A pigment of my imagination

When I was a young boy, I often misheard phrases. Thinking I had them down pat, I would misuse them with confidence. Hilarity ensued. Some examples:

  1. Pigment of my imagination
  2. For all intensive purposes
  3. wrapped in conversation
  4. ball-faced lie
  5. deja view

What words or phrases will you admit to misusing?

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Show 106 Comments


  1. Spud

    2. For all intensive purposes
    3. wrapped in conversation
    4. ball-faced lie
    5. deja view

    These aren’t valid? :wtf:

    I came up with this, a bit in a song by Hot Chocolate or something from the ’70’s has it’s hook sung as –

    “I believe in miracles……………… you sexy thing ……….” etc etc

    for years afterI heard this, I always thought it was –

    “I believe in mlko’s ……………. you sexy thing……….”


  2. Spud

    milko’s … 🙄

  3. It sounds the same, but wasn’t. Instead of “making ends meet” I thought it was “making end’s meat”…whatever that means.

  4. As a kid I always pictured ticks as tiny ferocious carnivores (thinking it was Lion Disease instead or Lyme Disease)…..

    And I still think Old-Timers soudned more appropriate than Alzheimer’s 😛

  5. family jules

    When I was a kid, I called waffles “wobbles.”

    When I was two, my mom took me around the yard teaching me the namesof different things and having me repeat them. She said, “Look, that’s called a grasshopper,” and I asked “Why?” She said because it hopped on the grass. Later, we saw another one on the guttering of the house, and she said, “What is that, Julie?’ Without missing a beat, I said, “Househopper!”

    I don’t remember it ever being called anything else after that as long as I’ve lived. Also, I have never eclipsed the cleverness of that one day either, to my eternal chagrin.

  6. [Comment ID #36509 will be quoted here]

    Househopper! Oh, that’s just precious. 😆

  7. The first time I heard the word ‘susquatch,’ I was mightily fascinated. However, having misheard it, I kept pronouncing it as “Sir’s crotch.”

    I was seven. 😳

  8. Anna

    Used to call Spinach … si nach. Not really, but I got to translate it somehow. The Dutch word is ‘Spinazie’ and I called it zie nazie (which you pronounce ‘Sie Nazi’, which means ‘You Nazi’ in German).
    I was multilingual at a young age. :puke:

  9. Because I misread it at a young age, whenever I see a sign for MENSWEAR in a department store, I keep thinking: ‘Yes, they do.’

    UB40 song ‘Ivory Madonna’ – always figured that it was ‘I’m a Prima Donna.’

    In the Christmas carol Silent Night, who the hell was Round John Virgin?

  10. JFLY

    1. noter republic
    2. kiddy-corner
    3. subscription drugs
    4. smashed potatoes
    5. tobacco sauce

  11. Oh, don’t even get me started on this topic. I am the QUEEN of misheard phrases, even in my adulthood, and I’m sure everyone knows it. 🙂 I mean, come on. Cat shit? (Ketchup.) Fish dicks? (Fish sticks.) London Derriere and the Menstrual Boy? (Londonderry Air and The Minstrel Boy.) Or how about John Ashcroft being so stiff-assed? (Steadfast.) I could go on forever! 😆

  12. Marcus

    [Comment ID #36574 will be quoted here]

    You took mine. 👿 Numbers 1,3, and 5. Oh well. However, I have one more. I used to say “supost” although everyone told me I was wrong but I still kept making the mistake. My mom would yell “suppose.”

    Misheard lyrics 😆 😆 I love “Kissthisguy.com”

    CCR : There’s a bathroom on the right — Badmoon on the rise (not mine)
    Siouxsie and the Banshees : I am the passive Jew. — The Passenger

    The misheard Siouxsie lyrics is originally me. I could never understand what she was singing. At the time I thought she was anti-semitic. Then friends heard me sing the song and it took them a long time to stop laughing before they told me the real lyrics. 😆 😆

  13. Becky

    pasgetti…sorry couldn’t think of any:(

  14. Master Solace

    This is going to be completely out of the blue…but I need to do this…Dave, and anyone else willing, I need your help on something. I have started my own blog(don’t worry, no competition to you at all, you are still “the Zilla”) and I have had no traffic yet…tell me what you think about it…and tell me if there is anything I can do to help it out…and I have already posted the shameless Davezilla.com plug(only thing I could think of for my first post). If you could(anybody), please lend me a hand, I’m at least trying to put out an effort on it. My blog site is mastersolace.wordpress.com. Tell me what you think and read all that you want, by all means. Thanx to all that end up helping me out.

