Sponge Bob is very, very drunk

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36 responses to “Sponge Bob is very, very drunk”

  1. SpongeBob is very, very drunk…

    Jaja, politisch nicht ganz korrekt, ich weiss
    Aber wusstet ihr, dass SpongeBob und Tinky-Winky schwul sind?
    (via davezilla)


  2. Trey Avatar

    On, Who lives in a pub under the sea?
    Spong Bob Square Pants!
    He comes to work as high as can be
    Spong Bob Square Pants!

  3. Anna Avatar

    Eduardo, the human popsicle!

  4. tian Avatar

    New from Nabisco, it is “crack junkie sandwich” now with real crack junkie filling.

  5. Spud Avatar

    The All New Demtel Injury Free Drinking Suit!

    Only $19.95*

    Order today and receive our free offer of one (1) bottle of Vodka!

    Call 1900-Shitfaced Today!

    Operators are standing by!

    (*offer limited to ten (10) per customer)


  6. JFLY Avatar

    Where’s the frosty cream filling?

  7. Nikki Avatar

    Spongebobcake needs more :java:.

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go skin one of my kids’ stuffed animals to make a tissue box cozy…

  8. Megan Avatar

    SpongeBob NoPants

  9. Fran Avatar

    Looks more like a sammich or a Newton. I’d have to agree with Tian.

  10. bhamm Avatar

    BIKINI BOTTOM – 2/20/06
    The untimely death of Spongebob Squarepants came when he was filming his new educational video entitled “Why Sea Creatures Need Water“.
    He is survived by Patrick Star.

  11. Peaches Avatar

    Breaking news….

    Seymor Rectums suffocates after trying to replicate “fun with Scones” with his body. Friends say he made an ass of himself, while onlookers say he really looked like shit.

    More at 11:00

  12. Lung the Younger Avatar

    It looks like Dick Cheney mistook a roll of toiletpaper for a quail.

  13. Lung the Younger Avatar

    A sponge floor mop in Abu Graib.

  14. stebe Avatar

    that yeast infection really got out of hand! ❓

  15. nicholas Avatar

    do you think sponge bob got layed or just drunk.

  16. Calcul8r Avatar

    Somebody order a omelet with legs?

  17. Lace Valentine Avatar
    Lace Valentine

    Vulcan mind meld gets: “Waffle house, the pain! but yummy cook taste good. Egg apron too salty! The Pain!”

  18. Esther Avatar

    “That’s a big Twinkie.”

  19. logan Avatar

    new from nabisco man eating twinky

  20. justjim Avatar

    yah yah yah…. what he said!
    SpongeBob is very, very drunk…

    Jaja, politisch nicht ganz korrekt, ich weiss
    Aber wusstet ihr, dass SpongeBob und Tinky-Winky schwul sind?
    (via davezilla)



  21. Ron Avatar

    Mutant contraceptive sponge takes birth control to a new level, with deadly results. :dead:

  22. Ron Avatar

    Kids, see what happens when Sponge Bob go out “sporing around”.

  23. Kristi Avatar

    I prefer my omelet with ham and cheese. 😕

  24. Kinyou Avatar

    This just in – Sponge bob snapped last night, went out and had a big ass part with his friends. His friends went missing, and Sponge bob blacked out. Comments from Sponge bob, unknown due to the fact that he’s still sleeping. Watch at 11 to hear his comments… If he’s awake.

  25. Beaner Avatar

    Spongebob’s less fortunate cousin, Beersponge Lightweight, sleeping another wild night off in his pineapple shack deep in the darker……. dirtier side of bikini bottom.

  26. laceylegacey Avatar

    Hey!! That would go perfect with my Chewbacca couch cover and Ewok wallpaper

  27. scamper Avatar

    Looks like he lost his squar pants too.

  28. Steppenwolf Avatar

    Look out SpongeBob…here comes Rodger Bumpass!
    (That’s the name of the man who does the Squidward Tentacles voice.)
    Oh man, please shoot me for knowing that.

  29. laceylegacey Avatar

    When good scones go bad 😡

  30. Paige Avatar

    When Cheeseheads go bad!!!!!!! 😛

  31. Pappy Avatar

    [Comment ID #24891 will be quoted here]

    I was just thinking that same thing!

  32. JFLY Avatar

    HEY! I’m a Cheesehead…LOL

  33. Detroit Dave Avatar
    Detroit Dave

    Elian Gonzalez is hermetically sealed for use in next year’s May Day parade.

  34. Duke Avatar

    (A Witness) “He was running really fast and laughing with his eyes closed, I guess he didn’t see the truck.” (Reporter) “Hmmm…I wonder if anyone has found his clothes or facial features yet.”

  35. Jonny 2-2 Avatar
    Jonny 2-2


  36. Cammy Avatar

    lol. lives under the sea
    spongebob square pants He lies there as drunk as can be
    spongebon square pants :mrgreen: