Separated at birth?

Separated at birth?


18 responses to “Separated at birth?”

  1. junkman Avatar


    and i think we all know who their bottom buddy is.

  2. StevieC Avatar

    One of these is a big, scary monster and the other is a werewolf.

  3. chzplz Avatar

    It looks like he is trying to take a particularly prickly dump.

  4. Mandy Avatar

    underworld 3: generations

  5. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #393672 will appear here]

    I had the same initial thought. 😐

  6. julesOdeNile Avatar

    …so he drops a tard and it has an uncanny resemblance to some one he’s seen in the mirror…

  7. Meagan Avatar

    Next thing we’ll find out is that Obama’s really a genie. Now that’s a president I’d want. πŸ˜›

  8. Nicolette Avatar

    OK, He’s is just scary by himself, let alone with his long lost twin brother the wolfman!

  9. rust Avatar

    McCringe simply shaves 8 times a day… that accounts for his lumpy face. πŸ‘Ώ

  10. Mandy Fish Avatar

    I dunno. I think he looks sorta sexy.


  11. J Avatar

    Old school werewolf picture-YEA!!!!!!!

  12. chainstay Avatar

    Is that his running-mate?

  13. Bill Avatar

    Not separated at birth, his P.R. people made him clean up for the election!

  14. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Looks to me like someone has stuck the bottom buddy a tad too far up
    that boy’s ass. The other one is AnnieB’s odious Uncle Hairy. πŸ‘Ώ πŸ˜› :kiss: :wang: ❗

  15. larfus Avatar

    The bottom buddy just answered how somebody like this even wipes. :puke:

  16. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Well I guess theyÒ€ℒll just have to check the lunar cycle before planning those G8 conferences in the future.

  17. Timm Avatar

    Oh My God! How hideous, scary, horrid, how monstrous, horrible, repulsive….. and the picture on the right is slightly icky.

  18. Tam Avatar

    Larfus that pic would make an awesome icon on a dating site! πŸ˜€