  15. Timmmy

    When I was young my neighbor was “Mr. Backstrom”. I referred to him as “Mr. Bathroom”
    when talking to him I would say “Mr. B”

  16. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #36573 will be quoted here]

    “Round John Virgin”……oh yeah, the real identity of Santa Claus…distant relative of the Virgin Mary…see who would want to be with Round John Virgin…he lived at the North Pole, in the freezing cold with a horde of toy making elf-like factory workers…they changed his identity and made his disposition that of a happy fellow…and his factory workers real elves…becasue who in their right mind would wait for someone named “Round John Virgin” on Christmas Eve. Mwah ha ha haaa!!!! Sorry, little geared-up tonight.

  17. mitch

    Other mis-speaks:
    Republican….really means: “Evil, Soulless Bastard”
    Ex-Wives….really means: “Hellish Harpy”
    Baseball….really means: “Steroid Engorged Thugs”
    Reality TV….really means: “Suck Your Brains Out Into the Toilet”

  18. [Comment ID #36502 will be quoted here]
    I always thought he was saying, “I believe in knuckles…”

    For 2 years, whenever Lex would sing Rudolph, she’d say, “Then one froggy christmas eve…”

  19. Jinx

    For years I was convinced that bacon grew in a garden because I had heard my mom talking about the “bacon lot” down the block where we kids played. When I watched Charlotte’s Web my innocence about breakfast food was forever shattered.

  20. [Comment ID #36662 will be quoted here]
    Well, that’s a not a great way to start out. (Pimping yourself on someone else’s blog) The best way is to just keep leaving good comments on the sites you like and you will eventually get spillover regulars. Good content is the most important thing.

    Oh yeah, and having a few readers that show their :boob: :boob: doesn’t hurt. 😈

  21. frisko5

    This past holiday season the middle school choir did an audience sing along…..they wrote out the words to Frosty the Snow Man…..The children wrote “that old sick hat they found” if I remember correctly….Frosty wore an “Old Silk Hat” The audience roared.

    My son sang Pizza, Jelly and Cantaloupe to the tune of “for hes a Jolly good fellow” it was priceless. He was 2, and thought those were the words because they were all good things.

  22. Eliztric

    [Comment ID #36501 will be quoted here]

    Sadly, for me, instead of miracles, it was definitely meercats. I didn’t know what they were for a long time, so I didn’t understand why everyone was laughing at me. Mostly, as a small child I ran around and hid in trees and made up stories nobody ever heard, except my lone Barbie (aka Barry). What a run-in we had with the backyard grill…at the tender age of six, I was so offended when Dad told me it was a “Barbie-queue”. I told him no, that definitely wasn’t more Barbies, and if there were, “Why would they want to see all that hunky-junk?” came out instead of the more eloquent “hunk of junk” (an expression I learned from my mother swearing at our car). Aside from this…I butchered Queen’s Fat Bottomed Girls often. It was the first song I learned after the alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and I took much joy in singing it at the top of my lungs like it was an opera “Look out for those Booties all year…on your marker, get set, row!” was my favourite part. I’ll have to phone my dad and find out what the complete version was; it made him cry with laughter once, I know it’s written down somewhere. He’s always threatening to bring it out and do his best rendition of it for whoever I bring home to meet him. Hence, I have never brought anyone home…

  23. Eliztric

    [Comment ID #36501 will be quoted here]

    Sadly, for me, instead of miracles, it was definitely meercats. I didn’t know what they were for a long time, so I didn’t understand why everyone was laughing at me. Mostly, as a small child I ran around and hid in trees and made up stories nobody ever heard, except my lone Barbie (aka Barry). What a run-in we had with the backyard grill…at the tender age of six, I was so offended when Dad told me it was a “Barbie-queue”. I told him no, that definitely wasn’t more Barbies, and if there were, “Why would they want to see all that hunky-junk?” came out instead of the more eloquent “hunk of junk” (an expression I learned from my mother swearing at our car). Aside from this…I butchered Queen’s Fat Bottomed Girls often. It was the first song I learned after the alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and I took much joy in singing it at the top of my lungs like it was an opera “Look out for those Booties all year…on your marker, get set, row!” was my favourite part of Bicycle Race. I’ll have to phone my dad and find out what the complete version was of both of them; I made him cry with laughter once, I know they’re written down somewhere. He’s always threatening to bring them out and do his best rendition of them for whoever I bring home to meet him. Hence, I have never brought anyone home…

