Use bread thongs, thank you

Use bread thongs, thank you

Image via Mandy


22 responses to “Use bread thongs, thank you”

  1. Meagan Avatar

    Gives new meaning to edible underwear. Anyone wanna butter my bun? 😈

  2. Spud Avatar

    Tish dada boom.

    This liberal misuse of letters by pasty faced nib nobs has a knead to be rested.

  3. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    :boobs: :boobs: Your bread thongs and my beef jerky could make for a great box lunch. :wang:

  4. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    We could go for a Roll, & I’d be a Hero!

  5. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    And I’d Deliver Fresh Daily!!

  6. janeeto Avatar

    I prefer my buns to be touched with hands, followed by :wang: !!!

  7. Mjaz Avatar

    Sooooo.. is it ok to touch the bread with my feet? I really don’t like touching other people’s thongs, unless I know them really really REALLY well.

  8. Mandy Avatar

    i prefer to have my buns handled frequently (sometimes i like roughly too) 😈 :thong:

  9. Spud Avatar

    [Comment ID #226269 will appear here]

    :wtf: Oh you naughty girl you, I think somebody needs a spanking…

  10. Reddog Avatar

    The down side to bread thongs is of course a yeast infection. :undies:

  11. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #226269 will appear here]

    My dough is rising! :wang:
    That Avatar makes buns and thongs right as rain! I suppose that after Mistress Darla got done with them, they’d be Hot Cross Buns… 😈

  12. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #226259 will appear here]

    You know we’ll require multiple deliveries don’t you Lake … 😛

  13. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #226342 will appear here]

    And the best part is licking the hot, sweet, sticky stuff off! 😛

  14. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #226377 will appear here]

    There’s nothing like having sticky buns in the morning.

  15. Nicolette Avatar

    Is there a box of disposable thongs next to the display case, ordo I have to use the same one everyone else has used? :puke:

  16. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #226376 will appear here]

    :wang: Hey! I’m There! 😈

  17. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #226377 will appear here]
    That’s better than dealing with a “crunch” roll… :puke:

  18. Pablo Avatar

    I’m back baby! And if you aren’t down with that, Johnny is giving you the secret password.

  19. Pablo Avatar

    You would think they would want you to use a bra instead of a thong, since lift & separation is what you are trying to accomplish.

  20. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #226342 will appear here]

    I don’t know whether I’m hungry or horny. 😈

  21. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #226489 will appear here]

    😆 Ah, how we missed ya Johnny! :kiss:

  22. Meshie Avatar

    Spanking! Me next!! 😈