Advanced Aquarium Tennis

Advanced Aquarium Tennis

Guest Author: Kenn Nesbitt

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Show 46 Comments


  1. Timmmy

    “FIRST” Oh, wait a second. This isn’t

  2. I find it kinda hard to play tennis in an aquarium…exactly what part does this said aquarium play in the sport…do hit it over it…do you smash it with the ball…do aquariums surround the courts and if you hit the ball in them, you get extra points…

    I got one for you though…have you ever seen the sport…tennis is a funny game, if you don’t score any points, you definitely don’t feel any love…I guess that’s where the aquariums fit in…maybe…you never know…

  3. Spud

    Is there a learners class, I think I may need some lessons before attempting the advanced.


    Oh, and um that lock link thingo is kinda realistic at the fully sloshed level.


  4. tabbie

    OMG!!! The door lock about killed me on the 3rd or was it the 4th try!!! I had to give up!!!! 8) πŸ˜€
    As for aquarium tennis… I don’t know about you but if I were the certain type of people i wouldn’t want my balls gettin wet…

  5. Ace

    YEAH! I got the key into the whole on all levels!

    I like the aquarium aspect of Loulou’s tennis but, I don’t know, I feel like it’s missing something. What if we got the mules involved! We can either ride them in the water OR we can play against them. Either way it sounds like a good time, I’m sure alcohol will be involved and then everyone can go home and have their own Promillelukko! Ahh, fun times.

  6. Spud

    Maybe aquarium tennis is between aquariums.

    No humans required.

    That could be interesting.


  7. Becky

    I’d say you’d have to be strong to play that game……….ok that was lame, :dead:

  8. Put a net in the middle of the aquarium, think of one the fish as a ball and start couting the points !

  9. I’m locked out! And feeling dizzy. Warning: Don’t try the drunk door lock test while holding your :java:

  10. mitch

    First of all…Loulou? Aquarium tennis has a long history being played in the Ozark Mountains. It involves sticks, a broken fish bowl and a ball, called officially “tater”. Many family and county disputes were settled by a vigorous game of aquarium the winner goes the spoils. It was only in 1994, when the new Republicans mandated that gays were not allowed to play the game together, that the decline in aquarium tennis began. It went from being played in front of entire trailer parks to being played in low-life joints like Loulou’s. A sad history, but once again…blame the Republicans. πŸ˜†

  11. Bob

    I used to keep mice in an aquarium and it was hard enough to teach them to swim. I never thought about teaching them tennis. It might have been a hoot. But jimmy carter outlawed mice swim meets. damn democrats

  12. Anita Mann-Badley

    I’ve always said my angelfish looks like Serena Williams, but no one believed me.

  13. bhamm

    About the drunken keyhole…
    It was fun to figure out which one was the real keyhole while struggling to maintain my balance.

    By the way, I’m talking about last night, not the game.

  14. mitch smith

    About the drunken keyhole…Thanks for triggering yet another acid flashback, Dave. You’re killing me here.

  15. Lace Valentine

    Aquaman always wins.


  16. lostone

    Wait a second I though Arial always won. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  17. Bjorn Freeh

    Well, I couldn’t unlock the bathroom door so I just vomited on the floor. And the cat. And maybe Fran.



  18. John K

    Maybe they did get the sign right after all:
    This is a LouLOu….Advance Aquarium Tennis?

    Rules of Play >

    You must stay on your side of the rope.
    You must be accompanied by an aquarium buddy at all times.
    Diving is allowed.
    Ball & Breast handing is allowed .
    There are no foot faults.
    You are called out when you leave the acquarium.
    Peeing in the aquarium is not recommended.

  19. [Comment ID #38854 will be quoted here]

    That’s okay, Bjorn. Sometimes vomit happens. ❓

  20. |nSan|ty

    I made it to 2,0%….. does that make me a professional drunk? And if you can pass the drunk test…. you should be very good at aqua extreme drunk levels… you beleive you can do anything…. pro aqua tennis players on tour!

  21. djemm

    Drunk test ?Hell normally I wait till someone opens the door. I actually slept in front of the neighbours house once.Nobody opened my door so I figured !!:dead: :dead:
    Who gets to play in the deep end cause I got a few ideas

  22. Jen

    I think LouLou needs to fire her advertising coordinator :kiss: If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. I have seen quite a few signs that are confusing like that one. Oh man, now I am confusing myself. What was I talking about? πŸ˜€

  23. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #38887 will be quoted here]

    Your understanding is amazing. No wonder Mitch has a thing for you!

  24. GFL

    I’s any one here from USC, LA.LA, area I am not but my sister and I miss her. I live in AK, so I think it is cool to drink coffee at HUSTLERS. SD Rocks Baby. :boob:

  25. MrDoug

    In the advance class you have to swim with the Sharks.