  24. Cindy

    When I was a little girl and we went to church every Sunday, the song that was used for calling people forward to be “saved” (I was raised Baptist…..still trying to get over it) was “Just As I Am”…..but the next line was “without one plea.” I always thought that it was “without one flea” and was convinced that you couldn’t get into heaven if you had fleas! :wtf:

  25. Lace Valentine

    [Comment ID #36576 will be quoted here]

    Ha! That’s why we love you, Ape Pill.


  26. Paige

    In “Stairway to Heaven” theres a line”And as we wind on down the road” . When I was a kid, I always thought that they were saying “And theres a wino down the road” And Master Solace, thats some pretty deep sentiment for a guy who has a skull as his avatar.Thats was very sweet and Alyssa is a lucky girl. I found this blog on Yahoo when I was building My Yahoo page. Maybe you should see if you cant get on there too. Davezilla is one of the first places I visit when I come online. I love this we bsite!!!!!!!!!! Davezilla Rules!!!!!!!

  27. brainchallenged52

    grassy ass-Thank You in Spanish
    much grass toyou-Much Thank You in Spanish
    dee boner-Debonair
    El Toro Poo Poo-Bullshit
    Are just a few of mine favorite sayings! :geek:

  28. Sami

    I used to say “flaucet” instead of “faucet”… until I was about 15. :wtf:

  29. franklito

    cum poo ter-computer
    dont buzit- dont abuse it
    gov ment – government
    weed – marijuana

    burba king- burger king

  30. jayray

    well my cousin saw a car and thought it was called a Booogt!! Turns out we found later that it was actually a 3000 GT!! 😕

  31. tenderflower

    Where the deer and the cantalope play


    Kiku (for cookie)

    LMAO at Marcus. I thought it was batthroom on the right also. I had a friend who thought smoke on the water was slow coming horses.

  32. Bjorn Freeh

    When I was a kid, there was a commercial for some pain reliever that asked if you were “headachy and irritable.” One day, I told my mom that I was “headachy and irresistable.”

    It’s been — at least — 40 years and she still calls me that.

  33. pattyk0902

    From the mouth of my (then) 5-year old son Jed:
    “Spidashios” (for pistachios)
    “Countilator” (oddly appropriate for calculator)
    & my all-time favorite (still used by family members) – his response to my swearing as I was assembling a bicycle with poorly translated instructions: “Did you remember to follow the destructions?”

  34. [Comment ID #36574 will be quoted here]

    I’ll admit to #1. I had never had a use for a notary public up until a few years ago. I had only heard people say it and it always sounded like noter republic. heh. I’m sure there are more, but I won’t think of them until I use them, probably.

  35. Dennis Bookhart

    Annie, I like the idea of referring to Alzeimers as Sometimers Disease.

  36. I’m almost famous for my ridiculous childhood misheard lyrics.
    Mostly because I was making up another language most of the time.
    Here’s the most popular. Also, take note that I only stopped singing “Living On A Prayer” this way a few years ago.

    Tommy used to work on the dots
    yoon yoon’s paid on strack

    He’s down on his lug bids tuh, so tough
    Gina musta died of old aaaaage
    workin for a man

    She brings home her bed for love
    for love.

    Tommy cut his six string in haaaaaa
    Now he’s holding it, but he used to make it talk so tough
    mmmm it’s tough
    Children runnin’ aaaawaaaaay
    she cries in the night

  37. Marcus

    Ok, some from my Japanese students.

    1. penisbutter — peanutbutter
    2. shit down — sit down
    3. This one is funny in Thailand… “Korhee” means coffee in Japanese. In Thai it means “I would like pussy.” :wtf: 😆 :wtf: 😆 :wtf: 😆

  38. DeeBee

    One of my relatives liked to describe things as “near misses”… “Man, that taxi nearly missed that old lady with the cane…” I’ve never figured it out, even as native speaker of English. Would that not qualify as a NEAR HIT?

