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Show 25 Comments


  1. That car must have been the product of one of yesterday’s lurkers who couldn’t take their eyes off Esther’s & Mandy’s naughty bits.

    I know I sure as hell was babbling incoherently and making all sorts of mental-hospital-art for a long time today …


  2. Spud

    I will admit I was kinda sorta distracted…


  3. that sounds like something I would say!

    mama neenie moo moo

  4. Anna

    Sorry, too European (me) don’t get it. Please explain.
    Now Dave, there’s a picture (of the talent scout) that would get at least as many hits as yesterday’s.

  5. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    That’s one mean mamma neenie moo moo. Got soy milk…..err…. no it tastes like peacocks vomit.

    So does cottage cheese actually….

    Not that I have ever stooped so low as to sample the throaty offerings from a peacock mind you. Neither have I partaken in the cheese secreted from the underside of a cottage.

    Either way it’s all in bad taste if you ask me, I bet it runs on unleaded Brie as well.

    Stupid car. 🙁

    Stupid people.:-?




  6. Frisko

    I want to know if they are charged higher insurance rates based on the creativity of the car. At least we were not forced to read bumper stickers that engulf the back end of some of these artistic wonder-mobiles.

  7. Anna, I don’t get it either. None of us do. I just live in a neighborhood of weird people. 😛

    Frisko, the bumper stickers make it go faster. 😀

  8. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Brit joke:

    After 10 years trailing the field….Rover launch their new “eco” car.

    Above all, it’s a Rover, above all it’s shite…


  9. Esther

    Now I like cows and all, but..well, damn.:dead:

  10. Merth

    Is that the Frish’s Big Boy head in the window?

    Check out the teets on that one! What an utter disaster!

  11. Cheap Date

    That car has GOT to belong to a democrap! Notice the likeness if Edwards on the window. Once again, the little Breck Girl is messing with his hair! 🙄

  12. Merth

    I agree with Cheap Date… everyone knows republicans only drive SUVs and Lexus type vehicles.

  13. ReV.JeLLyBaBy


    That must be why they need so much oil then?


  14. A-ToM-O

    …Dave, I couldn’t figure out where to comment on the new Freeg-o-da-weeg, but I figure this spot will do. A few years ago I was confronted by the ‘Talent Scout’ and lemme tell you, boy-talking to her was kind of like being with a retarded squirrel. And not only does she prey on the up-and-coming acting talent, she likes herself dem illustrators, so no one is safe.

  15. Does the car have a set of headlights…or just udders?

  16. simoon


    Is this a picture of the infamous “cow car” that you didn’t take some weeks ago (because you didn’t have your camera with you!)? Or is there another “cow car” running around where you live?

    Oh my!

  17. simoon


    Is this a picture of the infamous “cow car” that you didn’t take some weeks ago (because you didn’t have your camera with you!)? Or is there another “cow car” running around where you live?

    Oh my!

  18. simoon

    Hmmmmmmm. I’m seeing double… again!


  19. simoon


    If I continue to see double, getting up to comment #77 should be really easy!

    Hah! But not fun on the eyes of others!!

  20. Goats are much better than cows, anyway. 😀

  21. JayKay

    There are now sites cropping up in reaction to like and

    But don’t worry, there is also a response to the responses for those who disagree with those who disagree (or something like that)

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