What would God do on His vacation days off?

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39 responses to “What would God do on His vacation days off?”

  1. Zeke Avatar

    it appears as so God is farting out a puff of smoke.

  2. evilmister Avatar

    The X-MAn Archangel, after a few years and a lotta beers….

  3. silentstorm Avatar

    Personally, I always thought god was a woman…but i would say God needed the pepto ice cream!

  4. Meagan Avatar

    God better fly away fast before duck hunters get him.

  5. Irish Avatar

    Large eagle takes another human meal……

  6. larfus Avatar

    watch out for his droppings! :wtf:

  7. zinta Avatar

    Can you imagine the bird droppings… JEEEZZZUUUSSSSS… what a mess.

  8. Drusky Avatar

    Betcha K.F.C. could make a mega-bucket out of that… 😈

  9. Timm Avatar

    Look! Up in the Sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! NO!.. It’s Larry.

  10. Spud Avatar

    It’s somehow, so right…


  11. Coleman Avatar

    Dude its George Lucas with wings WTF

  12. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Γ’β‚¬ΛœErr, Mr. Genie Sir! When I said that I wanted to be able to get it up with a pair of stunning flappers, this wasnÒ€ℒt exactly what I meant. Any chance of changing my wish again?Ò€ℒ

  13. mikeB Avatar

    Harry Potter 15: The Sorceror’s Undergarments
    In this final installment, Harry decides it’s time to send a drooling, incontinent Dumbledore packing to Figglewick’s Retirement Community for Aging Mages. With a mighty shout of Absolvo Derrilectum, Dumbledore sprouts wings and flies off to join others of his ilk.

    Rated R for scenes of graphic violence, some nudity and sex scenes involving a house elf.

  14. Mandy Avatar

    “Dammit, I dropped my keys again!”

  15. Ms Puppet Launcher Avatar
    Ms Puppet Launcher

    OMG brilliant, mikeb! :kiss:

  16. Lung the Younger Avatar

    John Ashcroft music video.

  17. bhamm Avatar

    – Due to lack of sponsors, R. Kelly’s new “I Believe I Can Fly” video was done on a budget of 42 dollars. And 7 cents.
    – Marvel decided to cancel it’s new superhero “I-got-wings-but-don’t-give-a-crap-Man” after poor reviews.
    – “Bigfoot… Biiiiiigfoooooot? Damn, I hate when he runs off…”

  18. DaPopster Avatar

    God takes on a disguise to see who pokes fun at His appearace ……… then later casts the ones’ who think they’re funny into the Pit of Perdition, πŸ˜€ :mrgreen: 😐 😈

  19. Spud Avatar

    “Absolvo Derrilectum,”

    A new spell enters the world and we have witnessed its birth.

    Well done mike!


  20. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    The day Cheney missed his mark.
    πŸ˜• 😳 :limp: :limp: :puke:

  21. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    Ok, somebody cue Bette Midler…

  22. Nunu Avatar

    Ten bucks says he’s watchin gcampers having sex πŸ˜›

  23. junkman Avatar

    god stares intently at 2 pine beetles doing it.

    i will hold out for maalox sherbert.

  24. Lace Valentine Avatar
    Lace Valentine

    We all know God’s a naughty voyeur.

    Sadly, Dave, that’s not a snap of God, but one of a Slob Fairy.

  25. cows go moo Avatar
    cows go moo

    [Comment ID #71605 will be quoted here]

  26. Nikki Avatar

    Pepto-dismal ice cream. Hmm, no thanks.

  27. Gets Zippy Avatar
    Gets Zippy

    We may not know what God does, but at least we know who Godzilla will be fighting.

  28. MrDoug Avatar

    Weevil porn, alternate uses for the that pink crap, and that creepy guy from down the street with wings, looking like he is going to hurl on the world below.

    My Monday is now complete.

  29. Steppenwolf Avatar

    OMG! Ronald Mac was right…just had the wrong bird!!

  30. Meagan Avatar

    Thankfully the Ex-Lax ice cream smoothie never made it to production. :wtf:

  31. Chicky Avatar

    First of all, he should get into a new exercise program to loose the God-GUT!
    And by the looks of him, he might need that Pepto – Bismol ICECREAM (in fat-free, of course)!
    Wow, God the day after a bender is just not right!
    What’s up with that Dave?

  32. Chicky Avatar

    [Comment ID #71596 will be quoted here]

    I LOVE YOU! You crack me up! πŸ˜†

  33. Poison Girl!! Avatar
    Poison Girl!!

    Thats the guy after overdosing on his Pepto Ice cream :dead:! It is after all a CONTROLLED substance :wtf:

  34. Mike Avatar

    [Comment ID #71665 will be quoted here]

    OVERDOSE: If overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. US residents can call the US national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. Canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly.[b]Symptoms of overdose may include ringing in ears, dizziness, confusion, and coma.[/b]

  35. cbatdux Avatar

    [Comment ID #71608 will be quoted here]

    Keep it up.

  36. cbatdux Avatar

    zilla –

    The Pepto link is hilarious. I thought you had the only clever blog…ya mean – there’s more out there??? dang.

  37. Meagan Avatar

    “Red Bull gives you wiiiiings!”

  38. Tina Marie Avatar
    Tina Marie

    [Comment ID #71568 will be quoted here]

    Dude. Those are his TAIL FEATHERS. I mean…really!

    On the other hand, however, it does look like God is reaching down to scratch his ass.

  39. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #71701 will be quoted here]
    L.M.A.O.! πŸ˜†