You know, for kids!

The Big Coloring Book of Vaginas

Huh. Available from Amazon.


6 responses to “You know, for kids!”

  1. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Do you use the expression “She’s got the painters in.” in the U.S.?
    Coz it’s pretty apt here.

  2. Davezilla Avatar

    No, I haven’t heard that one. Translation?

  3. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Erm…how can I put this?
    She’s up on blocks?
    Aunt Flo is visiting?
    In her flowers. (Irish)
    Ragtime banned?
    The curse?
    A monthly visitor?

  4. Davezilla Avatar

    Or as the Wiccans say, “It’s her moon time”. 😯

  5. Gymshoe Avatar

    All that money spent on boxes of crayons just for the pink ones.