Can you spot the mailbox?

Somewhere in this photo is a mailbox that the owners have cleverly hidden. Can you find it?

Can you spot the mailbox?

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Show 28 Comments


  1. irishcoffee

    Redneck Christmas tree??? 👿

  2. Alex Ballew

    I think it kind of pretty. 😆

  3. [Comment ID #219197 will be quoted here]

    I’m thinking more “Extreme Geek” Xmas tree. :geek:

  4. I bet they really hate it when the first frost exposes their stupid ‘deer stand camo’ mailbox. Of course, the mail carrier has to go along with the nonsense – or just report that there is no mailbox that meets USPS requirements – to have address and name clearly labeled. And Voiler! No more mail, because the USPS decides the box has been defaced!

    The phrase ‘too cute to be allowed to live’ comes to mind.

  5. [Comment ID #219209 will be quoted here]

    :wtf: ZOMG

  6. tinamarie

    Oh look, a bush smoking a red pipe. Wait…no…that’s not a bush….why…that’s a cleverly disguised mailbox. Gosh darn it–that’s clever. ❓

  7. Drusky

    That looks like the yard down the street from me. The challenge is to find the dog in the bushes waiting for the mailman… 😈

  8. Drusky

    [Comment ID #219206 will be quoted here]
    The sure fire way to solve the problem of the dog lifting it’s leg on the tree…

    😛 :wtf: :dead:

  9. Chris S

    [Comment ID #219217 will be quoted here]

    Very clever… 🙂

    [Comment ID #219209 will be quoted here]
    That is a purdy tree. The story about it should be “The Grolsch That Drank Christmas” *BUUUUUURP!* I mean the Drank that Grolsch Christmas….BUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP! I mean the Christmas I drank so much Grolsch that I grolsched in my kid’s stockings….

  10. In a little town called Starke, Florida….. that mailbox is more common thann you realize. {shudder} Why do I hear duelingbanjos in the background?? :wtf:

  11. [Comment ID #219209 will be quoted here]

    Just wait ’til you see Santa passed out underneath that tree. The kids will be ecstatic! C’mon kids, we’re going for a ride in Santa’s sleigh! 😛

  12. Perfect candidate for my blog 😉 I like it!

  13. irishcoffee

    Supercharged goddess-if that link were really a redneck christmas tree, the bottles would all be cans of Busch Light… 😆

  14. Loli

    You know you’re a redneck when…

  15. Austin Powers’ mailbox. Yeah, baby, yeah.

  16. brad s.

    is it the box with the droopy flag?

  17. KK

    Hey it’s very obvious it’s right in the…oh…were did it go? oh whell mabe that’s wht im a blonde

  18. TimM

    I found the mailbox but Where’s Waldo?

  19. rimfire

    :twisted:you have to be a blind dumb ass not to see it

  20. rimfire

    :twisted:you have to be a blind dumb ass not to see it

  21. Rem

    that mailbox belongs to some one who owes alot of money to the government

  22. Rem

    that mailbox belongs to some one who owes alot of money to the government

  23. Rem

    that mailbox belongs to some one who owes alot of money to the government

  24. Rem

    that mailbox belongs to some one who owes alot of money to the government

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