- Bullets from heroes kill with one shot and in less than a second. Bullets from criminals maim, but if they do kill, it takes longer.
- Virginity protects you from serial killers.
- It only takes two people to turn a two ton fallen tree into a massive booby trap that operates by pulling a tiny wooden shim.
- Heroes’ handguns fire 70 shots and never miss. Criminals’ handguns fire six shots of questionable accuracy. They also ricochet more often than heroes.
- Heroes simply bleed less than criminals, who tend to bleed in arterial spray patterns resembling a Jackson Pollock painting.
- The first hot woman to appear onscreen in any spy movie is the double agent.
- All cars will explode into fireballs when rolling over a cliff or hill. It’s simple physics.
- Spaceships make lots of noise, despite the vacuum of space.
- Heat-seeking missiles turn on a dime. They’re more nimble in the air than a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird.
- What have you learned from movies?
Tag: heroes
Things I Learned from Movies, Part III
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