When trends need to die…

When trends need to die

Flashdance or Clan of the Cave Bear? You decide…

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Show 55 Comments


  1. Mandy

    EWWWWW! I fucking hate those boots! :puke: YUCK-O!

  2. Mandy

    Wait. Is the chickie on the right the bastard child of Abram the Safety Ape? She has his legs. :wtf:

  3. mikeB

    Why that goil’s got toilets on her laigs.

  4. Spud

    Where do trends go to die?

    If you wear something long enough, it usually comes back into fashion.

    That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


  5. Master Solace

    My VERY first thought was, “Wow, two great sets of legs, thank you, Dave.” But then I seen the hairy deformities growing on their legs, covering up almost half of the nice pairs. That’s when I realized, those aren’t deformities, those are shoe-like creatures attacking them. Why didn’t anyone fight these horrible leg-eating monsters!?!?!

    Seriously(if I really can be serious for once), simply put, this trend must die, and die soon, because there is a REASON no one has found the real Bigfoot yet, and wearing these things might actually get Bigfoot aroused enough to come out of hiding. Then what will the Weekly World News tabloid have left to fabricate. I say KILL THESE LEG CONSUMING CREATURES BEFORE THEY DESTROY HUMANITY……and leave the Republican left with nothing else to do with their free time!!! 😈 👿

    Okay, I think I’m done now…really…for now 🙂

  6. On the left a Greek girls legs after depilation.
    On the right the same girl with her boots off.

  7. Marcus

    The girls in the picture are a byproduct of genetic mutation which is the desire to wear stuff that looks really stupid. Someone should really tell them to stop watching movies from the 80’s for fashion tips.

    I doubt I would learn much about safety with half naked women running around. I probably spend most of my time waving a couple dollars in the air. Do the nurses give lap dances? 😈 :boob: :boob:

  8. Becky

    I only have one comment for both, the picture and the links………… :puke: :puke: :puke:…wait that’s three me bad 🙁

  9. Anna

    To have those legs (age wise) ….. I’d even wear those dead raccoons.

  10. mitch

    Other trends that need to die:
    1) Reality shows
    2) Teenage angst
    3) Rap/Country stars in duets
    4) Washed-up hasbeens as game show hosts.
    Now I feel better. Now I can revel and wallow in my pure, unadulterated love for Fran. That’s one trend that’ll never go out of style. She be my girl!!!!

  11. In Fran’s best interest, Mitch, I feel I’m going to have to ask you to submit information for a background check. 😛

  12. Becky

    [Comment ID #28987 will be quoted here]
    Ditto here!……sigh to be young again:(

  13. mitch smith

    [Comment ID #28993 will be quoted here]

    All the information on me can be found in my secret file being kept by Dubya and the goons at Homeland Security.

  14. Anita Mann-Badley

    I agree… trends like taking close-up pics of young girls’ backsides have got to stop! How do we make that happen?

  15. tenderflower

    I’m more digusted with the skirts. One has camo? And the other one has shreds hanging from it.

    I think these pictures were taken at Putins Christmas party.

  16. The boots on the right just make me wonder why she went to all the trouble to shave her legs.

  17. franklito

    why wear furry winter boots with a skirt?
    they both need some help. :wtf:
    another trend that needs to die is the american funniest home videos. i think that show lost its funny after the first season. it all seems staged and i feel like they have a “laugh now” sign for the audience. Also, i think the trend of recounting votes to make sure they counted them correctly the first time then changin the winner needs to stop too. If they cant count fire them, they dont need to be counting no more. especially to determine the President. 👿

  18. Lace Valentine

    The girl on the left has killer legs. The boot dilemma is very simple: you go up to the girl and offer to massage her feet. Thus Boots are taken off, and hopefully you get the girl.

    Now as for the camouflage skirt….


  19. Craig

    Gams is gams, but those boots are fuckin’ ugly! :limp:

  20. cbatdux

    Must not kill bad clothes trends – makes me look OK.

    I no longer get THOSE looks when I shop in Walmart with my mis-matched socks (black/brown) with my keds.

    BTW – my wife married me for my legs. OK, that’s a lie.

  21. scamper

    I think a good waxing is an order for them feet, as for the skirts, there proper work attire for the cheap ho.

  22. Bjorn Freeh

    Maybe these fashion statements are the (presumably) girls’ version of 1970’s music.

    Live and let live.

  23. phil

    are these chicks from “heman and the masters of the universe”, or maybe into that weird zoo sex thing? i just don’t get it.

  24. chainstay

    [Comment ID #28990 will be quoted here]
    I fully agree with all that

  25. Peg

    I wish I had a pair like that……legs I mean. I would never put anything that ugly on them.

  26. I’ve been thinking about making my own version of the boots on the right into an “intimates” collection.

    It will include unmentionable articles such as thongs & teddies.
    Thongs mostly.