    Imagine… where I grew up (Newfoundland, and that says a lot), people would use the word “imagine” instead of phrases like “I would say.” Now that’s all well and good, but they would sound it out like “I—-MA-GINE.” Drove me nuts… still does.

    I live in Houston for a few years and my neighbours used to say “wursh” instead of wash… that nearly caused an angina attack.

    I remember reading a “For Sale” board one time when I was younger. After several minutes of reading the ads, I noticed one for “4 RADIO TIRES — USED 1 SUMMA, $25 EACH OR $100 FOR FOUR” What a bargain!

    And, finally, I had a drinking buddy one time that claimed to be very into Ozzy Osbourne. While at a party at my place one night, I start playing “Crazy Train.” However, somebody accidentally yanked the power cord on the CD player right as Ozzy sang “I’m going off the…” Well, my friend, yells out the word “RIVER.” Everybody in the room nearly pissed themselves in laughter… Yes, “I’m going off the RIVER on a crazy train!”

    Quite an odd lot we is, we fine feathered friends from Newfoundland… 😛

  39. notsnot

    The dishwashers at the restaurant I worked at in high school thought my Pontiac 6000 LE was pronounced “ghoolie”.

  40. JFLY

    [Comment ID #36700 will be quoted here]

    My husband calls it oldtimer’s desease… 😛

  41. Bobby

    When I was a kid, I had asthma pretty bad, and would have to go in to see the doctor often. It wasn’t until I was about 8 or 9 that I realized that Monster Bachbach was actually Dr. Mansbach…

  42. Beaner

    The only one I can think of that I’ve actually enured public embarrassment would be when I said i was hungry and I needed “substanence” in which my employer informed me that i meant “sustenance”, who knew! My Mom has one that we laugh about every Christmas. When she was growing up (and no one corrected her until she was in her early 20’s :P) the Christmas carol…12 days of Christmas
    “A partridge in a pear tree” is how the last line goes, she would sing ” A partridge Ginny Peer Tree”, she honestly thought it was an actual kind of tree.

  43. Jodi

    I used to think that it was “do you take this woman to be your awfully wedded wife.” Some people may think that I was right all along…

  44. ladybugggg

    manglish.com is very funny. I screw up more than one language alot. My son used to think going to a “wedding” was going to a “wetting”. He wanted to know if we were going to shower the bride at the wetting. 😳

  45. theresa

    mine is you bet your sweet ass percreme !!! you bet if it aspercreme, i’ve never laughed so hard in my life!!!

  46. HomerRules

    My first word was “eyes.” But Mom said I go around pointing at my eyes and say, ” Ice.” Sorry, that’s all I’ve got.

  47. HomerRules

    Whoa, I don’t still do that! I meant: But Mom said I would go around… I am so glad it’s Friday!

  48. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #36677 will be quoted here]

    One…I did make sure I gave you credit for inspiring me to start it…Two…I wasn’t pimping myself out on your site, I was merely asking for help…Three…Thank you for your…um…help…I’m no where further in my warped mind than I was last night…but I will keep trying…Appreciated, Dave.

  49. Master Solace

    And as for showing :boob: :boob:, I’m still waiting for the generous :boob: pic donation from Peaches, but she hasn’t said anything about it yet. :sad:……..but I’m hoping soon… :wang:

  50. JFLY

    I can’t resist posting more of husband’s because he has so many even to this day (what can I say? he’s a Hoosier…LOL)

    1. tire threads
    2. fashlight
    3. downheel
    4. beef strokinoff
    5. doverman pincher
    6. charp cheddar

  51. Trina

    I work in a cotton warehouse where we have bales of cotton. An employee wrote down that he moved 43 “bells” of cotton

  52. MrDoug

    My daugher loves to point out the asspoppers in the back yard.

