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Show 60 Comments


  1. Kwade

    reminds me of the 4 ft. attitude in a hummer I had the mispleasure of meeting the other day :puke:

  2. nancy

    ahhhhhhhhh….the ultimate penis extender!!! :limp:

  3. lucky

    I guess the little boy couldn’t see over the steering wheel of his daddys’ car good enough to park :wtf:

  4. jeff

    If thats a 2000 corvette, then he is a asshole with no imagination for making up vanity plates. :troll:

  5. Anna

    You hardly see any Corvettes over here …. so ….. we must not have much assholes. Got lots of penis extensions though (of the Italian or German kind).

  6. Not to worry. I’m sure his fourth wife will change the plates after the divorce.

  7. jwalkingthunder


  8. jwalkingthunder

    [Comment ID #41938 will be quoted here]

  9. jwalkingthunder


  10. Coleman

    hey i think i have seen that car before… it was being towed down the street, although this picture doesnt show you the huge key scrape marks on the side. 👿

  11. Spud

    The concept of parking in the alloted space seems to have escaped this dudette.

    As do a lot of things more than likely.


  12. Well that piece of crap Chevy wouldn’t turn my head……I’d prefer an old fashion ’74 Roadrunner!……..Go Mopar! 😛

  13. mitch

    Amen, Dave. It’s amazing how our vehicles define us. This guy is a certified asshole.

  14. I used to babysit for a man who fitted this description perfectly. He was a single father, and his cologne was so strong that it used to make me want to throw up.

  15. Amanda B.

    I think there’s enough room for me to fit my car in next to his. 😈

  16. Simon7

    Hey! That’s my car!

  17. Skipperobi

    [Comment ID #41935 will be quoted here]

    that was absolutly perfect.coludn’t have said it better

  18. Mandy

    Dave you forgot:
    1. “Accidentally” forgets his wallet on the date
    2. Asks if I’m wearing :undies: 15 minutes into the date
    3. Brags about his ex-wife’s :boob::boob: job that he paid for

  19. Marcus

    [Comment ID #41935 will be quoted here]

    Loved the lyrics.

    Now, let’s see if we are missing any asshole traits.

    1. Extra Large Condoms in the glove compartment.
    2.Top Gun, Journey, or Andrew Dice Clay CD
    3. Naked Lady plate on front of the car.
    4. Blue tooth in his ear. All the time.
    :troll: :troll: :troll: :geek: :geek: :troll:

  20. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #41935 will be quoted here]

    definite “mitch” material. Will be buying the CD.

  21. Meagan

    I think that car’s been seen driving around the all-girls high school a number of times. And the mall. :puke:


  22. Da Popster

    Ahhhhhhhh, more money, testosterone ( ? ), etc than brains but then we know what they don’t. :limp: :dead: ❓

  23. Ron

    I hope that a large bird with a bad case of the sh*ts targets his car. 👿

  24. Ron

    Not that I’m sticking up for this idiot, but it looks like the idiot who parked the blue cavalier is damned near double parked too. :troll:

  25. Bjorn Freeh

    “Today they hold the power and the money and the guns”
    ~ from Kris Kristofferson’s “Don’t Let the Bastards Get You Down”

    Apparently, they also hold two parking spaces…

  26. Pappy

    [Comment ID #41997 will be quoted here]

    Amen. Or some little old grandma slams into the car. 😆

  27. Dennis Bookhart

    Asshole defined: George Bush

  28. cbatdux

    I recognize that car! It belongs to the VP of marketing for Breyer’s Ice Cream. He is parked right outside the local Catholic girls middle school.

  29. Infernos

    I call that S.C.L.D.S.


    Works for big trucks as well.

  30. tenderflower

    JFLY that was priceless.

    Penis extender? More like Penis replacer.

  31. mitch smith

    [Comment ID #41951 will be quoted here]

    You’re right!!! I loved the video. Truth will prevail.

  32. scamper95

    Driver must be a retard to own a vette, most know mustangs are better. Also the handicapped spaces must have been full. His pic should be in the video.

  33. franklito

    it depends on the neighborhood but ill double park my custom porsche anyday, and my license plate says, m0v30vr

  34. franklito

    oh im only an asshole to :limp:heads, and beatches. but everyone else is cool wit me.

  35. Beaner

    bets on whether or not this guy has ever been married? 😕

  36. Beaner

    of course the only type of chic that would marry him would be a cold, money sucking parasite!

  37. Bjorn Freeh

    Why does everyone assume the owner of the Vette is a guy? I know a few women who park their Hummers, Jeeps and Volvos that way.

    Are only men allowed to be pulsating sphincters?

  38. joeho

    i enjoy finding cars parked like this – i park so close to them on the drives side the door cannot be opened 😆

  39. terlmann

    😳 :wtf:

  40. [Comment ID #42057 will be quoted here]

    I’m also allowed to be pulsating sphincters…on the weekends.

  41. brianne

    heyy!! That looks just like my ex boyfriends car………………. :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

  42. [Comment ID #41935 will be quoted here]

    That is a link to a masterpiece…very good find, jfly…

  43. Anita Mann-Badley

    I knew that Lionel Richey was a Commodore… when did Perry Day join the group?

  44. Driver

    [Comment ID #42059 will be quoted here]

    To right and its even more fun to watch from a short distance as they come out to leave , they have a hissy fit because they have to climb through the passenger side . I think if you have an exspensive car and your worried about it getting scratched in a parking lot park out at the empty end of the lot and walk a bit .

  45. laceylegacey

    jfly that was the best part of my day. I thank you. 😆 😆 😆

  46. anglici

    gee all we need in that pic is a TN tag and a comb over(or a mullet) and we would have my mom’s neighbor ❓

  47. [Comment ID #42072 will be quoted here]

    I have Dennis Leary’s song on my PC & MP3 Player but i’ve never seen the video for it…thank you again, jfly

  48. JFLY

    You’re all welcome, guys…glad you enjoyed the links!

  49. |san|ty

    Its alot more fun when you see penis challenged guys car parked like that, call a local friend up andone of you park on each side…. so he has to crawl over it… or thru the rear row seat trunk hatch to get in. Just be sure that you sit some where close enough to be able to watch, and actually HEAR them scream, and come up with new curse words and names you have never heard of 🙂 :troll: :mrgreen: Its very cheap entertainment. And Dennis Leary ROCKS!

  50. family jules

    One moment of connsumate pride:

    Today I was at a stoplight minding my own business when a junior asshole in a diesel doublewide king cab truck rumbles up beside me, revving his engine and drowning out my Gordon Lightfoot CD.

    You will all be happy to know that he got his ass handed to him by a 46 year-old woman in a minivan (I was at the next stop light before he jacked it into gear and out of the intersection.) It’s not what’s under the hood, but what’s behind the wheel, baby.

  51. Spud

    Nice visual Jules… 😈

  52. Meagan

    [Comment ID #42055 will be quoted here]

    Anna Nicole Smith?

    :boob: :boob:

  53. brianne

    anna nichole smith’s how self probably would go for an asshole like that

  54. Mandy

    [Comment ID #42345 will be quoted here]

    Poor bunny! ❓

  55. IamCuriousPlaid

    You know he’s packing 3 solid inches of manfury. :limp:

  56. [Comment ID #42240 will be quoted here]

    And I thought I was the only one who took pride in beating the hell out of little punks…good job there Jules… 😈

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