Why I’m not a janitor

Why I am not a janitor

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42 responses to “Why I’m not a janitor”

  1. Spud Avatar

    Firstly —– as a plumber, to clear that lot up, that’ll be $295.00 + tax thanks.

    Secondly —— ewwwwww


  2. Kismet Avatar


  3. DaPopster Avatar

    Sonds like a lot of lonely, horny college students, so what else is new?

    Secondly, I also agree, Ewwwwwwwwww :puke:

  4. tian Avatar

    that is nothing compare to this one:

    ASU police reported the following incidents Wednesday:

    An 18-year-old male ASU student was arrested Sunday night at Hayden Library and charged with indecent exposure and public sexual indecency. The suspect allegedly pulled his pants and underwear to his mid-thighs to masturbate while watching pornography on his laptop. When asked why he had gone to the library to view pornography and masturbate, the suspect allegedly told police, “To be honest, the Internet connection at my dorm isn’t good enough.”


  5. Minnie Avatar

    That’s disgusting! ❓

  6. jwalkingthunder Avatar

    :puke: boy now we know why they call it duck butter u
    bunch of nasty people flushing dead babys down the drane :troll: :limp:

  7. Jen (yep, me too) Avatar
    Jen (yep, me too)

    [Comment ID #22504 will be quoted here]

    Oh My God, I love my alma mater. :wtf: Seriously, you should make that a daily reading, especially on Mondays. That was my favorite part of the entire newspaper, there usually isn’t much else to read. Ha ha ha. Ahhh, memories.

  8. Craig Avatar

    Who woulda thought that jizz could clog pipes? :wtf:

  9. Belinda Avatar

    That link….never mind the drains, that horrid baby! What–why–who made that thing, and for what nefarious purpose?

  10. mitch Avatar

    First they take away our bongs, then they take away our loud metal music and NOW they want us to stop wanking off in the shower!!! What is this Communist China?

  11. kate Avatar

    cheers mitch if i have ever thought of a bad idea that would have to be it i love to not only watch my bf in the shower wanking but if i cant have sex in the shower afterward where is the fun? :wtf: 😆

  12. girl Avatar

    this is exactly why I have no idea how men can shower at the gym. nasty.

  13. Nikki Avatar

    Jeebus! That link scares me.

  14. Natalie Avatar

    I’m so glad I’m a girl.

  15. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #22563 will be quoted here]

    I’m glad you’re a girl too. 😈

  16. Pappy Avatar

    I agree with Dave. I don’t want to be the janitor of those showers. :wtf:

  17. Tara Avatar

    Flipflops in the shower – Not just about Athlete’s Foot anymore. :wtf:

  18. Andrew Avatar

    Only problem with this notice is that the “offending” students wont’t be able to read it as their eyesight must be very poor. 😆

  19. Marcus Avatar

    [Comment ID #22544 will be quoted here]

    Mitch is right on the money. When your a student and live in a dorm room, you have very little privacy. Showers are a great place to wank. A library is a little bit too much for my tastes. The DNA analysis threat is a load of crap. It would cost the university way too much money. :troll:

    Awww, cute baby. I want one. :puke:

  20. Al Carter Avatar

    Ok! Remember yourself when you were students! Hehe!

  21. Woozle Avatar

    Makes me happy that I no longer live in the dorms. Very happy.

    Now if only I trusted my roommate… :puke:

  22. gpcarmody Avatar

    Do you realize how much semen would be needed to clog a drain? Considering how little is produced in one orgasm, there must have been a platoon of guys wanking at the same time.

  23. comfortablynumber Avatar

    And just how did they determine it to be semen? Was it floating around in a ship? Sorry..:?: (Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum?) And why did they conclude it had to be from masterbation? It could have been from the other sex showering up after sex, if you know what I mean. :undies: Or it could have been slimy soap..have you ever cleaned your own drain out? Maybe it was shampoo, conditioner or whip cream.. they all can have a consistency of sperm. I think management may have a guilty conscience and is projecting it on others… :puke:

  24. jules Avatar

    that was nasty!! and that doll….what the hell?

  25. laceylegacey Avatar

    EWWWWWW!!! Thank God I’m female!

  26. justjim Avatar

    and every9one told me that this was a cum as you are party…. :wang:

  27. goth princess Avatar
    goth princess

    EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank the lord i’m a girl :puke:

  28. Marcus Avatar

    Quite a few ladies here are happy being girls. So am I, but I am also happy that I am a man. At least I don’t have to experience that special once a month thing, to wear a bra, worry about my nails or hair, or how my makeup looks. Oh, by the way ladies, in the letter they use the word “student” which means what? Hmm

  29. Oreos Avatar

    this is hilarious. i’ve linked this entry, if you don’t mind. cheers 🙂

  30. Tami Jo Avatar

    I’m waiting for Buttershug or Zilla to make the connection between this and my clogged-drain post. Or was it too easy? 8)

  31. Esther Avatar

    I just had to read this while I was eating lunch. :dead:

  32. Infernos Avatar

    Now we know where the frat houses have their real parties :wtf:

  33. South Avatar

    Thank god im a boy

  34. jen Avatar

    hey CSI tells me a little bleach will clean that right up, or Pepsi….

  35. crazysocket Avatar

    can semen clog up pipes… ??? i laugh like hell man… 8)

  36. ernie Avatar

    I think it is kind of cool but than again I am a perv and would wak it in the showre. I also would like a copy of the notice if possible.

  37. Kinyou Avatar

    [Comment ID #22541 will be quoted here]
    Sticky things, stick to things… it’s common sense. 😉

  38. Zjuer China Avatar
    Zjuer China

    how nasty it is! thanks god I am not american nor in america.

  39. Zjuer China Avatar
    Zjuer China


  40. Lusus Avatar

    Zjeur China said:

    “how nasty it is! thanks god I am not american nor in america.”

    Last time I checked, Durham U was in England. Just because it’s embarrassing, nasty, or contains the word “semen” in its description does not mean the event necessarily has to be associated with America or Americans. I have taken the liberty to fix your statement and thereby save you from seeming like the utter idiot that you truly are:

    “how nasty it is! thanks god I am not [a limey] nor in [england].”

  41. PC Avatar

    As a limey actually at Durham University, I’m certainly not glad to be a girl – we have to use these gross showers too! The semen thing is actually a hoax though! 😆