Blame it on Rhea

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Show 28 Comments


  1. Lace Valentine

    The French troops march into Baghdad…

  2. Esther

    Have ostrich, will travel. :mrgreen:

  3. Frisko

    OH bIRDY, bIRDY iN tHE sKY

    soUND OFF…1,2
    sOUND oFF…3,4
    brING IT ON DoWN…

    Somebody had to be the Military brat.
    Hahahaha 😳

  4. Frisko

    The Red Coats are comming! The Read Coats Are Comming!

  5. Frisko

    But Mavis, that nice man at the border said the beach was this way….

    Okay, I’ll stop.


  6. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    “Highly EMUsing Dave.”


  7. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    Just a thought…

    But, I bet Wile E Coyote is probably shitting himself right about now.


  8. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    Although Dave is subliminally suggesting that these birds are indeed “coming home for christmas.”

    You would have to be a serious Chris Rhea fan to even consider such logic.

    Here’s a fabulous Chris Rhea fact for all you fans out there (well Dave and the other one actually).

    Chris Rhea and Dire Straights are making a comeback tour in the UK next year.
    The two musical giants will be performing under the new stage name of…..



    I made myself laugh with that one.

  9. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    Just kidding.

    A rhea is an ostrich type bird. I knowest not if Dave like Chris Rhea.

    Maybe he does?

    Maybe he doesn’t?

    Who really cares?

    I don’t.


  10. Future “feather mattresses”, Unite.

  11. Spud

    Try standing in the way of a flock of emus, those bastards are bad and mean and would rather scrape your innards out than give way.

    Plus they are bloody big birds.

  12. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    Hey Spud,

    Maybe we can get Stacy to try that one. The only thing left to show us soon will be her innards.

    P.S Only kidding Stace πŸ˜€

  13. Au contraire, ReV. We have yet to see booty. 😈

  14. The new Third Reich : Hitler’s Avian Nation.

  15. Damnit, they never stay on the right side of the road.

    Someone really ought to take their licenses away.

  16. Trust me, Rev & Dave, y’all don’t wanna see my innards, nor do you want to see my booty! Innards are gross, and I got a big Jewish ass! (It’s not cute, believe me.) ::grin:

  17. As you realize, we only have 2 choices after our demise. And 1 of ’em ain’t too cool. Choose right. Choose life — CLICK! the dancing, green alien, too.

  18. Spud

    Stacey has a French/Jewish booty? :wtf:

  19. Spud

    Although I believe Stacey has nice firm beautiful large mamalian glands that could leave one breathless…

  20. mikeB

    As you realize, we only have 2 choices after our demise. And 1 of Γ’β‚¬Λœem ainÒ€ℒt too cool.
    Regular or decaf?

  21. :java:
    I like my coffee like I like my men … strong and black. Wait … that’s not right … short, dark, and strong. Espresso men. That’s it!

    And um … my booty ain’t French, not at all. It’s mensch. (Btw, Dave, you need a BUTT BUTTON in addition to your BOOBIE BUTTON!) πŸ˜›

  22. Oh, and one more thing:

    At the risk of getting actually political here (something I’ve done a good job at avoiding, besides campaigning for the girls), this is for “Catalyst4Christ,” whose very professional webpage deserves mad props:

    Time To Get Out The Bush
    How do you know it’s time for a major change in American leadership? Let us count the signs

    “You know it’s time for a serious change when the president of the United States actually mutters the infantile, instantly infamous line, “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we,” just after finishing phonetically spelling out his name, in his favoritest red crayon, on yet another budget-reaming $417 billion defense-spending bill.”

    (And always remember: Jesus was a liberal Jew.):razz:

  23. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    Catalyst for Crap more like!


  24. Spud

    That was hard…

  25. not in love

    one afternoon I awoke from my nap to see Emu’s looking in my kitchen window and heading out the front gate! The next farm up tore up the road in his 2 ton pickup and screeched to a halt with the dust trail blowing for miles. With a great deal of jumping on cab hoods, flapping and waving arms, and making sounds like angry cows we were finally able to coax the errant emus back into their feedlot. πŸ˜€

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