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Show 29 Comments


  1. “Hey baby, how about a little surf ‘n turf?”

  2. Mandy

    I caught the big one!

  3. Lou Zha

    Is that a red wiggler in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?

    Still dont see the big deal being first to post a reply.

  4. Esther

    “Hey! I didn’t order the fish fi-lay!”:grin:

    /got less than nothing…

  5. “Keep your pants on. I only kiss on the first date.”

  6. mikeB

    “Darling, don’t be so koi.”

  7. ReV.JeLLyBaBy


    Is this simply a case of being in the wrong plaice at the wrong time? Or maybe salmon enchanted evening, the magic happened between them?

    They cod have danced the night away and next thing you know, eternal love had blossomed and catapulted the two lovers towards a deeper porpoise?

    Either way it should kipper out of mischief for a while and if it doesn’t work out, there’s plenty more men on the land.

    But like I always say……..

    That’s a Moray!


  8. mikeB

    Bravo, ReV. You’re truly jumping the shark with that post. 😈

  9. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Thank you Mike. 😎

    Although I’ve been posting for a while now… just for the sheer halibut.

    It’s still nice to recieve praise without neccesarily fishing for compliments.

    Anyways I’m off to work on the script for my new film. It’s about the shark from Jaws and the Loch Ness monster…

    Its called…

    “Loch Jaws”


  10. mikeB

    Something smells fishy about that script, ReV.

  11. Spud

    I’ll have chips with that thanks

  12. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Your not far wrong Mike.

    I’m one of those people that tries so hard to clam every mountain and have put my heart and sole into this script.

    Hopefully I’ll raise the cash by prawning some of my valuables?

    But who knows?

    If I fish upon a star and try not to get two tench….my impossible bream may become a reality.

    And if Pike Lee directs for me….It may even win an Oscar?


  13. Elektra

    I’m in pain because of the comments here…talk about word play gone bad…:wtf:

  14. mikeB

    By the scale of new readers surfing in, you seem to have a whale of a post today. No fish story here.

  15. ReV.JeLLyBaBy


    What a fishious and shellfish thing to say!

    Time to call the Codfather and his hired mussel to administer a battering!

    That should change Elektra’s tuna.


    P.S sorry to hear your feeling eel.

  16. Easy dace it, mikeB. Let’s not spawn any rumors about my reader-ship. I’ll admit that I sea an increase in the tide of readers, but I try to keep my head above water and ferry across.

  17. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    All this talk of fish has made me hungry for…..erm fish and chips and reminds me of a magical true story that happened to me as a young white guy..just making my way in the world.

    One day whilst driving home from my latest fishing trip in the pouring rain, I ended up with a flat tire outside an old monastery.
    A monk came out and invited me inside to have dinner and to spend the night whilst they fixed my damaged tire for me.

    Needless to say, I accepted and that night I had the most wonderful dinner of fish and chips I have ever eaten (see how I’m making this relevant).

    Naturally, when I had finished, I decided to go to the kitchens and compliment the chef in person.

    Entering the kitchen, I asked the cook,

    “Are you the fish friar?”

    “No,” the man replied, “I’m the chip monk.”


  18. Frisko

    Running away.


  19. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    “The site that warms the cockles of your heart…

    and thats a fish shell!”

  20. Zack’s from Hewton Hills, Zena’s from the Wachahunnie River. They’ve been getting together since 1998, when Zack first fished her out. It’s true love, folks. Zack says, “When I pulled her up, and she was hooked good and solid, I saw her looking at me with them eyes of hers, just sort of looking back at me, her mouth with the hook in it, urging me on…”
    What about kids? They’re hopeful, Zack tells us. They’ve been trying different positions. When we asked Zack about oral sex, he just stood there grinning.

    “Zena’s absolutely the best… I’ve always loved fish”

  21. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Dolphin Luther King once said…..

    “I have a bream!”

    When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every seaside, from every state and every rockpool, we will be able to speed up that day when all of Cod’s children, black men, white men, fish, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join fins and skeak like dolphins in the words of the old Nemo spiritual, “Free at last! free at last! thank Cod Almighty, we are free at last!”


  22. Spud

    I definitely think the Rev was on a roll with this one Dave… um, if I may be so bold … a fish roll 😀

  23. Jen

    He may be floundering, but he’s still got sole.

    Heh. Okay, I’m not Rev, but what the heck. 😛

  24. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    ReV’s Random Thought:

    If fish don’t actually have fingers….WTF are fish fingers made from?

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