Caption Time #273

Caption Time #273

Image via superbomba

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  1. Margaret

    The first eco-friendly dental floss.

  2. Mike

    Mrs Osborne teaches young Ozzy the importance of a great gimmick

  3. Chris S.

    One look at those curtains would make anyone puke up just about anything…

  4. jack

    When you can’t find your toothbrush…

  5. russ

    Ozzy’s mother.

  6. Here baby bird, I hope you like regurgitated spaghetti… 😯

  7. Creelock

    So is that where Ozzy learned that .. From his mom??? 🙁

  8. Bigwavdave

    I’ve always tried to subscribe to the advice Don’t eat blue food.

  9. Patrick

    I’ve eaten turkey. I’ve eaten chicken. I’ve eaten quail, dove and rock hen. And I’ve eaten more than my share of pussy. But I ain’t never eat no parakeet. Whaat? Okay, there was that one time but I was young, drunk and needed the money.

  10. nina

    yum fresh canary tastes like squab without the hassle of cooking

  11. Zymurgyst

    I don’t think she fully grasps the concept of “giving head”.

  12. AlexBallew

    If the canary dies, there is insufficient air inside.

  13. rabbit

    I’m so ugly this is the only way I will ever get a pecker in my mouth.

  14. Flash Gordon

    PETA says, Be kind to our feathered friends. 🙄 ❗ 😳

  15. Spud

    Bus Boyz – The Next Level

  16. Years later, Ethel’s future husband would come to appreciate how she learned the difference between suck and blow.

  17. Drusky

    Not the first time she’s had a pecker in her mouth…

  18. Craigaroonie

    Budgie smugglin’ – yr doin’ it rong.

  19. janeeto

    [quote comment=”627444″]Not the first time she’s had a pecker in her mouth…[/quote]

  20. fruf

    with those drapes and the sofa no wonder the budgie iis trying to commit birdicide

  21. Which goes to show you should always cover your mouth when you yawn. Flies, birds… you just never know what might find that opening attractive. 😛

  22. Bigwavdave

    [quote comment=”627492″]Which goes to show you should always cover your mouth when you yawn. Flies, birds… you just never know what might find that opening attractive.

    Well put my dear. And since we are speaking of attractive openings…OOPS! I lost my train of thought while trying to gaze upon your avatar and type at the same time… Well, I know you know where I was headed(!) with that…(Big WET Kiss here!!!)

  23. Bigwavdave

    Did I mention “BIG & WET?”

  24. [quote comment=”627492″]Which goes to show you should always cover your mouth when you yawn. Flies, birds… you just never know what might find that opening attractive. :P[/quote]
    mm hmm. heard that sistah.

  25. chainstay

    But what does she have up her dress?

  26. [quote comment=”627517″]But what does she have up her dress?[/quote]

    A cockatoo

  27. junkman

    i’m having trouble….is a bird in the mouth worth two in the bush? 😯

  28. [quote comment=”627545″]i’m having trouble….is a bird in the mouth worth two in the bush? 8O[/quote]

    I always thought that a hand on the bush was worth two on the bird.

  29. [quote comment=”627545″]i’m having trouble….is a bird in the mouth worth two in the bush? 8O[/quote]

    I’m having trouble… deciding. 😛

  30. DaPopster

    [quote comment=”627456″][quote comment=”627444″]Not the first time she’s had a pecker in her mouth…[/quote]
    By the bored expression on her face, looks like it’s just one of many ……

  31. keefer

    Sorry, but it had to be done…

    She swallowed the bird to catch the spider, that wriggled and wriggled and wriggled inside her.

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