Christmas gift idea

Christmas gift idea

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24 responses to “Christmas gift idea”

  1. AnnieB Avatar

    Dave, I kept waiting for you to post (slacker) today so I could say HB to Pablo on the proper date. I think he’s worth 2 HB’s though, so here’s another one.

    :kiss: HAPPY :kiss: BIRTHDAY :kiss: PABLO! :kiss:

  2. AnnieB Avatar

    You know I think if I was a guy, I’d be a little leary of this contraption. It might shrink the wrong thing … :limp:

  3. Brooklyn R. Avatar
    Brooklyn R.

    That guy has the most uncomfortable smile I’ve seen since the over-smilers post. That had to be the worst modeling job of his entire career (probably the only one after this shot). 😮

    And a Happy Birthday to you, Pablo. May you get drunk and puke all over the house plants thinking that you’re in the bathroom. :puke: :dead:

  4. Mandy Avatar

    happy birthday pablo!! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

    those pants are like the internets: a series of tubes

  5. Pablo Avatar

    Thanks for noticing folks. One year closer to AARP status!

    The one thing the inflato-pants missed. Looking the corner. It says “Reduces Waste, Tummy, Hips & Thighs” They forgot “Reduces chances of looking cool & getting laid”.

  6. Lung the Younger Avatar

    The gradual mutation after being bitten in the ass by a radioacive Michelin Man is both tragic and irreversible.

  7. Nicolette Avatar

    Happy Birthday Pablo! 😀

  8. Spud Avatar

    I gotta get me some of those hot pants god, spray paint em red and I could sell myself as the new millennium Oscar wiener guy.

    Plus chicks secretly dig em.

    HBP 😈

  9. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    It looks like they’re wearing cut-off garbage cans.

    AnnieB, the avatar is how I looked before I got
    the miracle sauna pants. 😛 :wtf: :wang: :kiss:

  10. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Way to go Pablo! Now go out and get some :boob: :thong: :boob:

  11. Supercharged_goddess Avatar

    [Comment ID #219971 will be quoted here]

    So THAT’S how the botox Drs get rich so quick! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PABLO!!!!!!!!!

  12. Meagan Avatar

    Is it getting hot in here or is it just my pants? 😈

    Happy Birthday Pablo! Let the birthday spankings begin! SPANK!

  13. Mandy Avatar

    [Comment ID #219982 will be quoted here]

    botox on the peener? owchie! :limp:

  14. Supercharged_goddess Avatar

    Well, I guess I could blow it back up by mouth……

  15. Mandy Avatar

    [Comment ID #219985 will be quoted here]

    mmmm blowing. slurp!! :wang:

  16. supercharged_goddess Avatar

    dammit! you didn’t save any for me!!! :limp:

  17. Mandy Avatar

    [Comment ID #219988 will be quoted here]
    omg you should have seen the boy i had last week. his :wang: was so thick i nearly gagged. like swallowing an eggplant.

  18. julesOdeNile Avatar

    Reduces waist,tummy,hips&thighs. Quadruples the growth rate of mould, fungus, crabs and worts. kills any chances of ever getting laid,and generally f@*%$ up your G area. TRY IT TODAY!

  19. Jay Laverdure Avatar
    Jay Laverdure

    “Wonder Mandy Hot Pants”:
    As (nearly) seen on her Avatar-

    “Look Better- Feel Better- Wake Up Your Body!”

  20. TimM Avatar

    Reduces Waist, Tummy, Hips & Thighs. Actually it only reduces your wallet, and your dignity if someone sees you wearing it.

    Happy Birthday Pablo!

  21. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #219976 will be quoted here]
    Dammit, I hate it when somebody else beats me to it! 😆

  22. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #219990 will be quoted here]

    Sooooo, does that make you a Vegetarian or a meat lover? 😈 😛

  23. avalon67 Avatar

    Sauna pants by designer Bimbo the Clown Balloon Artist Extraordinaire

  24. estalene Avatar

    [Comment ID #219981 will be quoted here]


    :undies: :wang: