Year: 2011

  • Musica ecuatoriana

    I can’t figure out if these girls have awesome glasses or super heroine masks on. Either way, the choreography is … interesting.

  • Dream soundtracks, take one

    Do you ever have soundtracks in your dreams? I have one every damn night. The worst part of is, it tends not to be music I like, but in my dreams, it loops continuously throughout the night. Scientists say our brains are just working out things we encountered that day. I don’t buy it. Some of the music that pops up in my dreams I haven’t heard in years. I made an effort to write down every dream soundtrack of 2011.

    • January 1: The Green Manalishi. Not the brilliant Judas Priest cover version. The intolerable Fleetwood Mac version.
    • January 2: Forgotten upon waking.
    • January 3: Let’s Give them Something to Talk About. Kill me now.
    • January 4: Pokemon theme
    • January 5: 25, or 6 to 4. *shudders*
    • January 6: Mad World. Donny Darko version which I don’t like nearly as much as the Tears for Fears original.
    • January 7: Crazy Train.
    • January 8: Crazy Train. Again. Dammit.
    • January 9: Margaritaville. Oh god, no.
    • January 10: Mr. Blue Sky by ELO. This song is so lame, it’s embarrassing to listen to. Having it in your head all night? Unacceptable.
    • January 11: Renegade by Styx. Inconceivable!
    • January 12: Africa by the forgettable 80s band, Toto. I only wish I could have forgotten this song upon waking.
    • January 13: Achy-Breaky Heart. Do I seem like the sort of individual who enjoys country? Hint: NO. I Googled this turd of a song to double check the spelling, only to find achey is misspelled. How very kountry.
    • January 14: Karma Chameleon. Everyone hated this song in the ’80s. Unlike a Chateau Latour, this song hasn’t aged well.
    • January 15: We love our Commodore. OK, this one at least happened on Saturday. I went to the Commodore’s Ball with my wife. Did not expect to hear this damn song all night.