Caption Time #290

Caption Time #290

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  1. fruf

    too much guy with happyface on ass duct taped with a spear … 2 girls doing the nasty inthe background…. guy with man breasts beside the sexy couple… couple wondering what they are doing in this picture
    Typical week end in the summer

  2. Bigwavdave

    There’s quite a bit going on here…I just wish I could figure what the hell it is! :wtf:
    Working left to right…I wondered what happened to my roll of duct tape.
    Having said that, I’d do the one in the foreground. :wang:
    Next, it looks like a couple of Zillababes comparing notes. 😉
    And, finally, are those MOOBS? :puke:

  3. Haha. At first I thought this was a simple photo in the “Hot Chicks with Douchebags” genre. Then I realized it was of the “Hot Chicks with Douchebags and Dudes in the Background with Brooms Duct-Taped To Them” genre.

  4. freckleface

    A thousand and one uses for duct tape! Summer edition…Hey, i thought only northern Canajuns had spears!
    Typical summer weekend in Michigan eh Dave? 😆

  5. janeeto

    No comments yet on the Sex Toy for Dogs link. Yeah. Disturbing, but, since I don’t have a dog, nor have I ever had one hump my leg, I’m sure it’s needed…..

  6. Is that a spear taped to your leg or are you just happy to see me? 😯 :wang:

  7. Sammy

    That’s my gal!! 😡

  8. Amanda

    The Shake Weights belong in this picture too!! :wang:

  9. AlexBallew

    Ok! Who wants to see what Zilla girls can do with shake weights?

  10. PPPrick

    Attach the shake weight to the doggie toy with all that wasted duct tape in the pic. and my dog would be heaven!!

  11. Avalon

    Typical spring break n Cancun

  12. the shake weight workout looks oddly familiar. like i’ve done that before many times. hmm deja vu!!! :wang: :wang: :wang:

  13. chainstay

    OK, is there a really small guy with a hat trying to shove his head up that dudes nose, or is that guy really big and trying to snort a normal fella?

  14. DaPopster

    FLUSH !!!! :puke:

  15. [quote comment=”635413″]OK, is there a really small guy with a hat trying to shove his head up that dudes nose, or is that guy really big and trying to snort a normal fella?[/quote]

    Never mind that, check out the two chicks making out in the background! :kiss:

  16. Doubts about whether Donnie was bright enough to join the Sigma Omega Pi fraternity were confirmed when someone noticed that he hadn’t yet managed to get out of his initiation-hazing outfit and it was already summer break.

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