  26. Marcus

    Advanced aquarium tennis is with sharks. At the advanced level you play with Great White sharks. The beginner class uses Nurse sharks. Here are a two testimonials from two of our students.

    “Heeeelp, Heeeeeelp the fucker’s got my arm again.” said Ms. Sushi Wasabi.

    “I lost a hand and a foot, but I feel great. I am trying to convince my wife to try.” said Mr. Reddick Herring

    The keyhole test is missing your laughing pissed friends, who are only standing there because they are the biggest mouches in the world and want to take advantage of your pot supply.
    Finally got the key in the hole. 😈

  27. poisonwisky

    i can’t play aquarium tennis cause i missed the first lesson. how to keep the damn ball from floating to the top of the tank. frustrating at best. 😑

  28. cbatdux

    Tried the key in the hole test. But I was focused on using the key to pick up the paperclip and the thong on the ground in front of the door….

    Got nothing on Lou Lou….

  29. poisonwisky

    and as far as the door lock thing, i scratched a hole in the door around the lock and it fell out, walked right in.

  30. Steppenwolf

    ‘ESPN2 is proud to bring you the newest X-treme sport. Live from Sea World it’s Aquarium Tennis!
    Hi, I’m Tony Tetra and my broadcast partner today is Glen Guppy.
    We’re glad you could join us as our 2 competitors play the first game of tennis from the bottom of the giant aquarium.
    Todays match will be between Peter Plecostomus and Lawrence Loach.
    First to serve will be Plecostomus. He tosses the ball in the air and… πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„
    Now he’s ready for his second serve. He tosses the ball and… πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„
    Looks like it’s going to be a busy day for the ballboys Lawrence.’
    ”Sure does Tony. And now a word from our sponsor ‘Chicken Wings of the Sea’ featuring Jessica Simpson.”

  31. Steppenwolf

    Sorry poisonwisky. You posted your comment while I was typing mine. Didn’t mean to try to steal your idea.

  32. Russell

    i did it i can still getin my house when completely s-faced.
    and the Aquarium Tennis i used to have to change that stile of sign and my boss thought it was like 10 times the size it was so he would have me try to shove so much stuff on there it wold look like a word search!!

    but on a lighter note advanced Aquarium Tennis sounds like a very intresting activity :thong: :boob: :wang: :boob:

  33. Beaner

    Ha ha ha, Mitch & Bob’s political jabs are amusing(am slightly glad Mitch has an opponent :mrgreen:) and Bhamm is straight up funny! Where do I need to sign up for beginner aqarium tennis lessons? Tried at Loulous but I could not get the key in the door!! :geek:

  34. Mandy

    Is the missing word “matches”? Advanced Aquarium Tennis Matches Are Open

  35. Francesca

    I would pay to watch tennis with sharks! It would add a little excitement to the game… just picture Roddick trying to swim away from sharks AND hit an ace serve. Are you listening ESPN?

  36. [Comment ID #39010 will be quoted here]

    The grammar has been irking me ALL day. “Advanced aquarium tennis IS open” sounds better to me or “advanced aquarium tennis matches are open” works well too. Either way, this sign is a real lulu. πŸ™„

  37. [Comment ID #38903 will be quoted here]
    Not since the Odd Couple have such a mismatched pair like us, a staunch Republican and a um, er…vociferous Democratic, lived in such harmony.

    It’s all peace and love, man. Peace and love.

  38. starheler

    i can still getinto my house thatwas hard i’m using a lab top i should get extra points 😈

  39. Timmmy

    I don’t lock the house (low crime area) I used to leave my car unlocked (at bars) until the day I found a woman passed out in my driver seat.
    I not drunk occifer, I’z just tired frum playing aquarium tennis.

  40. Driver

    Wow I finaly got the key in the last test , to bad I was’nt as persistant the last time I was that shit faced { woke up in the alley next mornning } still had my keys in my hand though.

  41. [Comment ID #39017 will be quoted here]

    A Republican & Democrat…together…it works for Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver…just for the sake of pointing that out…

    Mitch, I guess not ALL Republicans are bad…

  42. [Comment ID #39010 will be quoted here]

    I DID IT, I STOLE THE MATCHES…I couldn’t get the damn key in the door to get it, so I decided I needed to burn the door down to get it…please don’t drown me, I’ll play you a round of Aquarium Tennis…first, I need some of those advanced lessons I saw on the sign I took the matches from…ever heard of Loulou’s…

  43. should say to get in…still feeling the effects of the alcohol… 😈

  44. Meagan

    *swings her racket at the tennis ball* Damn! Stupid fish keeps swimming away! πŸ˜€

    If you think trying to unlock your door when drunk is hard, try opening while drunk and underwater!

  45. Meagan

    Damn lock keeps moving! Hold still! ❓ :puke:

  46. jeremy hasley

    wouldn’t it be Tenni?

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