This is L.A.

This is L.A.

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  1. Don

    Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Daves back yard, Washington D.C. There everywhere.

  2. Drusky

    E.T. phones home, jungle style!

  3. aliens and boy junk. must be burning man festival. :limp:

  4. jdn

    david lee and the bass player from van halen form a new band

  5. You know that hole in the ozone? That’s the gateway for the smog aliens to get through. :wtf:

  6. brad

    Loggin’s and Messina make one last come back try.

  7. Spud

    “…They’re here!…”

  8. Patrick

    I’m just not feeling it yet. What the song needs is: MORE CONGA! And maybe some cowbell.

  9. IdiotNumberOne

    It’s not LA. It’s Burning Man. You can see the Man right there in the background.

  10. [quote comment=”631757″]Makes me even happier to be in Canada.[/quote]
    Is that a challenge, StevieC? Cause I have hundreds of photos of freaks I took in Canada. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. DaPopster

    [quote comment=”631757″]Makes me even happier to be in Canada.[/quote]
    Here’s some sad news for you sunshine, they’re everywhere …..

  12. David

    Is it my imagination or is the kneeling guy going commando?

  13. Ryder

    probably the most normal thing at burning man

  14. Drusky

    [quote comment=”631747″]It’s not LA. It’s Burning Man. You can see the Man right there in the background.[/quote]

    Correct! Living just outside of Reno, I should have picked up on the Man. In the days leading up to Burning Man and just after, it’s just stunning to see the various ‘vehicles’ driving along I-80. A few of them don’t quite make it going in and more still die leaving. Old converted school buses, pickups with painted camper shells, vans and ancient station wagons, most painted and decorated in ways that would put Mardi Gras floats to shame. In a sign of the times of how trendy it is to go, the number of California plated BMW, Lexus, Volvo and other expensive sedans and SUVs increases each year, each with bike racks. What I hate about Burning Man (and NDOT, Nevada Dept. Of Trans. hates too) is the shear amount of TRASH left behind as they leave. Not on the playa, but at the rest stops along the freeway heading out. Old couches, chairs, broken bikes, rugs, dirty clothes, household trash and other debris that was meant to be used ‘one last time’ in the desert and then summarily abandoned along the road.

  15. [quote comment=”631765″][quote comment=”631757″]Makes me even happier to be in Canada.[/quote]
    Is that a challenge, StevieC? Cause I have hundreds of photos of freaks I took in Canada. :)[/quote]

    Okay, but remember, they’ve got to be better than ET jamming with Kenny Loggins.

    Go Canada!

  16. freckleface

    Yeah, Davezilla, We have freaks in Canada, but it’s never warm enough to go commando! Our freaks are fully clothed, usually in plaid. Right StevieC?

    Go Canada!!!

  17. JulesOdeNile

    Looks like the mother ship is shooting red balls at the other guy (non alien), you suppose he knows this nut-airing, conga- playing, alien freak is setting him up?

  18. [quote comment=”631795″]Yeah, Davezilla, We have freaks in Canada, but it’s never warm enough to go commando! Our freaks are fully clothed, usually in plaid. Right StevieC?

    Go Canada!!![/quote]

    Hey freckle, going commando is okay so long as you’re wearing your touque

  19. freckleface

    And I quote:
    [quote post=”3543″]Hey freckle, going commando is okay so long as youโ€™re wearing your touque[/quote]
    A touque is fine StevieC, depending on where it’s worn. Then again, the bigger the Kodiaks, the bigger the touque… ๐Ÿ˜›

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