Ride the Goatse!

Ride the Goatse!

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  1. Even worse – it’s from Ass-terix and Obelix.

  2. I pretty much feel like ass when I ride one of those things anyway.

  3. Russ

    Michael Jackson’s “secret” discovered during the prison strip search. :puke:

    Bend over and spread um. :wtf:

  4. Flash Gordon

    Don/t ask, don/t tell. 🙄 😛 :wang: :puke:

  5. Ronica

    And I thought my ass was huge… What a relief 😛

  6. Cobe

    a giant ass with 4 giant will-knots.

  7. bluebonneville

    Time to get your drunk ass off the merry go round …………. :wtf:

  8. Spud

    That’s some kind of funny right there…

  9. Drusky

    1) Kids who missed the real point of ‘Say no to crack.’

    2) Smugglers have gotten really creative when it comes to smuggling people past the U.S. Border Patrol…

  10. Bigwavdave

    I’m sure my Doctor would get a laugh out of that one. The last time he had his (gloved) finger up my butt, I turned around and asked him “Is that ALL you’ve got?” He told me he could wipe that smile off my face in an instant! :limp: :wtf:

  11. Russ

    The reason you are put asleep during a colonoscopy.

  12. Russ

    Look what the little shits have got into this time!

  13. And boys, that’s where the term ‘shit eating grin’ came from.


    4 guys, no cup

  14. Janet Moore

    Wow. Without your input, I would not have been able to figure out what the hell this is supposed to be. Where is this Carousel? But, really, :wtf: what is it supposed to represent?

  15. junkman

    just another table at dave’s starbucks. :java:

  16. Janet Moore

    Can we get a picture of the other side of the opening?

  17. patrick

    We deserve to see video of this ride. I wanna see those little turds come stumbling out of the clown’s ass after twelve minutes of spinning disorientation. What carney freak decided this was a good idea?

  18. [Comment ID #353984 will appear here]

    Apparently, it opens up for loading, closes for the ride (during which you spin around like a gerbil on a wheel), then at the end, from somewhere deep inside the ride, you hear Armageddon! and slide out a tube to exit.

  19. Drusky

    “What a day! These kids have been crawling up my ass all day!”

  20. These people are:

    A- Butt Buddies

    B- Preperation H testers

    C- Monkeys waiting for centrifical force to help them fly out of my ass

    D- the Charmin kids at play

  21. Janet Moore

    [Comment ID #353972 will appear here]

    Uhh, gee, thanks, Dave. You never disappoint.

    Where is this carousel located? Or is it one of those traveling carnivals-where the rides are put together with cotter pins? Do I just have to wait until it comes to my neighborhood?

  22. [Comment ID #354203 will appear here]

    Or E: All of the above. :wtf:


    What does Mike Myers have a theme park now? I thought it was “Come on, Get in my BELLY” ..not get in my ASS. eeeesh…

  24. Timm

    [Comment ID #353357 will appear here]

    I almost said to the doctor, “Was it as good for you, as it was for me?” but I chickened out.

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