LIZZ: “That’s it, honey.” [SITTING UP, ROCKING IN BED]
ME: “What are you doing?”
LIZZ: “I just… I have to stay awake and…to make sure the baby doesn’t fall asleep on me.”
ME: “What? I didn’t even hear you get out of bed.”
LIZZ “Oh. My. God. I am losing my mind.”
ME: “What?!?”
LIZZ: “This isn’t even the baby. I’ve been rocking the cat.”
Sleep deprivation
Overheard: “Sangrina” edition
Bartender: “So what did you two do last night?”
Waitress #1: “We had some sangrinas. They were so good.”
Bartender: “I’ve heard of those. They’re like margaritas, right?”
Waitress #2: “No, they’re a wine thing with like fruits and shit.”
Bartender: “Oh, that’s sound good! What kind of wine is it?”
Waitress #2: “Dark wine.”
Waitress #1: “Yeah, dark wine. I dunno, Chardonnay or something.”I swear, I lost 10 IQ points listening to that.
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