  53. Jilly

    It took me forever to get:

    1) 6 of one and half a dozen of the other, for years I would say half of one and six dozen of the other …

    Sad but true… 😳

  54. [Comment ID #36683 will be quoted here]

    Aw, shucks, Lays Val in Time! 🙂

  55. Jen

    First of all, I would like to thank Dave for this really amusing site. It was one of my options to add to MyYahoo! page. I am glad I did! I get a good laugh out of the topics up for discussion. Dave, you are a genious! 😮
    OK, before I make a big scene, some of the things that I used to mis-understand when I was younger:
    1. Tina Turner-Thunderdome: Da Under Dome(what the %$#? is that?)
    2. AC/DC-Dirty Deeds…: Thirty Knees, and the thunder’s cheap
    3. Journey-Open Arms: Folding Arms(yeah, ok!)
    4. Rock the Cashba-Shari she don’t like it(still haven’t figured it out! Can someone give me closure?!?!)
    5. Bryan Aadams-Please Forgive Me: I only wanna make it glow(please forgive me Bryan! :lol:)
    Thanks for letting me share! Hope you get a laugh!

  56. Jen

    Oh yeah, I thought of something else. I don’t know if it falls under the same category, but it is funny.
    When referring to someone, instead of saying:
    “What’s his name” I say “What’s his nuts” :wang:
    “What’s her name” I say “What’s her tits” :boob: :boob:
    Try it sometime, when it is appropriate, and see what kind of reaction you get! 😆

  57. Peaches

    [Comment ID #36715 will be quoted here]

    Ok……..when and where?

  58. cbatdux

    Oscar Peterson Hospital (Osteopathic)
    Massive Internal Fart (Myocardial Infarction) – kinda descriptive, no?
    My son uses “destructions” to help me build stuff all the time.

    Star Spangled Banner – “gave prunes thru the night”

  59. scamper95

    When I was in high school ag class me and a couple of friends asked are student teacher (she was 30ish at the time) if she liked AC-DC, her response was, it depends on where she was at in the car it was DC and at ome it was AC, to her defense we explaned that AC-DC was a rock group we were talking about not electracal current.

  60. Jeffro

    When I was a kid, my mom would try to get my sister and I to hurry up by yelling ” On the double! “. I understood but my little sister thought she was yelling ” I’m the devil! “. she would turn white as a ghost then start screaming. It was a long time before my mom figured it out.

  61. Beaner

    When my oldest child was 3, when she would see the “Grinch” on tv she would say “look, there’s the bitch”, and would also say “mom, careful don’t drive in the bitch!” 😆 I don’t know where kids come up w/ what they say!

  62. Tracyface

    In “Stairway to Heaven” theres a line”And as we wind on down the road” . When I was a kid, I always thought that they were saying “And theres a wino down the road”

    I am embarrassed to say that until I read your post Paige I still thougt it was “a wino down the road. Well you learn something new everyday I guess.

    I used to say “I’m a human bean” and instead of “are you deaf” it was “are you death”.
    On and when you take something out of the freezer your unthaw it.

  63. Tracyface

    ok that last line :
    Oh, and when you take something out of the freezer it is to unthaw it.

  64. Eliztric

    It’s worse than I feared – I telephoned my dad today during my lunch hour, because it was killing me, not knowing what I did as a child (repression?). Mum kept a record of it, he said, and then proceeded to sing the things I’d say in much the similar fashion to myself (rather loudly). I almost died shortly.

    And apparently it wasn’t just Fat Bottomed Girls, it was all of Queen’s Greatests. Body language (“God’s red legs / six in your eyes / long eggs / grape flies…/ I…want your Monet…! / Maybe you’re not!”) is by far the best, though. That definitely made me spew my :java:…but that’s more because of the fashion in which Dad sang the words than because I think I’m that hilarious.

    As for [Comment ID #36691 will be quoted here]

    Oh, God. Wow. That made me spew :java:, too. Frankly adorable of you.

  65. Eliztric

    Ahem. Your cousin. Pardon me. You can be adorable too, if you like. I won’t stop you.

  66. My daughter called M&Ms “Num e nums”… and that is what they are!
    Also, from my stepdad, I got “Flutterbys” for butterflies… and, when I married my Dear Hubby, I discovered that he called them flutterbys, too!

    See, it’s a match made in Heaven 😛

  67. Spud

    From the archives …

    Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit

    Hear more from Nirvana: rhapsody

    The real lyrics were:
    With the lights out it’s less dangerous
    Here we are now, entertain us
    I feel stupid and contaigous
    Here we are now entertain us

    But I misheard them as:
    With the salad its less dangerous
    Here we are now with potatoes
    With a mars bar, and potatoes
    And some salad and potatoes

    makes perfect sense to me.


