happy.

    Not that I was looking that closely.:roll:

  13. Rev.JeLLyBaBy Avatar

    Hey mikeB,

    Speaking as a one quart Polish guy, I would like to refute your allegations.

    I don’t pole vault into work or anything, but lets just say it took surgeons at least 4 hours to wipe the smile off my girlfriends face in time for her granny’s funeral.

    And besides…..Nature compensates.

    My brother Max for example, may be slightly less well hung, but boy you should see the size of his tongue.


  14. mikeB Avatar

    I can pole vault into work. Sorry about your luck, ReV. :wang::wang::wang:

  15. Mimi Avatar

    See what riding a bike to long does to your boy parts? SQUISHHHHH

  16. Mimi Avatar

    #2 from left looks like he has chicken livers in his pants.

  17. ReV.JeLLyBaBy Avatar

    Sorry to hear of your transport issues mikeB and one can only assume that it must put terrible strain on your forehead.

    I’ll stick to walking.


  18. Nikki Avatar

    Hey, their hats don’t match.

  19. mikeB Avatar

    it must put terrible strain on your forehead.
    Wrong head.

  20. Spud Avatar

    Yeah, like you were looking at their hats nikki 😀

  21. Cheap Date Avatar
    Cheap Date

    THEY’RE WEARING HATS?????? :wtf: WHERE???

  22. ReV.JeLLyBaBy Avatar

    You must get that a lot……


  23. Melissa Avatar

    I miss my husband. ((((Sigh))))

  24. Dan Martin Avatar

    Team Enzyte poses for a picture

  25. Esther Avatar

    Even though I’ve still got that hellspawn of an egg song running through my cranium, I can still enjoy a good twig and berry show. Thanks, Dave! :wang::lol::wang::cool::wang::mrgreen::wang::twisted:

  26. crash Avatar

    The effects of our “Magical Bike 3000” are lifting.
    Usage is rising, making this the Stand Out invention of the year.

  27. wookiee Avatar

    Studies show 3 out of 5 men dress to the right.

  28. Frisko Avatar

    I have nothing pithy to say, I am going back to the picture to see if indeed they were wearing hats on their heads.


  29. Merth Avatar

    I think the team enzyte comment was accurate. Sheesh… put those things away.

  30. Esther Avatar

    After a closer look, #3 looks like there’s a face and hand trying to escape his shorts.:wtf:

    Think I need some chocolate…

  31. Cheap Date Avatar
    Cheap Date


  32. naughtee Avatar

    Team Frankenfurter? :wang:

  33. Frisko Avatar

    I get it, dual helmets. Nice touch.

    I have a whole new “view” of Poland being a nice country to visit.

    naughty thinking frisko

  34. Keith Burgin Avatar

    Okay, so now I’m going to show you a picture of Lance Armstrong – from the back, of course, which is the angle you’re used to…

  35. Frankenstein Avatar

    What, are they auditioning already for the remake of “Free Willy”?

  36.  Avatar

    :cool:and sort of slow

  37. Shocked and Awed Avatar
    Shocked and Awed

    NUUUUUUUTS!!! :wtf:

  38. Bobby Peru Avatar
    Bobby Peru

    Dude, that’s so wrong 😡

  39. Bobby Peru Avatar
    Bobby Peru

    Damn. I was hoping these fuglies would have scrolled off the page by now. 🙁

  40. Alyssa Avatar

    Dick! Those are weeny weiners!

  41. Alyssa Avatar

    but at this juncture in my life, even a teeny weiner is a welcome weiner

  42. Alyssa Avatar


  43. Dave too Avatar
    Dave too

    MINNEAPOLIS – Kraft Foods introduces the Oscar Mayer Cycling Team at the the Minneapolis Civic Sports Arena. Company spokesman Gill Fischer said, “We are very proud to sponsor this team of new riders. Although individually different, every member has something special that contributes to the whole.”

  44. BumpyBrown Avatar

    And now, the Polish Cycling team shows us the correct time of day in five different timezones.