The End of Christmas

The End of Christmas

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  1. dave!!!!! who gave you my family photos!!!

  2. Patrick

    Somebody spiked the eggnog!
    Papa Elf said, “Baby Elf’s ass is toooo small. Mama Elf’s ass it tooo big. But Mandy Elf’s ass is just right! :wang:
    And damn the bastard that invented pantyhose.

  3. But thankfully it’s the beginning of a new rear, I mean year. 😛

  4. Rufnkdnme

    In this photo from the annual North Pole after-Christmas Party, we see Santa’s neices moments before “posing” for the always-funny photo-copied ass picture. Unfortunately, “Grumpy Elf” on the right, squeeked one out mid-session, and broke the copier glass.

  5. Bigwavdave

    Dave – Thanks for the Christmas cheer.

    Re: The video – Why didn’t someone put that little thing out of it’s misery, and then take care of the bird? :puke:

  6. fruf

    Holy elf santa makes you want to spread joy… the middle elf

  7. The three horny elves of Christmas cheer:

    We felt Mary

    We jumped for Joy

    And we all had Faith

    Merry Stedgemas to everyone in Zillaland! :wang:

  8. Drusky

    What every Zilladude wants to see in a Christmas stocking. Time to open! :wang:

  9. Dragonhose

    As always, Santa rewards his elves for a job well done. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, some little guys you’ll blow! Wrong fairy tale, oh well, get out the step stools and line up you guy’s.

  10. News Bulletin… Santa on naughty list after Mrs. Claus found out that Ho Ho Ho wasn’t his laugh but his gift request at the annual North Pole Christmas Party……

    “Ho Ho Ho and I want them by tomorrow”

    I’d like that delivered to my door……stockings okay…easily removed…

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