  68. Spud

    From the archive …

    Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit

    Hear more from Nirvana: rhapsody

    The real lyrics were:
    With the lights out it’s less dangerous
    Here we are now, entertain us
    I feel stupid and contaigous
    Here we are now entertain us

    But I misheard them as:
    With the salad its less dangerous
    Here we are now with potatoes
    With a mars bar, and potatoes
    And some salad and potatoes

    makes perfect sense to me …


  69. Ace

    I used to sing along to the song Satisfaction when I was little but instead of singing “’cause I try and I try and I try and I try” I sang “’cause I cry and I cry and I cry and I try”

  70. JFLY

    [Comment ID #36808 will be quoted here]

    Don’t worry Ace…no one ever understood Mick Jagger or Bob Dylan 😆

  71. Spud


    From the archive …

    Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit

    Hear more from Nirvana: rhapsody

    The real lyrics were:
    With the lights out it’s less dangerous
    Here we are now, entertain us
    I feel stupid and contaigous
    Here we are now entertain us

    But I misheard them as:
    With the salad its less dangerous
    Here we are now with potatoes
    With a mars bar, and potatoes
    And some salad and potatoes

    makes perfect sense to me …


  72. Pappy

    The best one I ever heard was some girl saying “Haha, that guy has a speech predicament!”

  73. Spud

    Spamalot :wtf:

  74. Spud

    From the archives…

    Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit

    The real lyrics were:
    With the lights out it’s less dangerous
    Here we are now, entertain us
    I feel stupid and contaigous
    Here we are now entertain us

    But I misheard them as:
    With the salad its less dangerous
    Here we are now with potatoes
    With a mars bar, and potatoes
    And some salad and potatoes


  75. Spud

    ever feel like you’re repeating repeating repeating repeating yourself?


  76. [Comment ID #36817 will be quoted here]

    I could have sworn you just typed that.

  77. Peaches

    Does anyone really know the words to “Louie, Louie” ? I can’t even begin to type what it sounds like.

  78. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #36815 will be quoted here]

    Redundant: Saying or doing something over and over again until it becomes tiresome, dull and boring.

  79. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #36815 will be quoted here]

    Redundant: Saying or doing something over and over again until it becomes tiresome, dull and boring..

  80. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #36818 will be quoted here]

    Vuja De – I could have sworn I just read that.

  81. DucatiGal

    From the ’80’s song ‘woooohooo, it’s magic, you know, never believe it’s not soooo’
    My junior-hi buddies and I thought it was ‘woooohoo, it’s my dick, you know…’
    We couldn’t believe they’d play such a nasty song on ‘American Top 40’!

    A good friend and exchange student from Asia would join us at church sometimes. He had an excellent voice, and enjoyed singing the hymns. He’d learned most of the songs on the radio, or just by listening to others. Got most of them right, except ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’, which to him included the words ‘God Damned Sinners Reconciled’, which does sound surprisingly close to ‘God and Sinners Reconciled’ if you think about it. Makes sense, too.

    My mother, to a friend of mine on the phone one Saturday evening ‘they’ve gone to a concert in Portland – Oreo Speed Demon?’ Yea, you’d think of all the goofy band names, she’d at least have a chance to get the antique fire engine moniker of REO Speedwagon correct!

    And, according to my brother, until he reached his teen years, our house did not have a ‘utility room’ but a ‘hill-tility room’. I have no idea where he got it – to him they sounded the same.

  82. Timmmy

    One day when my 2nd cousin was very little, he was playing with his “Dump Truck” on the livingroom floor.
    His uncle said, Hey Justin, what’s that you’re playing with? Justin said,” My Dumb F**k”
    (uncle)”What? was that?”
    (Justin) “Dumb F**k”.
    All the adults were looking at each other saying, “Did he say what I think he said?

  83. Alex.r.

    It’s “déjà vu” — the funny accent is on the ‘a’ not the ‘u’…

    Oh, and I used to say “Smooff meat”.


  84. Spud

    Thanks for the deja view…


  85. Alex.r.

    Btw, Dave, it’s “déjà vu” with the funny accent on the ‘a’, not the ‘u’.

    Oh and I used to say “Smooff meat”. 😳

  86. I *still* know people who say “all intensive purposes.”

    “Spitting image” was one of mine, before I knew it was “spit and image.”

