Vagina Repair

Vagina Repair

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  1. Vaga


  2. tinamarie

    I’m sorry, but how is this supposed to be ‘painless’? I’m pretty sure that if your Vag needs repairing, it didn’t get that way without a little pain. But then again, pain and satisfaction often walk hand in hand!!! :mrgreen:

  3. tinamarie

    Oh wait! I didn’t read all the way to the bottom of the sign! Christ the King is doing this! That’s why it’s painless.

    “Go forth and have a satisfaction vagina, daughter of Abraham.”

    Having said that, I must point out that Christ had some interesting ways of healing people: he laid hands on them, he spit and made a paste out of mud, they touched his garment and were healed….

    So what exactly is he going to lay his hands on? Or spit on? And what is going to do the spitting? and is she going to be touching his garment, so to speak?

  4. Patrick

    I’m pretty sure I don’t want to volunteer for the ‘repair’ part. But I would gladly volunteer to be part of the ‘satisfaction’ end. What was that Dan Ackroyd character, ___ ____, male prostitute”?

  5. Stefanie

    Okay, if my va-jay-jay needed “repairing” I certainly don’t think I’d go THERE to have it done….. 😕

  6. t1nyturtle

    I was looking through the “Bizarre Animal Hair Hats,”
    hoping to find a lady with a beaver on top (two
    beavers?), but… was disappointed. 🙁

  7. Wonder if they can do something about in-grown assholes?

  8. [quote comment=”484817″]I’m pretty sure I don’t want to volunteer for the ‘repair’ part. But I would gladly volunteer to be part of the ‘satisfaction’ end. What was that Dan Ackroyd character, ___ ____, male prostitute”?[/quote]
    Fred Garvin, male prostitute.

  9. Spud

    This weeks special, two for one with every vagina repair Rust!

  10. Arsonite

    SO is it painless satisfaction or is satisfaction without pain? And does that come with free undercoating? 😀

  11. Bigwavdave

    Evidently, sized doesmatter… 😳

  12. Fruf

    What’s he do ,install a drawstring?

    Virgins remade?

  13. Oh my God! I laughed at that one! Hey, I bet that lady with the show about having 18 kids could really use this kind of service! 😀

  14. And Dave, what ever happened to all the “FUN” smiles on here??

  15. junkman

    when i was a young lad i went to school with a guy named jimmy waterson. the story went round grade 3 that he fell down the stairs and drank a bottle of javex. i know it doesn’t make sense but we all believed it 100%. as a result of this misshap jimmy couldn’t speak properly. everything he said sounded like wa wa wa wa. so we shortened his name and called him jimmy wa. when he walked by we said “wa jimmy wa”. anyhoo….his mouth looked like an old runny vagina (waxed). eventually he had some sort of surgery where-in the doc threw a few extra stitches in to tighten things up. it didn’t really do much for the wa wa pedal. he was a christian. the principal of our school was mr. king. is this story just a co-incidence? 😐

  16. Patrick

    Fred Garvin, that’s the guy! “Hey lady, that’s a vagina, not a clown car”!

  17. Edward

    I`m wondering if this is a surgical repair, or some fly by night pretent to be doctor/pervert with a storefront trying to convince victims that something is wrong with their “cooch”. It looked like one of those shops in Tiaguana (spell check). If a woman needs surgical repair, it could be just a little tearing from her first time, or her first time with an oversized member, which usually heals itself. My question is, “what would they use for a band-aid, lol, or pain meds! 😈

  18. Drusky

    Is this where you go for the ‘Daddy Stitch?”

    This might be a full service center with a ‘lube rack’, emissions check and injection servicing. The complete visual inspection in ALWAYS free… 😀

  19. Bec

    I was actually scared to open this link… ❓
    I’m confused, are they going to pray it tighter? 😕

  20. I wonder what the warranty on that sort of thing would be… 😛

  21. [quote comment=”485250″]They forgot to put the ‘AS-YOU-WAIT’ bit.[/quote]

    I’m sure it would be an In and Out service Lung.

  22. Is their slogan

    If your clit has a slit
    We’ll fix it lickety-split

    Or would it be …..

    We spackle your crack

    Or maybe …

    Whack attack on our crack?
    Let our shack get you back in the sack!

  23. [quote comment=”486222″]Is their slogan

    If your clit has a slit
    We’ll fix it lickety-split

    Or would it be …..

    We spackle your crack

    Or maybe …

    Whack attack on our crack?
    Let our shack get you back in the sack!

    just don’t swat my twat.

  24. Bigwavdave

    NOW OPEN! – BWD’s Holistic Vaginal Diagnostics – Friendly Service – We’re not OBGYNs, but we’ll take a look. Why pay for a repair you don’t need? Let us peruse your pounding, pulsating pussy and put you in the pink…Remember, NO JOB TOO SMALL!

  25. Just be careful though. Too much work on your sideways smile can make it look like Joan Rivers in the end. 😯

  26. Dave

    There will be no pain if they num it first….

    (legs over shoulders and numnumnumnum) 😛

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