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42 responses to “Why I don’t live in California”
There either here to take over the world or jazzercise us all into shape.
BTW, yesterday was my birthday, bitches! 🙂
What The Poon Brings by H.P. Hovercraft
p.s. happy felated bidet meagan!
[Comment ID #228135 will appear here]
HFB Meagan, and a Happy belated VD as well.
“We three queens of California are…”
Home of the fruits and nuts.
HFB, Meagan! Go flog some boy. 😎 :java: 😀 :wang:
Nah, this is a staged photo. Those aren’t real palm trees. I did like the redwoods in Muir Woods. Big.
And besides, they filmed the awesome blockbuster movie, “Earth Girls Are Easy” there. One of Jim Carrey’s early roles, and maybe one of Gina Davis’ best. sigh. And also George Burns and Brooke Shields in the spicy comedy, “Just You And Me, Kid.” I spent 5 years in Silicon Valley in the ’80’s. That was where I picked up my copies of the FurVersion fanzine, and the t-shirt. The fanzines are still good, the t-shirt does’t fit so well anymore. California was OK, except for the bumper stickers, “Welcome to California, Now Go Home.” A pity so many Californians moved to Colorado, the Coloradans regard the flush of earthquake-phobes as ‘Californication’.
Roomba introduces the new robot riding room vac.
I dunno, from where I sit (it’s cold!) it looks pretty inviting. Plus I could hang with Pablo, so it would be a twofer with a capital T! :wang: 😛
all I wanna know is,
Here at the Hoover test facility we KNOW how to compete with Dyson
Kawasaki shows off it’s new line of fuel-injected, turbo-charged, 450hp floor buffers. Comes standard with small, older foreign operator. Sexy janitorial help option available at extra cost.
The zilla girls get ready for a marathon knob polishing event… :wang:
Mandi: I’m so totally NOT vacuuming the beach AGAIN!
Brandi: As if! Let’s go to the MALL!
Sandi: Mine’s like not even WORKING! Oh, wait, I think my thong is caught in the handle…
Speaking of thongs, isn’t it time there was a THONG emoticon, Dave?
Not the over-the-shoulder number, but maybe 3 styles: regular, saucy and Mandy.
I stand ready and willing to help ensure precise and accurate pixel placement
For Christ’s sake, did everyone take a funny pill today except me?!? :wang: :wang:
Happy Belated Birthday Meagan! Was your present to give or to receive? 😈
Thanks everybody! And Annie, as much as I enjoy giving, I like to get as much as I can! 😈
The new’est accessory for gold digging beach bunnys– [ The Beach Sweep hovering Metal Detector ] it not only finds the gold it blows the sand away for easy collection .
Happy B-Day Mistress Darla
heres your present .
When you open this check out {titillating trailer} I think you will like her…if not you can whip me back into submission .
Happy Frikkin’ BD, Megan. I’m wrapping your gift right now.
Ouch! 😳
On that Notorious Betty Page Page (did I stutter?)…one of the songs in the background is “Fever”, the song I always hear in my mind while reading any of the Zillagals. With one of my favorite old lyrics…
“Chicks were born to give ya fever
Be it fahrenheit or centigrade”
Amen. And thanks.
Thanks Driver! Hopefully one day I’ll be as notorious as Bettie Page. 😈
The Fembots are a cautious people, and frighten easily, but they will return, and in greater numbers……
Happy Birthday Meagan. How many spankings did u get?? 😈
There seems to have been a typo in the today’s subject line. I believe it should read “Why don’t I live in California?”
Happy birfday, Meagan. Funny thing, I bet more children are conceived on Valentine’s Day than are born on it. You’re a trend breaker!
[Comment ID #228205 will appear here]
already have this emoticon – :thong: it’s the third from the right.
Link of the day is excellent. I especially liked the last logo on the first page for PEINS!
Video of the day-I like how she admits that her weiners did leave poopie ‘once’ that she didn’t pick up. Yes, and I’ll have one potato chip and one sip of beer!!!
I’m a native Californian, living somewhere between Los Angeles and Palm Springs. If these things would lessen traffic on Hwy 91, then let’s get those bad boys on the showroom floors!
Happy belated breatday, Meagan!
crap, that should have been: Happy belated breastday, Meagan!
[Comment ID #228367 will appear here]
26, and boy are my cheeks tender! Anyone care to rub some lotion on them? 😈
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…….. flavored lotion! 😈
janeeto, I’m pretty sure hoatzin was talking about a “rear view” icon thong similar to our lovely Mandy’s avatar. 😀 😛
Happy Daze Megan! 😆
[Comment ID #228440 will appear here]
I was a thinking the same…
[Comment ID #228477 will appear here]
AnnieB, you grasped my position perfectly!
The :thong: thing is just too…wholesome? Looks like a surgical mask?
:thong: = granny pants. :wtf:
:thong: = tighty whities :puke:
If they are from a planet where everyone looks like them, I want to say, “Take me to your leader!”
Happy B-lated Birthday Meagan. It was (would have been) my grandma’s Birthday.
:thong: sort of looks like a diaper to me.
LOL @ hoatzin, Lake (Effectd?) and Nicolette! :wang: 😛
:thong: = not what a Zillagirl would wear! :limp:
… and TimM! Funny!!! 😀
:thong: = Looks like an eye patch to me.
I stand corrected by the best bunch of friends! As I learned in high school, I am depraved because I am deprived. Well, apparently not as depraved as this bunch! Huzzah! Am I still a welcomed member?
This should revolutionize synchronized swimming.
Charlie’s Baywatch?
[Comment ID #228804 will appear here]
Of course! But we’ll need proof of your loyalty with the appropriate butt/boob avatar! Is tomorrow too soon? 😛
There is a certain person I know who would love to see parts of me immortalized as an avatar, but, alas, I cannot compare to yours and Megans.
[Comment ID #228804 will appear here]
Of course!
Need any surgery, or are you perfectthe way you are?
[Comment ID #228609 will appear here]
You’re right! 😆 Well done hoatzin! :wang: :kiss:
Do not be alarmed earthlings, we cum in piece.
[Comment ID #229991 will appear here]
🙂 What a cutie!!