Complete this Sentence, #36

“The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to __________ all the __________ .”

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Show 43 Comments


  1. “The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to shoot all the innocent by-standers.”

  2. BryGuy

    The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to procrastinate all

  3. The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to jerk-off all the elephants.

  4. Omega

    The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to think about Mandy’s tits all the time.

    :boob: :boob:

  5. AnnieB

    The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to think about how you can goof off all the rest of the week and still have a job .” I do that and I’m self-employed! lol
    🙄 😈

  6. sledge

    The worst thing about going to work on monday is having to drink the office coffee

  7. junkman

    “The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to be asked “how was your weekend” just so all the employees have an opener to tell me about theirs.” and by the way, i would rather take my chances with seeing the blubber babe in the thong than listen to the resulting drunken squirrel/easter candy gorging drivel.

    p.s. my birthday was on friday and we had an awesome anti-christ party what with being born on the day they tacked the big guy up. if anyone poked me in the side with a spear the red wine would have flowed like niagara. (i know…you didn’t ask me how my weekend was!)

  8. Bigwavdave

    The worst thing about going to work on Monday is dragging my ass out of our nice, warm waterbed. Yes, we still sleep on one. It’s the BEST. Next worst is confronting the So.Cal. morning drive…

  9. cbatdux

    Monday???? MONDAY????? Ah SHIT!!!!!

  10. “The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to read all the Davezilla comments.”

  11. junkman

    [Comment ID #172822 will be quoted here]
    perhaps the angry samoans have the answer:
    Poke poke, poke your eyes out
    Lights out!
    Put a pen in your hand, poke your eyes out

  12. The Natural EMP

    The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to listen to my pod-mate (nicknamed June Cleaver) constantly clear her throat, call her husband daddy, and talk about how everything’s so confusing all the damned day.

    More coffee, please. :java: :java: :java: :java: :java: :java: :java: :java: :java: :java: :java: :java: :java: :java: :java: :java:

  13. [Comment ID #172822 will be quoted here]

    I suppose you prefer the silence of your own site with zero comments. 😛

    Oh yes, I went there. 😈

  14. “The worst thing about NOT going to work on Easter Monday in slacker-assed Europe is having to read all the comments from bitter, over-worked Americans.”

    (Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go back to bed. It’s way too early in the afternoon for all this stressful thinking. He he.)

  15. [Comment ID #172838 will be quoted here]

    Just me, the crickets, and my cup of coffee. :java:

  16. Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #172798 will be quoted here]

    Good for you, O self-employed babe! Hows about a
    job, as I am currently unemployed. I used to own
    a restaurant, but waitresses won’t work for me
    anymore. I can’t even get an illegal alien to work.
    Please, I hate to beg. :java: 😮 ❗ :wtf:

  17. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #172840 will be quoted here]

    Even the crickets aren’t chirping … zzzzzzzzzzzz

    Flash … lol I don’t believe for a second you have to beg for anything!

  18. family jules

    The worst thing about going back to work on Monday is feeding all the scented candles to all the drunken squirrels in thongs.

  19. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #172840 will be quoted here]

    Just one cup of coffee? Have you cut back? You used to spend more time (and $$) at Starbucks than ‘Zilla. Texas has changed you.

  20. pablo

    “The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to drag my sorry ass out of bed all the while I’m still dreaming of the Zilla girls.”

  21. [Comment ID #172889 will be quoted here]

    I have to brave a dash across Interstate 10 to get to the nearest Starbucks so I’ve taken to brewing my own. One cup, many refills. :java: :java: :java: :java:

  22. Joe-the-ragman

    I’ve found the cure to Monday morning blahs – I begin my work week on Friday, and take the next two days off. . . 8)

  23. Anton

    [Comment ID #172904 will be quoted here]

    I think I’d rather start work on Friday and take the next 6 days off.

  24. [Comment ID #172904 will be quoted here]

    I like that! I’m gonna try it this week…since Friday will be my Monday, Wednesday and Thursday will be my weekend! Awesome!

