Celebrating 25 years of clean humor and filthy comments

Celebrating 25 years of clean humor and filthy comments.

And as a special tribute, I decided to ask ChatGPT how I am described. This was the response: Davezilla is a humorous blogger who is known for his witty and often sarcastic commentary on various topics. He has a unique writing style that blends humor, satire, and pop culture references, and his blog is widely regarded as entertaining and engaging. Davezilla's writing is often described as witty, incisive, and insightful, and his humor appeals to a wide range of readers, including those who enjoy political satire, pop culture commentary, and social critique. Overall, Davezilla is known for his ability to…
24 Years Ago…

24 Years Ago…

I bought this domain. Yep. February 22, 1998. That means next year, my blog will be a quarter century old. One of the oldest on the planet. Crazy town. Thank you for sticking with me. I am going to be posting a lot more this year. But original stuff. Not the memes. Those can stay on Facebook where they belong!

It was 20 years ago today…

Twenty years ago today, I quietly launched this little humor blog called Davezilla. It’s now one of the longest running humor blogs on Earth (if not the longest). One thing I am incredibly proud of is the amazing folks I have met through this site. Heroes (to me) like Jeffrey Zeldman, Heather Champ, Jesse James Garrett, Chris Brogan, Sara Evans, Alexis Ohanian, Matt Mullenweg, and too many more to mention. You know who you are. This blog has been featured in Wired multiple times, a book by Yahoo! called Five Years that Influenced the Web, and American Greetings even made…

I finally refreshed the look a bit. Yes, it's the default Twenty Thirteen theme (with an original photo for the header), but the site needed a kick in the butt. I plan on updating the color scheme when I get time. Next month.

Attention New Readers

If you're new to Davezilla, and tried to sign up today but couldn't, it's not you. It's me. Really. I had a spate of Russian spammers signing up all day with fake names and emails. I have no patience for the Russians. Blackhats, the lot of them. Anyway, if you are a real live legitimate person and want to sign up to comment, pop me an email and proof that you're a human (send me a pic or a link to your Facebook profile for example) so I can add you manually. Sorry. If you're a real reader from Russia…

Davezilla has moved! is back

Back in 1994 I started this site as a place to store cartoons and anagrams I did of celebrities. I miss doing that. I had a very small, but dedicated audience. I've gotten away from that, more to photos, links and videos. My audience is much bigger as a result. I want to go back to my roots, but not lose you, dear readers. So I have a solution. I started posting Davezilla comedy on my new Tumblr blog. You can find me there, several times a day now. Meanwhile, this site will be redesigned as an anagram site once…

Attention iPhone Owners

I just added a mobile theme to Davezilla.com to make it easier to read when you're stuck waiting at the clinic (I won't ask which one), waiting at the DMV, or avoiding listening to a boring meeting at work. I believe this theme is also optimized for Android, iTouch and the Palm Pre. Presumably this means you Crackberry users are screwed. Sorry about that. Let me know how it works for you. It seemed to work great on my iPhone.


This picture, which originally appeared on I CAN HAS CHEEZEBURGER?, is now in the book of the same name! Go me Jade. Just got my copy in the mail today. Jade thinks it is a work of great historical importance. She may be right.