Surefire ways to get your ass kicked in Arkansas

  1. “Who are the Razorbacks?”
  2. “I don’t eat steak.”
  3. “You have a college basketball team?”
  4. “Say y’all again.”
  5. “How come all your food is fried?”
  6. “Look! She’s wearing camouflage downtown.”
  7. “Football is too violent.”
  8. “I love a good quiche.”
  9. “I just bought a toy Yorkie to guard the house.”
  10. “Cats are so much better than dogs.”
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Show 33 Comments


  1. MandyLocke

    1, 2, 3, 4, let’s start a flame war! :troll:

  2. JFLY

    It’s bad enough that guy is doing thousands of dollars worth of vandelism…but his artwork SUCKS. I hope he gets caught. 👿

  3. Master Solace

    this wall tattoo guy has way too much time on his hands, WAY TOO MUCH TIME. He could have done all of these on a concrete wall near a sidewalk in New York City, in a lot less time, and more people would see it.

  4. Master Solace

    continue the list
    11. “I’m from Texas”
    12. “I’m from Oklahoma”
    13. “Who calls their capital Little Rock???”
    14. “Arkansas!?! I thought it was ArkanSLAW!”

    And the only thing that can get someone from Arkansas to kick someone else’s ass for you.
    —-“Hey, didn’t Bill Clinton come fromthis state.”
    Because, you know people from Arkansas can surely understand that it’s okay to bang the intern in the White House, when it’s YOUR HOUSE, for the time being…and if your wife looks like the backside of any of your barnyard favorites… 😛 😈 :troll:

  5. 15. You don’t pronounce the ‘s’ at the end. Is that cuz yall are like French or something?
    16. Isn’t Brokeback Mountain in this state?
    17. I’m like totally positive that Spring is your season.
    18. Your car sounds like a hybrid.
    19. Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest mosque is?
    20. You know, if your wife had her pituitary glands looked at by a professional you might not need such a big SUV.

  6. mitch

    1. Where’s the salad bar?
    2. Where’s the library?

  7. Anna

    @ Lung: I do feel that 16 thru 20 are more “surefire way to get your ass kicked in the US” than “… in Arkansas”.

    peoples what does :troll: mean? (I’ve been away)

  8. Spud

    #Davezilla February 06, 2006 | 10:55 pm

    The troll icon is for people who are being jerks (trolling for arguments)

    That help Anna?

  9. Anna

    Tater to the rescue!!!! Thank you.

  10. Craig

    21. Tell everyone you come in contact with that Dale Earnhardt sucks(or i guess i should say sucked!), and last saturday night, you saw his boy Jr. kissing another dude at the race track.

    (this was posted in good humor, please don’t stalk and kill me :dead:)

  11. underdog

    Who is Bill Clinton?

  12. Craig, that’s something you don’t say where I LIVE EITHER!! They still take people out in the timber and bury them around here, and a few months later someone will mention they haven’t seen Billy Bob lately while another one replies, “Well, he needed killin’ anyway.” 🙄

  13. Patrick

    22. “Will you please put down the banjo and drive with your hands, you illiterate gap-toothed mouth breathing bottom feeder? Or let your husband drive!”

  14. Wendy

    23. And you two lovebirds are related HOW??? 😀

  15. justjim

    “Cats are so much better than dogs.”
    an’ pussy’s much bettern’n dogs ‘n’ things… ‘n ‘ I ain’t got no muzzlims… what wuz the questyin? :wtf:

  16. logan

    [Comment ID #22142 will be quoted here]

    :wtf: bill clinton was the guy who neglected his bitch of a wife to screw whats her face ❓ what the heck is the matter with foreigners these days oh and i agree with you justjim cats are better than dogs dogs are pussys cats have a great attitude
    24. you two “cousins” need to quit showing PDA in the elementary school especialy sinse the girl is a student here 😡 8) :dead: :troll:

  17. Spud

    Craig’s comment would be sure to get a response…


  18. charlie

    NASCAR? Them cars have doors on ’em! That ain’t real racin’.

  19. Bubbles

    Would anyone like to join me in a pirate party? Maybe we can just wear our thongs on the outside of our clothes! Anyone?

  20. cbatdux

    If’n your daughter ain’t good enuff fer you ta sleep with, she shore ain’t good enuff fer me…

    Actually, we read books in our state.

    Let them eat pork rinds.

    So, you wrote your disertation on “Curious George”? How interesting….

  21. Man

    [Comment ID #22238 will be quoted here]

    Or no clothes! Woooo! :boob: :boob:

  22. To the person who visited my blog today (and we both know who you are thanks to my counter), thank you for the reminder to give Tamityville credit. If you look back through my blog you can see where I have posted at the bottom, ‘Many thanks to ______,” but that time I was in a rush I guess and I forgot. Feel free to revisit and see my revision. Also, apologies go to Tamityville — all my fault, a complete oversight.

  23. But you didn’t need to call me a THIEF!!


  24. arnifnlm

    I bought a camoflage jacket and hung it in my closet, now I can’t find it!

  25. arnifnlm

    Master Solace is right, that Tatto Wall guy had way too much time.
    I’m not gonna waste time looking at all those pictures, ’cause I’d be here ’til there’s no longer any outhouses in Arkansas.

  26. nick

    anybody here got a play station, sega maby

  27. nick

    [Comment ID #22230 will be quoted here]
    yabut dogs come whne there told cats don’t

    :puke: :puke:

  28. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #22267 will be quoted here]

    why u ask

  29. logan

    [Comment ID #22268 will be quoted here]

    yes that may be true but if you yell at a cat it looks at you like your a dumbass if you yell at a dog it drops tail and runs

  30. Mickey

    #21.”Can I see the vegan menu please?” :puke:

  31. I’ve seen references to Arkansas here before, and talk of flying in and out of Little Rock…seeing as that’s where I am, I’d love to know if you have family here, or it’s just coincidence?

  32. laceylegacey

    Are all of your men prettier than your women? Women should rule the world!! :kiss:

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