    “The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to listen to all the whiny commentors who only show up at davezilla to spoil the fun.”

  25. jeffro

    Awwwww. sounds like someone’s got a case of the mondays.

  26. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #172911 will be quoted here]

    And yet he keeps coming back, and back, and back and back!
    I think he has the equivalent of penis envy for our Dave and his outstanding group of contributors. 😈

  27. Bjorn Freeh

    “The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to be at work all the live-long day.”

    Yeah, yeah, yeah — it’s lame. But I’ve been at work all day.

  28. Lake Effect

    The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to begin chewing through the leather restraints all over again.

  29. Spud

    “The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to clean the crap off all the sewer rods from last week.”

  30. Drusky

    [Comment ID #172873 will be quoted here]
    Could that waitress problem have anything to do with those whacks on the ass I believe you were talking about earlier? 😆

    The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to kiss all the asses that were attached to the toes you stepped on because it was Friday…

  31. Drusky

    [Comment ID #172934 will be quoted here]

    Strange. Disturbing. Scarey. yet somehow I can identify with it… 😈

  32. Spud

    Actually I’m confused, it’s Tuesday here, yeah, we like had an extra long weekend and all.

    You mean to tell me that you Amerikans have to work on Good Friday and Easter Monday?

    If so, there is no hope for you, shoot yourselves now, wait, first sign all your worldly possesions over to Spud Incâ„¢

    Thank you for your co-operation.

  33. pablo

    “The worst thing about going to work on Monday (thru Friday) is having to look busy all the time I’m posting on Davezilla .”

  34. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #172898 will be quoted here]

    May I suggest oh, perhaps a menage a trois for your sleeping pleasure tonight my love?

    Sweet dreams :kiss:

  35. [Comment ID #172946 will be quoted here]

    I had Friday off, but worked today. Natalie (Canadian) had both days off. Lucky girl. 😐

  36. Spud

    This is tomorrow calling wishing for a womenage eh trees…

  37. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #172976 will be quoted here]

    I think it’s against the law to laugh this hard this early in the morning! Perfect Spud … I love it!

  38. [Comment ID #172898 will be quoted here]

    Don’t worry, we’ll still be waiting for you when you get back.

  39. The worst thing about going to work on Monday is… wait, I don’t work. This is awesome!

  40. [Comment ID #173098 will be quoted here]

    Lucky Bitch! 😈

    [Comment ID #173096 will be quoted here]

    With open legs…(clears throat)…mouths…er *shit*…arms…um, yeah.

  41. StevieC

    [Comment ID #173109 will be quoted here]

    Y’know, this could actually make me look forward to Mondays! Sorry I wasn’t around earlier to comment, but it was a 4 day weekend for me. Can you say road trip?
    :wang: 😀

  42. The worst thing about going to work on Monday is having to fill out a new time card. What a dismal graphic of the immense expanse of days and aggravations .. uh, challenges, still to be endured. Accounting for the last of the week’s crap on Friday seems to reinforce the idea that ‘sufficient unto the week is the crap thereof’, or something.

    Except when working at the theater. Timecards there run from Friday to Thursday, and the ‘Weekend’ begins at the 4 pm showing on Friday, and slows down Sunday evening. And the movies don’t change near often enough. The good ones are OK, the rest hang around forever. ‘Wild Hogs’ was a lot of fun, and I doubt I will ever watch it again. ‘Shooter’ is good, and worth seeing every week or so. I am looking forward to ‘Knocked Up’, coming in June. And of course, ‘Delta Farce’ with Larry the Cable Guy.

    Otherwise, the chickens and pony don’t keep track of weekends, they still kinda like being fed a couple times a day, the cows want their hay and feed.

    But Paul Harvey is back on Monday morning, after skipping the morning news snippets on Saturday and Sunday, so that is good.

  43. [Comment ID #173139 will be quoted here]

    Yay, road trip! To Climax, I presume?

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