  27. MrDoug

    I aggree those skirts are way too long. We need to be sure that women keep those skirts above the buttocks! And where are the thongs?

  28. dawn

    omg, that show would scare the sh*t out of my kids!

  29. Marcus

    [Comment ID #29129 will be quoted here]

    I know what you mean. I can’t understand how they can advertise it as a kiddy show. Maybe they mean dirty old men wearing trench coats. I don’t have children, but I teach them and most of my students would run for the hills. However, as I said in my comment, I would probably ask the nurses for a lap dance or two so leave the kids at home.

  30. Beaner

    I just don’t get whenever wooky looking boots became “sexy” w/ mini-skirts, who decided to change fitted sexy high heel boots w/ ill fitted, sasquatch lookin boots! I will continue to wear my high heel boots, to hell w/ current fashions!!

  31. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #29141 will be quoted here]

    Did not need to see that…..WAIT, that’s my DAUGHTER!!!!

  32. [Comment ID #29127 will be quoted here]

    You will, of course, send us pictures, right April? 😈

  33. I say the furry boots are ok. But only if it’s the only thing she’s wearing.

  34. Driver

    I think the girl on the left is pretty decent { boots and all} , the girl on the right needs to move out of the hills . As for the link from cronewynd , sorry gals I could’nt see the outfit for the hottie.

  35. Patrick

    “When Toenail Fungus Goes Untreated”, on the next Davezilla!

  36. Paige

    Are those Poodles or Pomeranians that girl is wearing???????Just wanted to know. 😆

  37. Brian Starny

    LOL. Who would wear those boots? MAybe if you’re blind? WTF!

    I saw a similar pair on a blub over on Goofyblog the other day ( http://www.goofyblog.net/ ) Please god, don’t let this be a new Fashion trend.


  38. JFLY

    Wasn’t the one on the right in the movie “Caveman?”

  39. Tina Marie

    It looks like the girl on the right stepped too hard on two shit tzu dogs (up to her ankles, I’d say!)


  40. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #29239 will be quoted here]

    Ditto 😈

  41. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #28990 will be quoted here]

    #1) I agree completely
    #2) Ditto
    #3) Almost agree completely, I think “Over and Over” by Nelly & Tim McGraw was a really good song and even better video, just my opinion, though
    #4) Also an almost agree, Donny Osmund hosting “Pyramid” definitely sucks ass, but Richard Karn hosting “Family Feud” has really worked out for him, CBS, and the classic game show, bringing it to a new generation. I remember watching it with Ray Combs when I was little and I loved the show, and thanks to GSN, I get to watch it with Ray and the original host, Richard Dawson. But the one that doesn’t seen to go away is Bob Barker. I admit to watching “The Price is RIght” for all of my life(my first complete sentence I ever said WAS “Come On Down”), but the show lost all of it’s luster after legendary announcer Rod Roddie passed away. Now I wish that someone would just off Bob Barker, and get a new host. Really!

  42. Ace

    I’ve seen too many of these damn boots! Totally ridiculous!!! Wearers must be KILLED!!!!!
    BTW not only are they wearing these hideous things with skirts but they also wear them with sweat pants -something that completely baffles me!

  43. bo

    Other trends that need to die or just put to sleep THE MULLET but if you wear hairy boots with a mullet you need counseling for sure :kiss:

  44. Kinyou

    Wow, I’d say that if I were a man, that wouldn’t even be slightly arousing. As, If a man were already aroused, they saw this topic, they clicked on it – See the clothing = :limp: Then move down towards seeing the legs = :wang: Then moving towards the booooooooots = :limp: :limp: :limp:

    yeah, I don’t think that any guy that wasn’t into beastality would think that was anywhere attractive. Getting foot fucked by a monkey gives you hairy foot-children.

  45. When you see someone wearing these monstrosities, do the following:

    1) Tackle said idiot
    2) Pull boots off
    3) Beat them with their boots until they swear to never, ever, subject the public to them again.

    See, simple.

  46. Jules

    Those boots on the right have got to go!!!!! As for the ones on the left well a bit 80’s but I have seen worse. As far as I’m concerned, I wear whatever the hell I like, in style or not. If someone don’t like it then dont look. I love to go to the mall and people watch. What they wear, etc. It always makes me feel better when I see other people more, well to put it nicely, messed up than I am!!

    P.S. I am only being nice because i am new here. Just wait till you get to know me!

  47. Mandy

    [Comment ID #29523 will be quoted here]

    Sounds hot!

  48. Marcus

    [Comment ID #29496 will be quoted here]

    Oh I wish it was legal to do all those things. There should be fine,too. You must listen to Slim Whitman 24 Hrs a day 7 days a week for eternity.

  49. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #29523 will be quoted here]

    :wtf:… :twisted:… :!:… :evil:… :idea:…how soon can I get to know you?…really want to know

  50. Kinyou

    [Comment ID #29618 will be quoted here]


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