Failed Horror Movie Ideas

  1. Pantsuits of the Damned
  2. Dawn of the Bagel
  3. The Hills Have Starbucks
  4. The Cabinet of Dr. Phil
  5. Invasion of the Body Shapers
  6. Whatever Happened to Milli Vanilli?
  7. Don’t Go Inside My Trousers
  8. I Know What You Did at Band Camp
  9. Friday the 14th
  10. What movies would you like to see?

With assistance from Mark Simon

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  1. Bec

    . When I went to my in-laws…

  2. Heidi

    Wat, Wat in the butt….Wat, Wat in my butt…..

  3. chainstay

    Attack of the 50 foot incontinence.
    The Androgenous strain.

  4. fruf

    Diet till ypou drop

  5. fruf

    Sorry, Diet till you drop sorta like the previous one

  6. The “Ultimate” Failed Horror Show… A Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue.

  7. Mikeme

    Childern of the Damned neighbors


    The body tappers

  8. Scott

    King Kong and Godzilla make a porno.

  9. Scott

    April 15th, 1 minute ’til midnight.

  10. Scott

    I Survived Black Friday at Wal-Mart.

  11. Scott

    The Day the Earth Took Pills.

  12. Scott

    The Drunken Mall Santa, Revenge of the Drunken Mall Santa, I Married a Drunken Mall Santa. Son of the Drunken Mall Santa, etc… need I say more.

  13. Scott

    “I Know Who You Fired Last Week!” or “Under the Axe. Who’ll Be Next?”

  14. Scott

    [quote comment=”533139″]April 15th, 1 minute ’til midnight.[/quote]
    ’tis the tax season to give.

  15. Scott

    [quote comment=”533156″][quote comment=”533139″]April 15th, 1 minute ’til midnight.[/quote]
    ’tis the tax season to give.[/quote]
    never mind.


    [quote comment=”533058″]The “Ultimate” Failed Horror Show… A Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue.[/quote]
    It’s already out (2000) as is the sequel (2004). Both were soundly panned by critics.

  17. Patrick

    [quote comment=”533058″]The “Ultimate” Failed Horror Show… A Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue.[/quote] God Bless her. Annie’s just as sharp as she is pretty.
    [quote comment=”533138″]King Kong and Godzilla make a porno.[/quote] I think I’d kinda like to see this one. Eddie Murphy, as Ralph Kramden, doing the voiceover for King Kong- “Hey Nortonzilla! I know that you know that you want to fuck me in the ass”.

  18. tony

    Dawn of the GM stock holders!!!!

  19. Stefanie

    Davezilla’s Baby 😯

  20. Spud

    Night of the Stockbrokers!

    The Sorting House on the Hill.

    Wall St Massacre – A Thanksgiving Story

  21. Phoenix1313

    [quote comment=”533388″]The Exercist starring Richard Simmons.[/quote]
    Just the thought scares the HELL out of me. :puke: :dead:

  22. Timm

    Night Of The Living Bra – starring Rosie O’Donnell

  23. The Ring Tone
    The Hills Have iPods
    The TexMex Coleslaw Massacre
    Children of the Quorn
    The Soccer Mummy
    Freddy and Jason Versus Alien and Rocky.
    Itchy the Killer. (A Simpson’s Halloween Special)

  24. Bigwavdave

    Since no one else is willing to go there…


  25. A Canadian Werewolf in London, Eh?

    Attack of the Killer Eggplants

    The Shindig

    The Booger Man

  26. Chris S.

    IRS Gone Wild

    The Pit and the Peach

    Davezilla Invades Tokyo (actually not that bad but somehow suffered poor box office numbers)

    Night of the Living Embroiderers

    Don’t Go in the Walk-in Closet

    The Exorcism of Emeril Green

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