  87. Trey

    I remember when I was a little kid and heard someone sing Joy to the World but couldn’t make out the last word so I assumed it was “dead.” I guess from the perspective of a kid that didn’t know what the word “lord” meant, “the lord is dead” made more sense than “the lord is come.”

  88. [Comment ID #36911 will be quoted here]

    You are correct. Both times.

  89. Meagan

    This one time when I was really young I went to a ceremony with my parents and my older sister, Sarah. Well, she asked my parents at one point, “If there’s a Sarah-mony, is there a Meagan-mony too?”

    Ahh, sisters. 😛

    Oh, and I used to call nail polish, pol nailish.

  90. Alex.r.

    [Comment ID #37035 will be quoted here]

    Well I mean… there was nothing and then… there it was… and it was too late!

    It’s the system I tell you!

    Well, that, and the fact that I submitted twice…

  91. mikeL

    II used to screw up song lyrics. I thought Bruce Springsteens song with 10th avenue freezout was saying “dead devil in the frezzer”

  92. owwn

    These are interesting. I always wondered whether it was “No holes barred” or No holds barred”. It must be the former. I guess it’s the eqivilent of “balls to the wall”, if you will.

  93. owen

    No applause please.

  94. Back in the 80’s there was a Bananarama song called ‘I’m your venus’ My dad flipped out because he thought they were saying I’m your penis…. ‘I’m your penis I’m your fire It’s your desire’ 🙄

  95. [Comment ID #36684 will be quoted here]

    Thank you Paige…good idea about Yahoo!(it’s also how I found Dave’s site)…and as for the particular post that you are talking about…if you haven’t read the next one yet…it looks like it could be a lost cause now…it really blows……really 🙁

  96. [Comment ID #36719 will be quoted here]

    I usually spot the “asspoppers” in the local bar… 😈

  97. Ms Puppet Launcher


  98. Alex

    I have often made the statement that the word facetious which basically means full of shit should be spelled fecesious in order to better describe its meaning.

  99. EricLogDog

    I used to say “awry” the way teachers told me to split consonants…”aw-REE”.

    John Denver’s “Grandmother’s Feather Bed” is actually:
    “Made from the feathers of forty-leven geese,
    took a whole bolt of cloth for the tick”
    But I’d sing:
    “Made from the feathers of forty-leven geese,
    Took a hobo ’til cock’s crow to pick” (assuming someone had to pluck the geese).

    Killer Queen by Queen actually says:
    “Killer Queen, Gunpowder, gelatine,
    Dynamite with a laser beam…”
    But of course, I would sing:
    “Killer Queen, got by longevity,
    Dynamite with a laser beam…” (an immortal vampire?)

    And then my 5-y/o son, Ryan, while helping us move all the furnishings out of our living room so we could steam clean the rug was told to move the large potted plant and its bamboo stand outside so we parents could move the sofa out next. When we tripped on the bamboo part of his burden, we were just about to see what he was up to when we heard him groan from the back yard. There he was about to collapse under the weight of a 30-pound planter. I grabbed the weight off him and said, “Ryan, you were supposed to take BOTH the plant and the stand outside!”
    “Ohhh!!!!” he exclaimed. “I thought you told me to take the plant and STAND OUTSIDE!”

  100. EricLogDog

    And I almost forgot…my 43-year old brother STILL insists that it is correctly pronounced “SOCK EYE BLUE,” and not “Sacrableu!”

  101. Nanette

    Being raised up on Sesame Street in my kindergarten years, I sounded out the word on the sign at the dry cleaners..then asked my mom what martini-zing was. (What did a mixed drink with pizzaz have to do with cleaning your clothing?)

    I was also convinced she was dumber than dirt because she wouldn’t agree that the last line of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” was “you’ll go down and kiss Doreen!” Never mind that I couldn’t figure out why he was kissing Doreen if he liked Clarise!


  102. Ms Puppet Launcher

    I used to think New Order’s “True Faith” lyrics were
    Up, down, turn around
    Please don’t let me hit the ground
    Tonight I think I’ll walk alone
    I’ll find myself a xylophone

    But they are really:
    Up, down, turn around
    Please don’t let me hit the ground
    Tonight I think I’ll walk alone
    I’ll find my soul as I go home

    😳 😳 😳

  103. [Comment ID #37878 will be quoted here]

    Right lyrics. Wrong song. That’s Temptation.

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