Ride the Goatse 2!

Ride the Goatse 2!

Image via Queen Rosebud


23 responses to “Ride the Goatse 2!”

  1. Rufnkdnme Avatar

    This park is the shit!

  2. Meagan Avatar

    Ewww… Clifford took a huge green crap! :wtf: :puke:

  3. pablo Avatar

    After spending a whole day at the Preperation H amusement park everybody was just plain pooped out.

  4. junkman Avatar

    -red and raw balloon pooch anus?
    -pooping turquoise things most heinous?
    -time to rectumfy pup’s crater
    -lysol douche that sphinctulator

    -if the lysol can’t be found
    -colon cleanse this gaping hound
    -smear prep h on kathy gifford
    -then shove her through poor ass-blown clifford

  5. StevieC Avatar

    So now the gay guys get to climb up the rodent’s ass? :wtf:

  6. J Avatar

    Im taking my girlfriends kids to an inflatable park soon and if I see this we will be exiting stage left even

  7. Drusky Avatar

    Must be a Great Dane to pass crap that big…

    Dave, where were these pictures taken? Backdoorland? Next, you’re going to post a picture of an inflateable supermodel where everything exits from the mouth… 😈

  8. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    wtf is a goatse? :wtf:

  9. rust Avatar

    once again… goatse.cx

  10. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #357423 will appear here]

    Never ask a question if you’re not sure you want to know the answer. You can google it, but it ain’t safe for work, may curve your spine, and could lose the war for the Allies.

  11. StevieC Avatar

    Hey Dave,

    Will the next one be on the water? You know – a boatse goatse.

  12. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    [Comment ID #357441 will appear here]

    Sometimes I thank the heavens I am ignorant. Now I am just a little less ignorant and a little more damaged. 😕

    [Comment ID #357483 will appear here]

    I hope the Allies can come back for victory after me looking that up on teh interweb…

  13. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #357497 will appear here]

    Don’t say that we didn’t warn you. And the damaged are welcomed here with open …. ummm, arms.

  14. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #357506 will appear here]

    Welcomed? Hell, The inmates are RUNNING the asylum… 😈

  15. Astryd Avatar

    Now Now boys. We all know Darla runs the show here. She keeps us in check and in straps…gags?

  16. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #357803 will appear here]

    Yeah, don’t make me ride YOUR goatse. 😈 :wtf:

  17. bluebonneville Avatar

    Never mind getting your drunk ass off the merry go round, get your drunk ass outta that anusement park, what is it for, proctologists? :wtf:

  18. Maddog Avatar

    That’s just oohh sooo wrong……..

  19. pablo Avatar

    Every time I look at that picture I keep on saying the same thing, “You’ve got to be shitting me”.

  20. pablo Avatar

    [Comment ID #359255 will appear here]

    Holy Crap! All of the kids have been turned brown.

  21. Timm Avatar

    “Clifford The Big Red Dog gets hemorrhoids.”

    Worst episode ever!

  22. tinamarie Avatar

    by the by, it’s goatse.cz because goatse.cx got “closed down”.

    Damn the man! Fight the power!